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OT/Has anyone ever bought kids/skids a Furby?

HappyCow's picture

Thinking about getting DD soon to be 6 one for her birthday. I just want to make sure this thing isn't going to creep me out.

When my step sister was 5 my parents bought her a talking Barney and that thing would suddenly start talking in the middle of the night asking us to sing songs with him. If I was spending the night or babysitting I would put it in the garage.


lil_lady's picture

We got one for SD6 problem is unless you have a smart phone with the app you cant teach them English. The kids get really bored with them REALLY fast. I think she played with it for one day she does like however when we hand over BF's Ipod or one of our phones.

HappyCow's picture

This is what I am afraid of things talking when no one is around. I guess I have watched too many horror movies with talking inanimate objects. As long as one isn't too bad and I guess I will stay far away from the rocker Furby.

HappyCow's picture

They are interactive toys that learn english and you can shape thier personalities by how you treat it. They look like big colorful eggs with eyes and ears.

Lalena75's picture

I had one of the originals years ago, sat it by the tv and it learned some hilarious stuff. My kids had the second gen they creeped me out but were also cool. Kinda miss the little buggers having non- sensical convos on their own.

lil_lady's picture

OMG!! I am so excited to mine next to the tv BF always makes fun of me for having one and never using it...

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I guess it depends on what usually freaks you out.

My sister had one when. we were little--we liked it up until one day it spazzed the hell out (I think it short circuited) and wouldn't be quiet even when we turned it off. Shit got real when it continued after we took out the batteries. Imagine two little girls crying when nothing worked trying to silence a demonic furby. We beat it over the head a couple of times but that just scared us even more because for some reason we thought it would exact revenge.

Finally we stuffed it in the very bottom of our the toy chest in the basement. If you ask my sister, she'll tell you to this day she remembers the muffled mumblings of the thing as we ran upstairs back to our room.

There's a blog out there dedicated to all the freaky things people have experienced with furbies. I'll post it when I find it. Many are hilarious.

luchay's picture

LMAO - I am SO glad I found this blog!

ddstb8 wants one for her birthday next month - didn't really know what the deal was with them either - I am SO getting her one now - maybe another for Christmas so they can chat!

MamaDuck's picture

Aww now I want a Furby lol.. **imagining teaching it evil things then sending it to BM's house with SD in hopes it wakes BM in the middle of the night with my evil messages mwhahaha** }:)