Just in case you were wondering how my day has been. It ls wonderful.
SD8 just peed in the sand box. Wtf. Why am I not surprised.
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Just in case you were wondering how my day has been. It ls wonderful.
SD8 just peed in the sand box. Wtf. Why am I not surprised.
Wow. Just wow
Wow. Just wow
Well, better in the sand box
Well, better in the sand box then on the floor?

No. Last week she peed on the
No. Last week she peed on the floor. Two days ago she pooped allover the bathroom floor. I made her clean the floor with a toothbrush. And today well.. its the sandbox. She even tried to cover it.. like a fucking cat or something. Man I need a drink.
When I asked her why. She
When I asked her why. She stated "I didn't want to go in the house and waste time." With this duh are you stupid look. This kid will be 9 on the 10th. Wtf. I don't even know what to say. I texted DH, whom of course is working and not home to enjoy all this fun, and simple said, "somebody needs to clean the litterbox. SD8 just peed in the sandbox to conserve time and I'm not fucking dealing with it."
Throw it out
Throw it out
^^^^ like!!
^^^^ like!!
What is her problem? What
What is her problem? What does she do at school? She must be really into whatever she is doing and holding it too long...then can not make it to the bathroom. She is too old for that. How are her grades in school. That is rather nasty. It is rather sad...that she can not focus on time out to go to the restroom.
Maybe she thinks she is a
Maybe she thinks she is a cat. Meow.
^^ Or a dog, just like her
In younger kids this is about
In younger kids this is about control. Perhaps this is her way of exhibiting control over some part of her situation? Would BM coach her to do this?
BM is not really around. Her
BM is not really around. Her grades at school are horrible. She is doing summer school and tutoring. She is at a 2nd grade level and i am amazed they are putting her in fourth grade. Often she has poop filled underwear, not necessarily because she pooped her pants but because "wiping is a waste of toilet paper."
A waste of TOILET PAPER? That
A waste of TOILET PAPER? That is what is it THERE FOR!
When you ask her what she's
When you ask her what she's doing this for does she say? You know, again I am seeing how the children of divorce suffer so much more then we even really comprehend. My own daughter is disabled and she has been acting out since day one of the divorce. Lately she is doing better but then out of the blue the other day she has another episode. I cannot figure out what "drives" her behaviors b/c she is too disabled to express herself. My bs15 can express himself and he has told me many things that I didn't realize he even was aware of. See if you can get her to talk, to express herself, not after she does a poopy but maybe at bedtime when she's all tucked safely into bed and will talk without feeling threatened. You might be surprised at what you'll hear.
I do ask her. Its a matter of
I do ask her. Its a matter of her not wanting to stop what she is doing to use the bathroom. So she either holds it until she explodes in the bathroom or cant make it there. She says this like "duh" and acts like it is not a big deal.
My brother did this when he was little but it stopped around 4 or 5. I get kids do those things but she will be 9 soon. I think she is a little too old for this behavior.
any chance she's part cat?
any chance she's part cat?
my SD (about the same age as yours) peed in the back yard a couple months ago. the neighbor boy was over playing and she went behind a bush and peed. I flipped out. I think kids are just weird. something about that age and peeing outside I think.
She has been in counseling.
She has been in counseling. Her counselor has said nothing. I didn't realize until I posted here about something that there was such a difference between a counselor and psychiatrist, as far as diagnosing her with some sort of disorder. I read a little about reactive attachment disorder, in theory it could make sense as BM has pretty much abandoned her, but she is not withdrawn, quite the opposite actually. She is so nosy, and always leached on to somebody. Which in my mind makes sense, seeing the issues with BM, but doesn't really fit the symptoms for somebody with reactive attachment disorder