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Parent teacher conference

Bradymom's picture

If you have STUDENT LEAD conferences does the bio parent let the child attend the conferences with you or vise versa, do you allow them to????

I allow, if asked, I don't arrange if not asked tho.
As for them... They do NOT. NO way, No how. That's too bad that it's during a time I don't have them.


Bradymom's picture

Do you not have student lead conferences? From middle school on, that's all they do here.

And yeah our situation is extremely contentious. It's ridiculous. So are the attorney bills. Bleh. It sucks!

Bradymom's picture


PeanutandSons's picture

I HATE stucent led conferences. Stupidest thing ive ever heard of.

My sd's teacher in third grade did this every semester and it was a total and complete waste of time. As if she was going to tell me all about her behavior problems and areas she was struggling in. It was twenty minutes of her showing me drawings and pointing to things on the walls.

And the teacher somehow thought that was acceptable in place of an actual conference. It was total horseshit.

Bradymom's picture

I think they started this idea of student lead conferences to hold children accountable but I do feel the teachers water it down & parents walk away with no real clue as to how things are.

PeanutandSons's picture

Our teacher had nothing to do with the conference, it was all sd.

Teacher sat at her desk while 5 student conferences went on at once. Parent sat at the kids desk and the kid showed them what they wanted.