is it wrong to laugh at BM's mistakes?
Not like to her face or anything that would be rude and I just love that all of her problems are more or less of her own doing.
6 weeks ago she promised SS8 a 3DS for his birthday which was a month ago now every times we drop him off at her house EOW SS8 gets so excited until he asked BM if the 3DS that she said she ordered has arrived only to find out there is no 3DS but he refuses to think that BM might have lied and therefore still expects a 3DS. The last time she just flat out ignored him. It's no secret though BM might think that it is, that she is having money issues which is why there is no 3DS she simply can't afford it. She told DH the week of his birthday that SS8 has expensive taste and asked if we wanted to go in with her on something but we already had a gift form him and a $50 dollar limit. My thing is why say something if you know it's not going to happen and how many more weeks is she going to let him think that she ordered him one? At x-mas I found one for $100 bucks on black Friday (they run $150 to $200 now) and now I wish that I had gotten him one. We plan to get him one this year unless something changes but it will be the only thing that he gets. We can afford to get him one now but it's not his birthday/Christmas and he hasn't done THAT great in School so IMO he doesn't DESERVE one. The difference is that I am honest about it when he asks. Though this summer we plan to start allowing him to earn an allowance and IF he saved some I might be willing to go in half with him. But like BM, he spends money faster than he earns it.
A few weeks ago BM got busted posted pictures of her dancing with other men on Facebook and we THINK her and her husband got into a big fight over it. They weren't acting to lovely there for awhile. Now the co-worker that reported the images to DH (we don't follow BM on facebook) is saying that she claims to be in love again with her husband. They are going to move into a new (bigger) house closer to the fire station where he volunteers. And she couldn't be prouder of him. Good luck selling your house in this market especially when it smells like dog pee (they have 3 dogs).
It's funny because when I started dating DH she flat out told me that she "hopes he treats me better than he treated her". DH has told me what all of her 'complaints' were with him. He didn't make enough money, he wasn't home enough, he didn't do enough for her, he didn't help her with the kids, he didn't buy her things, he FORCED her to have kids and RUIN her body, she never got her way, they always did what he wanted to do, and in the end she just wanted her life back.
She hates me because i have no complaints. She tried to bait in into bash him once in e-mail going on about how hard it is to be married and have kids (right before our wedding). I told her DH and I get along fine and the kids are no problem. I LOVE being a SAHM and can't wait to have more with DH. DH takes GREAT care of me, I have everything that I need.
It's funny that ALL the issues she had with DH, she is having with new Hubby, and DH and I are having none of the issues. Um I wonder what the problem really is. Despite BM working full-time now and married to someone that also works full time they still struggle because BM is stupid when it comes to money. DH and I have a lot of nice stuff but we don't buy a ton of useless little stuff like BM does and I know all this because I threw most of it out or took it to good will when I moved in, I am a minimalist but I added it all up for DH. Last year we had $500 in good will donations, made about $300 in a garage sale and this year it will be about another $500 in good will stuff. That's not even at cost. she eats out A LOT and buys the boys a new toy EVERYTIME they got to the store.
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Yeah that is the one I want
Yeah that is the one I want to get him. I think he will love it but we got him a used DSLite last year with the situation that IF he takes care of it we will think about a new one. So far he hasn't dropped it AS much. lol
Every time he brings it up I want to ask him if he think BM might have lied to him and yet part of me wants to keep asking him if it came yet until it sinks in that it's not coming. He is kind of naive though so it may never dawn on him.
The other day the kids down the street lied to him about having not being able to play with him because they had a ball game to go to in another state, one that was rather far away. He believed them. I had to tell him that there was no way they could go to a game there and be back here in time to go to school tomorrow, they lied to him.
I still feel bad because (as
I still feel bad because (as a newbie SM), I told the skids that we would go on a family vacation to Disneyland after their BM took them out of school for a month long vacation that included a trip to Disneyworld.
I was naive as to how much of our money was going to be wasted on lawyer bills and non-necessary medical bills for two healthy skids.
By the time we had enough to go, the skids were more interested in their electronics than in doing anything like that with us. Hell, they wouldn't even allow themselves to have fun when we tried to take them camping!
OLDEST SD has told me "Im
OLDEST SD has told me "Im used to being disappointed" BM promises the world and than fucks the skids over a lot. She'll get them the perfect house with their own bedrooms, 3 months later they move in with their aunt and all share a room with their cousin. She buys them all the game thingys, pawns them later. I don't laugh at BMs mistakes because A) Having kids call another guy dad after knowing the guy for a months is sad 2) moving kids to 6 different school before they are in 2nd grade is sad 3) not being able to tend to skid health issues because you move all over the place is upsetting 4) lying to your ex because you're embarrassed about your choices is pathetic. Also She doesn't see herself as the problem and thats frustrating, when the skid finally got medical attention and she blamed everyone under the sun except herself, when the skid finally saw a speech therapist and got help with school after it's pretty much too late even they we told her to get on it it was stupid doctors fault. I do laugh that now she cannot stand the monsters she's turned her kids into, but because she can't put two and two together and realize how hypocritacal she is it's not funny yet.
I say laugh because anything
I say laugh because anything else would be pointless. You can't fix stupid and DH has tried talking to her about lying. It doesn't help and least laughter is good for your soul. Lol
Hey maybe BM does have a purpose!
The other thing we try not to
The other thing we try not to do is to make excuses for BM. If ss8 asks we just tell him to ask his mother why she said or did something. We also don't allow him to make excuses for her either.
For as much as she lies you would think she would be good at it. When I have talked to her and I see she struggling to come up with a good excuse I usually just make one up for her, she agrees and I walk away knowing that she is full of shit
but it saves time 
Maybe, but I do it anyway.
Maybe, but I do it anyway.