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BM asked if I'm enjoying the goodies

porcelian-doll's picture

If you didn't read yesterday's blog. BM stopped by with a Goody bag for me as a peace offering along with her niece's old baby blankets. I don't trust her so I threw away the goodies. I just received a text from her asking if I'm enjoying the goodies. I don't know if she is for real being nice or is trying to see if I got sick yet.

What should I text back?


wreck's picture

Just ignore her.
You have no reason to deal with her or communicate at all.
She shouldn't even have your number.

sandy1234's picture

Lol B"M"s Dad told me that she got so pissed because I made a(delicious) fudge pie and gave it to "the BM Family Thanksgiving". Because she does nothing womanly or even motherly.

It was a nice victory. Her own Dad laughing to me about how jealous she was(his words) Blum 3

tryingmom's picture

I try to plan things during skid weekends that they enjoy. They both have an interest in baking, so we bake. I always send those home with them. BM always looks at me like I'm crazy when her kids present their goodies to BM. LOL, yup, they want to bring them home to BM so she can be proud of them, she never is, just ends up saying "WE DON'T EAT SWEETS HERE!!!" Poor kids!! They eat sweets all the time, she just doesn't want to eat the ones that the skids make at our house. I always tell her that they just want her to be proud and she looks at their gift like its a plate of steaming dog poo. Great job MOTY!!!!

just.his.wife's picture

"We vampires have special dietary needs as I am sure you can understand. Though I am saving the treats as snacks for SD the next time she comes over."

The way she is checking up makes me wonder if she spiked the treats with something... like a morning after pill.

misSTEP's picture

Hahahahahaha - "as you are well aware, I only consume blood. So, unfortunately, I had to give your treats to our pets."

somedevilishbeauty's picture

i'd just send bad a simple "sure" then let her stew on what you ment by will probably drve her crazy ( not a long drive i bet...) }:) cause you know she will. she just wants a reaction out of you.

Newstep's picture

Yikes I would be freaked out by that!! Makes me think she really did something bad to them. Glad you threw them away I would have done the same thing!!!

porcelian-doll's picture

Things just got creepy. BM just text me this. " I know you threw them away its ok".

Shaman29's picture

Don't respond. Just ignore her texts. You can now see they weren't a peace offering, they were a tool of manipulation.

sandy1234's picture


Shook's picture

HOLY Porcelain!!! Aren't you glad you didn't eat it? You should text her back, "thanks for the gift (smiley face)". At least she knows you're still alive.

hereiam's picture

Then she is a dumb ass for giving them to you in the first place. Just so she could say, "See, I'm trying." Manipulation, but certainly not at it's finest.

somedevilishbeauty's picture

Just thought of a better one. tell her you couldn't eat them do to a special diet or something like that, then tell her you donated them to her Churchs, Priest or Pastor or what ever she goes to.

Shook's picture

Lol forget the text, I'd be looking to see where she put the iphone that's recording you in your home. Creeeeeppppeeee!

Shook's picture

LOL sorry. Did you watch it?

Just made a ref regarding BMs motives...that are clearly transparent & obvious. Don't get paranoid though, BM is just messing with you trying to see if she can manipulate you. Now you know how her kids & DH must feel but they probably got used to it. She is a crazy lady no doubt. So my solution to everything nowadays...nanny cam. It's a must have for households with Skids you can't trust & BM's that don't know how crazy they really are. You'll need it soon enough for you baby, why not get it a little earlier?

ltman's picture

Just tell her thanks they were delish, then a little later complain of weird back ache. See what happens.

I'm not a Texas ranger, just a stepmom with ojt crisis training.

whatwasithinkin's picture

Wait I got this tell her you haven't dug in yet because your waiting for SD to come so you can enjoy it since bye gones are bye gones now. You want to share your joy and celebrate it with her. Your official new beginning