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O/T To todays generation : Reader beware high volume of curse words

TickedOff's picture

Walking out of work two young boys where on the bench talking. While closing up for the night I hear part of their conversation where one guys says to the other " Man she was just suppose to be my bang bang girl and now she my baby mama". Driving home just thinking and man I just need to rant.

First off young girls stop acting like you are in love with every little snot nosed dumbass boy. Girls 11- 15 having sex and making babies like their dolls and not humans. Dressing like street whores and acting so damn selfish self centered. Posting hundreds of pictures of your cleavage online and another hundred "selfies". When did it become a hilarious joke to call someone a virgin? Seriously. And young guys just because a girl is pretty does not mean she is the one. You over look her sailor mouth, her ten thousand piercings, her self centered self serving attitude and all you see is a pretty face. Stop getting with these girls and trying so hard to impress them. If you have to change for the worst to get someone to like your their not the one. Grow the fuck up seriously. If this is the future of the country entitled dumbasses I'm scared for the future. Girls its getting cold outside so put your damn clothes on please if you could really see inside of these young guys minds and see what they really think about you I bet you would cover up. Two those two guys outside my office. You my dears are cream of the crop. A girl is not a fucking thing with two legs that you bang she's a fucking person. How dare you talk about a woman that way. You make me fucking sick. This whole damn generation makes me fucking sick. Those of you actually acting like young men and women I give you high fives its probably very hard to rise above in a world of sinking I.Qs. And to the parents of these kids get your heads out of your damn asses. That is all.

I'm so freaking tired about to pass out but had to get it out. I'm not trying to be judy or preach JMO and observations.


Lalena75's picture

I give thanks all the time I raised a smart responsible DD almost 18 and never a pregnancy scare, how ridiculous is it that I even have to think that way? I have several friends my age who just became grandmothers the last year or two, and their kids are younger than mine! I've raised my kids smarts come first, respect for yourself comes first sex, the opposites sex will never make yu happy unless you are already happy WITH yourself all alone.