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Mr.Just.His.Wife's picture

Attn Admin: My wife says a few husbands have been removed. Please note I *am* a step parent. I am not just posting here as a bio father. My wife has been on here for years apparently. Due to support envy, I made my own account.

Our latest drama involves BM. The phone bill came in yesterday and the amount due was $400.00+. Apparently my XW has been calling, collect, to talk to the kids when we are not home and the kids have been accepting the phone calls. All four kids talked to her. They are responsible for paying $100.00 each towards the bill and I put a collect call block on the house phone.

The restraining order is still in effect, she is not allowed any phone calls and I have in hand proof that she violated the order 23 times. Depending on how the court does their math that is either 23 violations of the restraining order or 23 calls x talking to the 4 kids she is restrained from = 92 violations.

This incident does have one humorous side. We live in an age of such advanced technology that today's children are unaware of how dinosaur technology works. None of the kids knew what a collect call was/meant. They thought it was the prison asking if they wanted to talk to BM. Apparently not even the automated operator telling them press one to accept the charges clued them in that this was going to cost money and would show up on the bill.


SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

So is the BM in jail? If so, why didn't you put a collect call block on your phone immediately?

Mr.Just.His.Wife's picture

My XW is in federal prison.

As for the collect call block, I am as my wife puts it a "what iffer". What if the kids are out and their phone dies and they have to call collect. What if something happens to friends/family out of state and they need to call collect. So I did not block the collect calls, which lead to the kids accepting the calls, which yes is exactly what my wife told me was going to happen.

The barn door is now closed. However the horses are so far out of the barn they are grazing in the neighbors field.
My wife is angry with me for not listening to her. Again. The kids are angry knowing they now can not talk to their mom again. The XW will be pissed two fold. First when she tries to call the next time and finds the collect call block in place and again when my attorney has her drug in front of the judge again for violating the RO.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I can see your "what if" point. Can you just block calls from that prison? Hopefully your ex will be locked away til the kids are grown.

Mr.Just.His.Wife's picture

I would, however she is incarcerated now for roughly three years. In January she goes to court to face identity fraud charges that will likely end with her serving more time. Add in the most recent violations of the court order of protection and she will likely be getting out of prison or jail just about in time to collect social security. She also has a civil suit pending from my wife's employer.

I can't get blood out of a rock. My wife has willingly supplemented finances for many legal issues knowing it was what is best for my children. I do not see the sense in throwing away money, be it hers or mine. A piece of paper saying XW is responsible to pay me back $x.00 is not going to pay for groceries, the mortgage, child expenses etc.

I also see where my kids are at fault. Two of the four of them are adults technically, they are 18 and 19 years old. All of the children know the RO is in effect. They were all told I would tell them the minute that they could talk to or see their mother, that until they heard from me that they could: it was forbidden. They chose to accept the calls, regardless if they realized the calls would cost money, they chose to accept the calls and break the RO themselves. This is a poor decision they made, with or without their mother's influence. They will get to pay for it. They all have already logged into their bank accounts this morning and transferred $100.00 each into my checking account to pay for their portion of talking to their mom.

Mr.Just.His.Wife's picture

She is currently at the mall with my credit card so that I can well and truly learn the lesson of listening to her advice.

I somehow have a feeling that my education is going to be more expensive than 24 credit hours at a private university.

Mr.Just.His.Wife's picture

It would not surprise me at all if this is the case. That the automated operator told them how much it would cost and they accepted anyway. My wife answered the first call and declined it and XW was told through attorney's when she was allowed to call to use a calling card. At that time I can remember my wife quoting an outrageous amount per minute for the phone calls, so I am presuming it was quoted.

I can see the kids also closing ranks, one stating they did not know and the others just backing that child up. I find it hard to believe it was always the same child answering the phone and that three of them truly did not know and one was lying. Most likely all were which is why all got to equally share the financial burden of their poor choice.

I can also see why the kids did it. She is their mom. No matter how crappy of a mother she is, she is it for them. They have all said they do not want to go up to the prison to see her but would talk to her on the phone and after more than a year of no contact, with the forbidden fruit dangling in front of them: Yes I can understand why. Does not make it right. Does not excuse their behavior. But I can understand it to a point.

Admin's picture

Welcome to StepTalk!

Just to be clear, many husbands, wives, stepmothers, stepfathers, cousins, etc have been removed from this site.....but it wasn't because of their marital or relationship status. It was because they violated the terms of use for this site in some way. Period.

Being a stepparent is *NOT*, never has been nor ever will be a requirement to be a participating member of this site. Even if we wanted it that way, there's just no way to enforce that kind of requirement so we're never going to try.

Lalena75's picture

Welcome, and as I've followed your wife's saga I seriously get where she's coming from being pissed, and you ought to be too at your xw who knew what she was doing was wrong and the kids too even though they didn't understand (they say) that there would be a cost to those calls they have known for sometime how the RO works.
You need to sit and realize the enormity of your ex's stupidity/and want for drama, control, attention. Look at the level she took things that ended her ass in jail, and prison. She is capable of every what-if. I'd send the kiddos back to community service, hit BM with breaking the order and listen to your wife (dtzy is hammer to head of nail right)Yes we (men and women) don't always want to admit the advice/opinion of our SO is better, but man sometimes it just is.

kathc's picture

If there's an RO, and she's called that many times, I imagine the prison may consider revoking her phone privileges. They do record all calls so they could pull up the records to learn that, yes, she was talking to the very children for which there is an RO in place.