You are here is really just an asylum...

HungryEyes's picture

I can say that because I live here too. To offer you a visual, I can see us now... me with the BM VooDoo doll sticking in pins carefully while laughing maniacally. Notthemomma is going around collection SK droppings giddily into her bag. Drac0 is in the corner putting war paint on.

This is where we live. In the asylum.

Whatever, at least they have good meds and will probably give us popsicles at some point today.

ETA: The treatment is little rays of hope from our partners. Not enough to ever fix the problem completely, but enough to keep us from stabbing the help.


HungryEyes's picture

Oh good. I couldn't figure out who the head/wall person would be - but welcome to the club Smile

clydella's picture

I'm over there with you Red, praying, shouting and speaking in tongues to keep my SD away }:)

newbiestepmom25's picture

*rocking back and forth* I am just fucking fine ok! I' m fine, I'm fine, I'm fine. * eye starts to twitch*. WTF u lookin at I'm fine. * mumbling to self "don't become a stepmom".

HungryEyes's picture

Oh my gosh! That's perfect. Great advice there... Some Oscar winning performances should be in her future!

Shook's picture

LMAO!!!!! I'm Danny Devito just giggling stupidly to myself, half crying (in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)

porcelian-doll's picture

I'm the one with the high pitched scream because I keep having nightmares of SD14 and BM. Guys the doctors don't believe me that BM is trying to poison me. You believe me shook right? Its just like rose Mary's baby. You guys tell them I'm not lying. Tell them!

Shook's picture

LOL Oh lord you watched it didn't you? Sorry to have brought it up sugar. Listen don't pull a Rosemary on your doctor before he really does fill out an Rx for 2 white men in coats. Just don't eat her food. Let SD eat first }:)

porcelian-doll's picture

Yes I watched it. Shudder. Now I'm paranoid I double check my locks at night and set the security code twice.

HungryEyes's picture

Lobotomies reserved for SMs who say things like 'I jus don't understand this stuf. Because like I slept with my husband's brother, and now his ex-wife (Theyz married at da time) won't accept that I'm the new woman in hiz life. Y? What is wrong wit her? My in lawz is mad 2 and that's stoopid becuz they liked me when I was married to theyre other sun.'

Oh and Leann Rimes.

That's where the lobotomies go.

Tuff Noogies's picture

i'm the one hanging by the ceiling fan with a broom stick between my knees. just ask MIL.

when in reality i'd be hunched in a corner, rocking back and forth while shaking my head and repeating phrases about stupidity - "stupid stupid, u cant fix stupid, can't fix it, cant fix stupid, stupid stupid, stupid is as stupid does, Stupid does some really stupid shit". ya know, thoughts of Dumbass and MIL drive me to that point....

FML's picture

I like setting shit on fire.... no seriously I really do SS is scared to bring things over..If they get left out I set the shit on break it I set it on don't listen...I set it on fire .... Smile I like fire.....

myspoonistoobig's picture

I'm probably one of the meek nurses wandering around with everyone's meds, popping pills in the closet when no one is looking. :O

Shook's picture

LMAO WishI. You'll be in the shower longer than my SS16. "HEY! What are you doing in there? Toothbrushing the tile grout?"