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OT-Castro nightmare, step-father, and out

herewegoagain's picture

I have been following this nightmare closely and I have to say the more I know, the more I worry about so many here. There is the step-dad accused of molestation by the SKIDS and more...

To everyone here, with crazy SKIDS, BMs or BFs who make false accusations, please take things seriously. People who make such accusations will not stop until they get caught in their lies and could care less whose lives they destroy.


12yrstepmonster's picture

In todays society where the deal is to mind your own business. Where we don't know our neighbors names- it does not suprise me at all.

Sad I know- as long as there was nothing severly admission....noone would interfere.

StepX2's picture

herewegoagain's picture

Here is my view from what I have read and just knowing some crazy people...hmmm

They had no clue he was actually HOLDING them, but no doubt they knew of the locked doors, etc...and didn't question it. Why? Because they TOO grew up in that house and this ahole used to do that to their mom. After their mom moved out, it seems they were either afraid to ask or figured he just kept it locked just like when they were there previously with nothing to freaky going on.

They too were abused, just like the son, but I do believe that they know MORE than they ever led the police to believe. I do believe that although they did not KNOW that their father held this girl Gina, the story Arlene claimed that SHE was the last who saw her was not 100% true. I believe Arlene knew that her father had taken her home or similar and never spoke not wanting to get her father in trouble yet never imagining he would do this.

He was a step-dad who protected the ex-wife and tried to discipline those crazy SKIDs. Neither the EX CASTRO or the SKIDS were too happy and DID lie to make the guy "go away" so they could do whatever. In addition, their father in return gave them presents which as we ALL know here is all it takes for these SKIDS. They have MOMMY and DADDY to themselves and they are lavished with STUFF.

I think that woman HAD NO IDEA that her son was holding these girls, but I think she definitely KNEW that her son was a bit off and although she saw the little girl quite a few times, Berry's daughter, and the girl looks TOO MUCH like her own son, she never questioned it because as MANY mothers do, "they will look the other way so that their son's don't get doubt she was getting her son to come over whenever she wanted and probably being lavished with gifts or cash.

I think they did the best they could to stay alive. This guy was nuts. Bless their souls. Had they tried to run before or scream, the outcome might have been different.