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Is bm starting to react?

msg1986's picture

So bm has started texting dh pictures of ss5 when he was a newborn. Dh and bm do not usually text pics of ss to each other. This is also after bm finding out that we got married and Suddenly announcing her engagement to her new boyfriend of a couple months. Maybe this is bm's way of acting out?? Have any of you seen this behavior? By the way text with pics happen when ss is with us so I know it's not him maybe seeing pics of himself as a baby and wanting to send them to his daddy. I'm glad she hasn't been cray like some of the pieces of work I've read about on here that wig when their ex has a baby with their spouse but still, it's a little odd to me as she's never done this before.

Edit: I forgot to mention I'm also about 19 weeks pregnant.


msg1986's picture

omg, I have a feeling BM will try that whole "you need to care about your first kid" later on when we get closer to having the baby.

Cadence's picture

This is her acting up. It's a way of reminding your husband that even though he's got a new wife, they shared something special together that he doesn't have with you. She's shoring up her self-esteem and marking her territory.

msg1986's picture

Yep my thoughts exactly that this is her way of trying to send him a mssg. It's stupid. I jokingly told Dh that he should text her back saying " i have baby pics of Ss, thank though" lol. He wouldn't dare of course because we don't want the drama but it would be funny.

msg1986's picture

Stupid right!? It's like omg holy bm we cannot forget the 2nd coming of christ that you birthed.

Ooh yeah this is bm, she doesn't want Dh but she also doesn't want him happy, esp because he's doing good now.

bi's picture

ha. my first thought when i read your first sentence was "are you pregnant?" she's just trying to make sure dh doesn't forget that SHE had his baby, too. she's jealous. she's no longer number one in his life and she is hoping to make him yearn for the days of being with her. funny how they forget that the divorce/split happened for a reason.

msg1986's picture

LOL! I know, this stupid pregnant brain, I re-read my post and was like "umm maybe I should have remembered to put that I'm pregnant!" so i edited. lol. I def am on board with thinking this is jealousy too. I think it kills that he doesn't do everything she asks now.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

Dh and I were married in early 2009. Bm found out about a week later. She called and screamed constantly while we were on our honeymoon until we (quickly) turned the phone off. She then sent strings of nasty emails. By mid 2009 she had a serious boyfriend and was actually getting ss every other weekend. By the end of 2009 she was engaged with a ring. By mid 2010 they had set a date. By the end of 2010 she had broken up with fiancé, begun sleeping with some one else, moved, and disappeared. There was no contact and She didn't see ss for 10 months. She has now moved 3 hours away with another guy and is back to seeing ss every few months. So yes, I've seen the behavior.

loveblinded1's picture

She's sending newborn pictures of THEIR baby because its legally more acceptable than lifting her skirt and pissing on his legs to mark her territory.

It took Mildred forever to pay off the fines for doing that....