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The kids and food

theoutsider's picture

I've posted about the kids making comments about my ffood before but last night I made VERY KID FRIENDLY pizza wraps. Pepperoni, cheese, and pizza sauce rolled into a tortilla.

The kids looked at them coming out of the oven
"I don't like that"

Took a bite and spit it out on the plate and asked for strawberries out of the fridge.

Called the wraps a 3 out of 5

I kept my cool til the end of the meal

"you might as well throw the rest away."

I lost it. I look straight at FDH and told him if this continues I will not be cooking anymore. That's it. my time. My energy. My money. My feelings.

Thats it. and that I didn't care if he went back to taking his kids to his mom's every night our out to eat every night.

If this ever happened again, where he let them say these things to me I would be done.

Afterwards he said he talked to the kids and they agreed to stop.

But we will see.


Tuff Noogies's picture

echo that reminds me of my granmother!

mom hated hated hated oatmeal. whenever she fed it to mom, she'd pick around it for a while and eat a bite or two.

time for school- oatmeal would go in the fridge.

home from school and want a snack? here's your oatmeal.

time for dinner - here's your oatmeal.

breakfast the next day - your oatmeal.

until the whole damn bowl was gone. }:)

eventually mom learned to eat what was served to her out of manners and respect!!! (of course with the exceptions of foods that made her sick - but if it was edible and she just didnt prefer it - no deal.)

Tuff Noogies's picture

ETA that's where my 'name' actually came from - my grandmother would say "you dont 'want' it? tuff noogies. eat it."

VioletsareBlue's picture

This is how we do things for the most part. DH will let them go fix a PB&J if they REALLY dislike what we cook. But I don't cook what they don't like, most of the time.

It hasn't been an issue for quite a long time.

Drac0's picture

QUOTE: >Called the wraps a 3 out of 5<

Who the f*ck do these little sh*ts think they are? Chef Ramsay?

This post made me want to slap my own kids upside the head!

Pizza wraps rolled into a tortilla sounds awesome BTW. I would like to try that!

purpledaisies's picture

This is what I do. If they say they don't like it they get a. Peanut butter sandwich and not the good peanut butter either. That is all. Trust me they will get tired of that real quick. Plus it will tell you want they really don't like after a while. It worked on my skids.

realitycheckmom's picture

Oh Echo, if DD doesn't grow out of this food BS I may need you to talk to her and tell her this. Smile She thinks I am a bad mommy because I keep telling her she can eat it or go without until the next meal. I am so glad others do the same, I was getting worried I was going to get turned in for abuse.

VioletsareBlue's picture

I don't agree with it but its not an argument I wanted to continue to have with DH.
Actually, after a year of that crap, he's gotten to be more of a hardass.

realitycheckmom's picture

I am going through this drama with DD4 this past week. It is getting ridiculous. She is even refusing her favorite foods. She says she wants x or y or z and then eats one bite and says she is full. Then she comes back later wanting sweets. UGH!!!!!

My mom said it may be the heat but it is not that hot although one of the dogs has gone off his food too. (Unless I toss him DD's leftovers, then his appetite is fine).

I hope it is a phase that will leave soon!

Tuff Noogies's picture

what in gods name is it with kids and food now? sheesh.

i disengaged long ago from the whole food battle with the skids. but it used to thoroughly chap my ass!!!

it still grates my nerves (only on the inside!) when i hear "nah i dont want that." or they wrinkle their nose at something they've eaten a hundred times before.

growing up, if i truly hated a food, to eat it would make me puke. that's when i'd go make myself something else, or pick around what i couldnt eat. if someone's spent the time, effort, and money to cook you a meal that is edible, u freaking EAT IT. just because you'd prefer something else at that moment, does not mean that what was served to you is now trash. if daddy's cooked a damn tenderloin, but you're in the mood for mcdonalds, i'd say u eat the damn tenderloin. *sigh* but DH always caves...

that's why i totally let him handle anything and everything that has to do with food when they're here. i was raised a completely different way. u try everything that is served to you. if you really cannot eat it, fine. if it's just 'meh' and not really your preference, you STILL eat it cuz someone went out of their way for you.

*off soapbox* }:)

PeanutandSons's picture

My son doesn't have to clean his plate, but he does have to eat the majority. If there's one thing he doesn't like he needs to at least eat two bites before he can politely opt out.

If he doesn't want to eat that's fine. His plate gets put in the microwave (to keep the cats and bugs off his food) and he can retrieve it when he's hungry. He gets no snacks until he eats his meal.

theoutsider's picture

12, 10, 8 and believe me I told FDH the most upsetting thing was that he did nothing

Tuff Noogies's picture

yeah, WTH is with that? "i'll talk to 'em."

my DH says this. i just shrug.

all "talking to them" teaches them is that they can do whatever the hell they want, and maybe, just maybe, all they'll have to put up with is : ignoring DH for his 5 minute spiel, and saying "yeah ok" at the end of it. wow, such a consequence...

just.his.wife's picture

One of the few parental codes that DH and I both had upon getting together.

There is one rule for dinner:

"Eat it or F*cking Starve"

No substituting.
No snacking.
Next food/meal is breakfast.

Also applies to adults. I hate lima beans, DH loves them. When they are served, I eat them. (Safe bet the fact they are served means he cooked. Choking down a serving of lima beans is small payment for not having to cook myself).

DH hates spinich. It is my utter favorite veggie. He manages to choke it down too.

purpledaisies's picture

I only said the pb sandwich b/c it was a compromise with me and dh. But I put rules on it no jelly Ans they had to have water with it and they had to make it themselves.

I will tell you it only took a few weeks of that before they started earring what I made and if they truly didn't like it they would just go make a pb sandwich which wasn't as often as I figured it would be.

Lalena75's picture

I go by the same standards as my dad, I cook it you eat it. You sit till you do that's what's for breakfast lunch and dinner if you don't. We know what the kids don't like and we don't force them to eat what they truly don't like. Example my ds has tried tuna, a variety of ways he hates it. If we have a tuna dish we supplement something else for him. But bullshit just asshole I just want anything but this/ you cooked nah you can eat or starve.

Willow2010's picture

I have never understood the food wars that some people put on their kids. I understand not liking food and then someone trying to force you to eat it. If anyone did not like what I cooked, they were more than welcome to make a sandwich. And ONLY a sandwich. (Hell...there were a few times, I cooked something that I did not like. lol) They would not been allowed to eat the strawberries!

BUUUUT...This sounds like the skids are just being little jerks to YOU.

I would tell DH that the next time the skids get all dramatic again about the food, he gets to cook for the next month. NO GOING OUT TO EAT OR TO HIS MAMAS!

stormabruin's picture

This is how we grew up. My mom prepared a meal for us. If we chose not to eat what she fixed, we knew where the PB & J was.

We were never made to clean our plates, but skipping dinner wasn't reason for us to get anything to later. My mom always said, "now or never". If we chose not to eat when it was time to eat we didn't get anything until the next meal was served.

Willow2010's picture

^^^^ Us too. We also HAD to taste whatever was cooked. We could not just look and then go make a sandwich.

stormabruin's picture

I learned to like peas at 37. LOL!

I still don't do mushrooms, seafood, or squash. Maybe my taste buds haven't grown up all the way yet. Smile

stormabruin's picture

Evidently it was a pivotal event in my life. Hahaha!

The downfall with my ex-MIL was the night she fixed stuffed squash for dinner & I didn't eat mine.

theoutsider's picture

BM apparently forces them to eat whatever she serves them. Even after they repeatedly say they don't like them...

I don't know if this is a backlash from when they are at BM but she forces them to eat brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, snap peas, boc choy,....

These kids like vegetables, just not those and she forces it.
Also one girl doesn't like bbq sauce, and BM pours it on her grilled food insisting not only that they eat her food, but they eat it her way....

I've tried making a list of food and asking them all likes and dislikes,...

They still do this with PIZZA WRAPS! MY GOD!

myspoonistoobig's picture

Sounds like they just proved to you that they are the assholes, not BM in this particular case.

So f*** 'em.

Starla's picture

What DH and I have done when Skid would play that card, thanked them for volunteering to cook the next meal including doing the dishes. Wasn't an issue here long after that and we made them make a meal that would dirty up more dishes.

In the long run they have opened up to more foods and are happy when food is placed in front of them. Smile

Shaman29's picture

STOP cooking for them. He's your FDH, he can prepare their meals for them and clean up after them.

DHs kid pulled this crap with me as well. Sucked the joy out of something I used to love very much, cooking. She used to make the same sounds a cat makes when it's getting ready to hurl, at the dinner table.

It got so bad that I finally told DH....I'm done. From now on I will not eat with your brat. You can cook her crappy, boxed food and feed her that poison before I get home from work. Her ass better be in her room by the time I get home, I do not want to see her bratty face until after I am done eating. I will NOT let her ruin another meal for me. I will cook our meal and we can eat together. Or you can eat with your brat, I seriously don't give a s**t any longer.

He got home about 1.5 hours before me, he would cook some crappy food for his kid, feed her, clean up and watch the news. I would come home, cook dinner, he and I would eat and then he'd clean up (or vice versa where he'd cook and I'd clean up). If his kid stepped into the dining room, I'd tell her to leave. She would claim to be hungry, I'd tell her too bad. He would try and step in and I reminded him that I no longer will share meals with his child. End.Of.Story.

It caused a lot of fights but I stopped caring about how he felt about things. He never once asked me how I felt about his child living with us, so he can reap the rewards of making bad assumptions.