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DH lets slip an interesting tidbit

Elizabeth's picture

I discovered DH posted something on Facebook that I personally disagree with and wouldn't want my family to see. So I asked him about it. Never asked him to delete it or his feelings, just explained my point of view and asked for his. It was actually a very interesting discussion. In the end we agreed each was entitled to his own feelings.

Well, I mentioned that I wouldn't want our BDs to see what he posted and feel he condoned a certain activity that I do not. So he asked how our BDs would ever see his Facebook page. I said, when they're bigger they will want to friend you. He was like, "Well, SD20 asked to friend me and I told her no."

I was surprised by this. How many of you have your children as friends on your Facebook pages? I personally do not post anything I would not want my kids to see, and that seems like a good way for me to keep tabs on what they are doing online. DH "LOVES" SD20 so much, why would he NOT want her on his Facebook?


stormabruin's picture

I don't post anything on my FB that I wouldn't want to get back to anyone else. Even if they don't see it on FB, someone will. They'll talk to someone who will talk to someone & before you know it, it's landed exactly where you didn't want it to.

I think people share too much via social media. Just because you can doesn't mean you should, & just because so-&-so can't access it there doesn't mean it won't get back to them.

PeanutandSons's picture

My kids are 4 and 1 so I doubt faceboom will even be a thing when they are old enough to use it. But I would not be friends with my skids (ages 10.5 and 12).....not because I lost anything about them or anything approlriate, butcause I dont want to see whatever drivel they decide to post.

PeanutandSons's picture

My kids are 4 and 1 so I doubt faceboom will even be a thing when they are old enough to use it. But I would not be friends with my skids (ages 10.5 and 12).....not because I lost anything about them or anything approlriate, butcause I dont want to see whatever drivel they decide to post.

Patsy's picture

I agree it does not matter who you block FB is so big that if a person really wants to know what is on someones page they will. I was blocked by BM and that did not keep me from finding some pictures of minors being served alcohol in BM's home. I am so over FB! It helped me find some dirt that I may need, but really I just hate it.

BSgoinon's picture

We don't Facebook... but we do Instagram and my BD12 has an account of her own. There are plenty of things I WANT to post and DON'T because my daughter will see it. That's when I just group text it to my best girl friends and laugh it out with them. Some things just don't need to be blasted in to cyber space for the whole world to see.

luchay's picture

I have my dd's stb24 and 21 on fb, I have my 21yo nephew, I don't have my just turned 17yo nephew.... I added my dd's when they got over 18 - I had access to their pages before that but we weren't "FB friends" lol because *I* valued MY privacy on there, if I swear or post something a bit cheeky - I want to be free to do so.

I also have my mother, my father (he passed away last Nov.) and my great aunt and uncle.

SO has the skids.... sd is 13 and posts the usual teenage look at me I'm cool drivel. SS is 10. I reported his account but it is still there. I am SO not ok with a 10yo having FB. But OH says he has no control over what BM lets him do...
not my kid, not my problem.

Only I have posted pics and statuses that involve my OH and SD feels the need to comment on them, sometimes inappropriately. NOT ok with that either which I told him in no uncertain terms.

Willow2010's picture

My kid are the only reason I have a facebook page. I don't post anything. I just stalk them. lol