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Imgoingtoscream's picture

It just hit me on my way to work this morning that last night could've been the last time BM sees her kids for a while. She of course dropped the kids off in her rapist husband's truck. The husband that she claims she doesn't have and has no contact with. I know he hasn't been convicted but he has confessed to sleeping with a child forced or not, in my eyes that's rape. We have the kids for the next two weeks but BM's DH's court date is Tuesday and we could find out they are staying for good.

We were supposed to get the kids tonight at our usual time. I wondered why we were getting them early. Apparently BM told SD that she wasn't going to her softball tournament because they didn't have the money to drive 45 mins away from where they live for her to attend. SS called his dad earlier this week an begged us to come get him. I think BM just wanted to have one last weekend with her rapist before he goes to jail on Tuesday.

BM is a POS I can't imagine putting my pussy before my kids because that's exactly what she's doing. She said goodbye to them like she would see them in a few weeks. I can't believe the invincible attitude this woman has, but I guess the judge didn't help it much!


Bossladee's picture

Wow she is a POS....what mother would be with someone even suspected of having sex with a child, much less around her kids?!?! That's amazingly horrible.....clearly she's a moron and doesn't deserve to have kids.

Imgoingtoscream's picture

Crazy part is he was arrested in Oct and she married him in March while he was out on bail....AFTER the fact.