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Seriously this is my life....

crystalclear's picture

It just seems to me ever since I got married my life is in the crapper. No great job like I hoped for. No great house like I hoped for.I got a husband who ignores me and has emo issues. got a SS who sometimes likes me. Have my bio kids who love me but act out. This isn't what I signed up for. Moved away from my family and friends seems they forget I exsist unless they need somthing. Anytime somthing goes even close to good for me it dosent pan out. I cant even go for a walk because its just not safe to do so. Now I dont even have a car to drive. Also I have have been up all night thinking about this I cant even say it will be better in the morning has I haven't even been to bed and its too late to do so now. end of VENT I will now put my big girl panties. LOL


crystalclear's picture

i try to have a possitive outlook but sometimes it just weighs on me and stupid thing like my tablet breaking last night just set me off. having a bi polor husband is such a strain on my usually sunny self Smile