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Question about Dh switching jobs & Child support

msg1986's picture

So DH has been trying to get a job with the state for the past year and we think he's finally got it in the bag... The only downfall is that although the pay increases are guaranteed yearly Dh is probably going to have to take like 3 dollar a pay cut coming from the private sector. My question is, do you know if child support takes this into consideration? I've heard from various sources that the courts don't like when you ask to decrease child support and it wouldn't be a big deal it was like .50 or something but 3 dollars is a lot... especially when DH is only making 15 an hour to begin with.

Also, Dh requested that the child support agency garnish his wages when everything was established so that he wouldn't even see the money taken out also he didn't want to chance ever missing a payment so being that he's going to switch is it common to just pay the child support agency directly until he can get the garnishment set up again? I definately don't want him to fall behind and have to deal with arrears, esp with tax time steadily approaching. Dh is going to call the child support agency once the state formally offers him the position but I was just curious if anyone has dealt with this before. Thanks in advance for any advice! Smile


lillfiredog's picture

Here in Ontario, there are guidelines. So the amount is based on what the person paying CS makes. I would get on it immediately to make the changes, you should not be overpaying! Good luck!

msg1986's picture

Hmm I can definately see what you mean. I think we'll ask for the review and see what happens. In our area it is definately a better job however they just start you as paid lower when you're coming from the private sector and then you advance. I guess we'll just have to see what happens. Thank you Smile

Kiwiflowers6's picture

Here in Illinois, The state can take as much as 33% of your income for Childsupport. I would suggest talking with your local agency to get the Garnishments set up asap so he doesn't fall behind. Also, if he does happen to fall behind with the switch, they can take an extra $10-$15 each time to catch him up on payments in addition to the current amount owed. Or you can pay directly to the State till the garnishment is in effect. Good Luck! Hope this helps.

msg1986's picture

Thanks for the info! I'm definately have Dh and find out what he needs to do before hand so that he doesn't fall behind, that's the last thing I even want to deal with... IT's frustrating that this is something we even have to think about but whatever.. yikes... sorry haha. I think if anything we're probably going to end up paying direct to the state until the garnishment goes into effect. Again, thank you thank you Smile

msg1986's picture

Oh that's something I hadn't even though of as far as contacting the HR dept to try to set it up right away.

I'm thinking they have to review it.. it's not like he's switch careers to purposely try to weasel out of giving Bm child support. This is a great opportunity for him and it would be stupid for him to turn it down. HOPEFULLY they can keep him at his current pay because he has like 8 years experience in his field so we're hoping the best but expecting the worst. Thanks for all your insight, it definately helps a ton.

Justme54's picture

I know some people like going thru an agency...but I think they all charge a fee. I think here in is 5%. Say CS is $300 month, that is $15 month times 12. That is a total of $180 a year times numbers of years left on child support.

thinkthrice's picture

In massively pro-golden uterus NYS:

1. CS goes to 21 mandatory and beyond
2. CS is a percentage of the NCP's income depending on the number of kids
3. Time spent or 50/50 is not considered
4. Income is IMPUTED so if you voluntarily decrease your pay, a downward mod is NOT granted
5. Income is IMPUTED even if you INvoluntarily lose wages
6. There is no self-support reserve; IOW if CS impoverishes you so you can't live on your own, tough noogies.

In my case Guilty Daddy has three kids and he is automatically assigned "NCP" status because he has a Y chromosome. He pays 29% of his GROSS salary plus add ons such as daycare etc. (that she hasn't used in over six years) In NYS you don't DARE go for a downward mod because they'll find some way to jack it up. Guilty Daddy made 33K last year and pays $1,000 a month out of his net pay to the BM.

TASHA1983's picture

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

I would go apeshit over that bs!
My dh grosses more than that and pays slightly less (920.00 a month) and that CS amount was based off of him making more than what he is now making, we want to try and get it decreased this coming year but since skid hasn't disgraced us with his presence since April we are leary that DH might not get a lowerage because of that fact.

UGH...I can't wait for these brats to grow the fuck up so we can stop paying for them...then they can take their gold diggin' BMs and go ROT!!!! UGH!

thinkthrice's picture

Trust me, that's the way it is in NYS. Other states in the U.S. can't believe how high CS is here and how long it goes on for. Basically, Guilty Daddy is poverty stricken for 21 years if not more.

The BM makes over 10K more than Guilty Daddy is is remarried to a "six figure" (well just shy of) guy. All three skids have ZERO social skills, are BFF with the BM (inappropriate FB posts), are UBER failing in school but play all the sports due to the BM being practically the MAYOR of that town. Did I also mention that the BM WORKS for CPS?

In NYS A LOT of women actually SUPPORT FINANCIALLY their men because the CS is so high as to impoverish many middle to low/middle class men.

You would also think that Guilty Daddy would be kissing my behind for putting up with this. . . (NOT)

TASHA1983's picture


You seriously have my deepest sympathy. Sad

That is awful!

I love my man very much but to pretty much have no choice but to financially support him, myself and my child while some lazy, gold digging whore and brat kid live it up...NOT ON MY WATCH! I'm bitter and resentful enough as it is with the 920.00 a month he already is stuck paying which we heard BM pretty much spends on herself...I couldn't deal with that shit.