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Well, I did it!

AboutToDrown's picture

I left my DH.

I told him how I felt, we broke up, he started being an a hole and "broke up with me himself" (lol), then tried to play mind games to pull me back in and I rejected it all politely. When I went to go have our last talk the day before leaving for my home state, he started a huge thing, saying horrible things, and then when I got fed up and was just over it(said not to flatter himself that I had already told him I fell out of love with him when he said that mean crap in NY other blog. Anyway cue the next flip flop where he pleads and tries to play on my emotions. Nope. Didn't work. He's so mad I don't give a F about any of this/his mind game attempts that he's been doing vindictive shit all week. But yeah, I'm on my way out of town and O GLAD TO BE FREE.


AboutToDrown's picture

Thanks guys, ST really helped. Your words echoed in my mind that whole Skid weekend and O finally did it. I'll never look back on that guy.

AlreadyGone's picture

Best wishes on your new journey. You did the right thing and I'm betting that the right guy will come along.... just when you least expect it. Wink

AboutToDrown's picture

Thank you all, I will truly miss SS and his sweet smile, but I'm even more glad to be rid of my ex and his bullshit. I wish you all the best <3