What should be the punishment for this?
It looked like SD had a junk food party on my kitchen table. I told SD to clean it up. 30 minutes later she still didn't clean her mess. I told her again that mess is not going to clean itself and I don't want anymore ants. She got up and walked over to me and screamed right in my face " SHUT THE F UUUUUUUP"! I told her to go to her room until her father gets home.
- porcelian-doll's blog
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Her father should decide on
Her father should decide on that, and you should disengage.
I'd have probably kicked her
I'd have probably kicked her ass out the door and made her wait outside until her father got home.
And would have seriously thought twice about beating the shit out of her.
Your job now is to humiliate and verbally abuse her so that she never wants to cross you again. Verbal abuse can be much worse than any physical. She has been verbally abusing you so it is time to up the ante. She is not a small child.
If her father lets this go without SERIOUS consequences you have an even bigger problem. Seriously you have a totally out of control fucking asshole in your home and you are about to bring a helpless baby into it. I would not let her even meet this baby. How are you going to feel when she screams like this a verbally abuses your child as she grows up.
DO NOT LET HER AROUND THE BABY EVER - even with chaperones. Especially if that chaperone is your DH who seems to be totally lacking in balls to deal with her.
You know when someone treats you like she does you do not have to be nice to them. Meet fire with fire. No she is not yet an adult but she's damn close to it. She's too old to get away with stuff because she is "just a child". She could be charged as an adult if she committed an egregious crime - and I'm convinced that she is capable of doing so.
You can throw out any idea that you must treat her and your child the same. Because you do not. You are going to love your child and bring your child up to be a responsible adult. This kid is already on the path to be a worthless POS.
Does she live with you? If so I would do anything to change that as you do not want her ever around your baby. Call the cops on her every time she threatens you or your child. She belongs in juvi or locked up somewhere.
Why are you alone at home
Why are you alone at home with SD? IMHO if that is how she acts SD is not in your home unless your DH is home. You are not a punching bag for his bratty daughter. If it is not possible to utilize daycare if SD is to old. Completely disengage and leave everything for when DH comes home. You may be trying to parent too soon in which case SD should not be speaking to you and you should not have to take care of her. Maybe SD could have her own space and you as well. Hate to see SD go back to a BM that is clearly doing a fine job of raising the disappointment of the century.
I suppose shipping her off to
I suppose shipping her off to boarding school would be too harsh
Leave her alone until Dad gets home. Being pregnant you don't need to chance the brat really going off on her. I'm not sure what to suggest as to the punishment, but Dad had better come up with a good one...one that has impact on her that will faze her. Not just the generic 'no tv' or computer for x time meaningless hand taps.
Prior to DH talking to her this evening, discuss with DH what you think is appropriate. DH isn't the one home with SD everyday, you are. Don't allow him to blow this off or he'll have to make other arrangements for where she spends her day...he can't just leave a defiant punk in your hands if this doesn't change immediately.
She should NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER be in your home if your DH is not present.
On that note now that I know
On that note now that I know the age is older if she snaps at you like that tell her to get out of your house until DH gets home. She does not have a room you do.
She gets grounded from everything positive for a month and her door gets taken off. If she cant act like an adult she doesn't get to be one. If she cant respect you she can get out of your house until DH gets home. If she wont get out of your home call the cops and charge her with harassment...
Im sorry you have to deal with this (hugs).
Honestly, I'd rip out every
Honestly, I'd rip out every power cord to any electronics in the house that she has access to. I'd wait till she went to the bathroom and take her phone, her laptop, whatever, I'd remove any junk food from the house, just leave vegetables. Maybe it's time everyone in the house started reading a book.
You can tell I'm pretty mad for you. I would definitely not wait until DH got home. This crosses all boundaries and that bitch SD would be mine. Screw DH. DH could gripe me out all he wanted.
Normally I would say of course, defer to DH, but this is not one of those times. You've got to let her know who's boss, and it sure is not DH.
But really she needs to be out of the house, because she could get physical if you make her angry.
She is going to go after your
She is going to go after your baby at some point. Do not trust her She is a future criminal and abuser, the type that pulls the wings off flies. This is not just about you, you've got to protect your own child who will be helpless.
SD should never ever be alone with you in the house. DH needs to find somewhere she can stay until he is home. It's only a matter of time before she gets physical. She's just a huge bully.
Honestly I'd be taking the baby, the family credit card and moving into a hotel or staying at a friends house until that cretin is out of my house. And if DH allows this without consequences then he is worse than SD. Is first priority should be to protect your interests, your emotional well being, and your physical safety, as well as the baby's. If he fails to prioritize your safety, then he is just as much a part of the abuse as his SD.
Sorry you have to deal with this.
I would have smacked her into
I would have smacked her into next week. Teens DO NOT get to yell that without swift consequences. It would have been automatic. Sorry BM's.
She can't smack the kid. She
She can't smack the kid. She does and she will be about in as much of a mess legal wise as another poster was blogging about a couple days ago. This isn't her child and brat is a minor. OP is also pregnant. Not a good idea to overly confront SD. SD is a unpredictable little fool. OP should not risk her pregnancy by having a show down with girl or trying to drag SD out the front door until Dh arrives.
OP IMO did well. She kept her cool and sent SD to room. Luckily Sd actually went to room with a fight. I know you all posting are angry for OP (as am I), but I think OP is doing this the right way...waiting for DH. Risking her baby in a confrontation with SD is not worth the instant gratification of knocking the little b*tch on her ass.
DH just got home guys. He
DH just got home guys. He told me to go into my bedroom and rest and he will handle things. He charged into SD14's room and slammed the door behind him I heard him say " take out the headphones now and hand it over". I can hear him yelling. I'm praying he dishes the punishment out and makes it a good one.
Let us know how it goes I
Let us know how it goes I hope her life is a living hell for your sake.
Oh my! I agree about her
Oh my!
I agree about her not being there unless her dad is there and for you to definitely disengage and keep SD away from the baby when that day comes. I know its rude to ask but I do hope you update us on this one, (((HUGS))) and hang in there.
I seriously may have smacked
I seriously may have smacked her in the face and been prepared for the consequences. You needed to put her out of the house at that moment. Right now, I would make sure her life is miserable. No tv, no computer, no phone....Seriously, you need to make sure she has sever consequences for that level of disrespect.
Tell Daddeeee that if he
Tell Daddeeee that if he doesnt level the hammer in this right now that he can take his DD and himself and find a new place to live because if I am not mistaken you are not carrying DH baby are you not?
Yeah, men dont treat women carrying their baby like this nor do they allow other people to do so.
Personally I would have probably had the bitch by the back of her hair, regardless of who she belonged too.