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DH said I need to be friends with BM

stepmom31's picture


Really, DH?

We just drop the kids back, and were talking about kids going to college, and I said that college is a lot of reading and work, and he drew the conclusion that SD probably isn't going to college. I offered to help SD with her reading and he said it was a good idea. But then, the conversation went to how torn the skids are and how hard it is for them, because their mother feels threatened by me. That DH and the skids are the ones who get hurt because they are in the middle, and that what will help the skids MOST is if I was friends with BM.

Now, if she were some kind of rational, cooperative person, I could have a civil working relationship with her, but she isn't. She has outrightly stated that she has no respect for me and that she feels I OWE her something, and that she yeilds to noone. She talks about having respect for DH but her actions speak louder than her words.

And she's just a sad person, who can't keep a man, because she doesn't know how a real relationship works, she's just an adult entitled brat.

I cannot be friends with her. I can be civil, and that's about it. And I'm not going to suck up to her and pretend play friends. That's just not how I work.

Now I feel very sorry for the kids, but really DH, does their future success in life really lie in MY HANDS?


Aeron's picture

Eh, no DH. What will help the skids most is their mother stepping off the crazy train. Oh, and their Father stepping off the crazy victim train. It's sooo hard for him because BM feels threatened? I can fix that. I won't have anything to do with the kids. It can all be you DH, since you're the one she respects and isn't threatened by.

Seriously, do they Think before they open their mouths?? What would have helped most was for DH to have picked a better mother for his kids, but the ship has sailed on that one. Kind of like her statements about you and her nutty means the ship has sailed on the two of you being friends.

bi's picture

um, bullshit. YOU are the one caught in the middle. in the middle of bm's crazy and dh's fear of her and her crazy. you don't "need" to do anything. it isn't up to you to make sure his kids are happy, well adjusted and successful. that responsibility lies solely with him and bm. what a dumb ass.

Onefootout's picture

Yes, that's exactly what OP's DH really means. And that's what my SO really meant when he wanted me to bond with SS. He really just wanted me to kiss SS' ass no matter how much SS ignored me. That wasn't going to happen.

Really, OP's DH is a piece of work.

twopines's picture

Amazing how that happens. Just think, if you hadn't married your DH, you'd be living another life completely unaware that the fate of all those people depended on you! LOL!