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His why is stupid

Lalena75's picture

SO decided his signed custody and parenting plan was "none of your business" when I finally had a moment to call down and address how hurt and angry I was his reasoning? He didn't want to hear me bitch!
So they didn't add in a moving clause they'll end up in court over that eventually his problem not mine, so they didn't change it to say BM's week instead of weekend at least it says what it does the way it does and it's now Friday instead of Monday. It's still pretty good not as detailed but he can start beating her with it yay!
He was sorry he hurt my feelings and yeah it was a control thing and when he realized how far he dug himself with one sentence he was remorseful and apologetic.


RedWingsFan's picture

Yeah, that IS stupid! And you're right - whatever he neglected to put in the parenting plan, well, that's HIS problem to fight over later!

hereiam's picture

That is so going to bite him in the ass. You know he will need your help with it in the future.

myspoonistoobig's picture

He's just left himself wide open, from both sides.

He'll expect you to help him comply with this parenting plan and custody schedule, which you certainly can decide not to, because you've never seen it.

If you don't comply, he'll probably try to get BM to agree to a change if need be, which of course she's under no obligation to do, because he already agreed on the stupid thing.

Stupid Stupid Stupid.

Lalena75's picture

He let me see it. I already refuse to handle his kids in anyway have been that way since day one if I choose to offer help it's on a moment by moment and I offer if he asks me it's a sometimes thing and it all depends on why. Laziness as a reason is a no from me. I help with meals if I'm cooking for everyone I cook for everyone. If I've agreed to watch them I treat them like all children in my home are treated. It frustrates him and always has because I didn't jump into the mom role with his kids. I was honest my reasoning is he wants his kids full time, he was willing to settle for 50/50 week on week off. He needed/needs to know what that means if I'm not in the picture (we're not married) I wanted him to make that decision because he could handle it and for his kids.