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Child Support??

Amandarin's picture

What is Child support supposed to go towards? My ss is about to be in Kindergarten and all of a sudden bm tells us that we need to purchase half of the school supplies?!!? I am seriously shocked at this... isn't that what the huge lump sum that we give her for child support every month is supposed to go towards. I know it sounds kind of petty- but I have two other children that we have to provide for also and it gets old when she continually says my dh owes her for half of whatever... UGH!


Aeron's picture

If the child support order doesn't specify it, tell her No! Just because she wants it or asks for it doesn't mean you have to pay for it.

Most COs do not say both parents responsible for 50% of school clothes and supplies. Most are written along the lines of CS amount x, medical responsibility at y and z% and maybe stuff about extracurriculars. If yours isn't super vague about "extras" or specific about school supplies, tell her to suck a lemon. She could Ask for half of a car because her kid's going to ride in it, or half of a vacation her kid's going to go on, doesn't mean you have to pay for it.

purpledaisies's picture

Unless it is in his Co then NO DO NOT PAY FOR IT.He is already paying his half with cs. That is his part financially for his kid. She needs to put in her half as well.

luchay's picture

Depends on where you are as well. I think things work differently depending what country you are in.

Here in australia CS covers basic living expenses, then the parents work out their consent orders which specify where the child lives, care etc, anything the parents want in their - including who pays what for school, extracurriculars, medical etc.

So mine states that we both pay half for school costs, medical and certain of their extra currics.

Either way - depends what their paperwork says.

Amandarin's picture

My dh hasn't been coughing up for extras at all. In fact, we have been quite good at keeping things minimized. She used to ask for half of what she paid for swimming lessons etc. He is co to pay 46% of daycare costs- which is another 300 on top of cs. He is going to be graduating from preschool and there is a fee for the cap and gown- I suggested that we offer to pay half because of the celebration of the event- as a nice gesture (this is a HUGE step for me- as there is NOTHING nice about this woman)... she took it to a whole new level by saying you can send the check here and then buy half of the school supplies. BACKFIRED!!
My dh just wants to ignore her request and see if she will ask again and then respond with no.
Ugh. I was trying to promote being nice and TRYING to be civil... this woman makes everything an issue.
This is a fraction of our story.
Thanks for all the feedback.

tryingmom's picture

If it's not in the CO, you don't have to pay.

In our situation, if we do not buy back to school clothes, sneakers, and school supplies, the skids do without. BM uses CS to pay for her life, not the skids life. DH hates that the skids are the ones that suffer for their BM's craptastic choices, so we do what we can.