Need advice on SD3-- don't want to jump to the abuse conclusion but...
So a little back history, (for those who have not followed my posts)
I have been with my SO since SD3 was 9 months old, she is now 3 and some odd months.
Since I came into the picture (especially) but even before then BM has been a absolute nightmare.
It started with her obtaining a restraining order on me with COMPLETELY false allegations in an attempt to dictate SO's parenting time. She included in the order that I WAS NOT to be present during his parenting time, even though we were living together and had been for about 6 months at that point. So I now have that on my record even though I have emails from her after the fact stating that she lied.
The past few years have just been back and forth manipulations, vindictive petty games on her part, continuously taking SO back to court to lower his parenting time (which she never wins) ect, the usual crazy BM crap.
Well this last time started a few months ago, she is trying to take him back to court YET again so she called CPS ON ME! The case was closed and unfounded OBVIOUSLY, I LOVE SD, child abuse my ass!
So when they went to mediation, and subpoenaed the CPS case worker thinking she would somehow HELP their case, well the case worker was like, "no, there was no abuse, she is obviously loved and well cared for in SO's home ect ect", and even BM's LAWYER was like, "yeah we're going to drop the CPS stuff".
So, we waited for the referrees recommendation and he said that the parenting plan they have now should stay the same, which we were fine with. Until we got a letter from BM's lawyer stating that she is disagreeing and taking this to court. fast forward to now and they are ONCE again going to mediation. It is SUCH A waste of time.
But MY issue with all this is, SD is such a sweet little girl when she is with us, which is often. We have her on a 2-4-2-4 schedule until she starts school full time in which case BM has agreed to 50/50 (which she is now backing out of and trying to lower his time to every other weekend!) when right now we have her for 2 days and nights in a row, every 4 days.
Sorry I keep rambling, anyway, SD is so well behaved with us. She knows the rules in our home she has her moments but all in all she is great and loving and a sweetie.
For the past 6 months though, everytime BM calls to talk to her she hides, if we try to get her to talk on the phone she FREAKS out and starts crying and now BM is accusing us of not letting her talk to her daughter.
WE TRY, I even threatened with no dessert to SD if she didn't talk to her mom which BM HEARD through the phone and got all pissed at ME. wth.
But this behavior isn't normal AT ALL. She loves talking to SO's mother (nana) on the phone, when SO is at work he will call and she'll talk to him no problem, just BM she FREAKS out about.
So I asked her at dinner tonight, do you want to talk to mommy after dinner?
she said noooo so I asked her why and I get "becaaause" so I asked "well mommy wants to talk to you on the phone, why don't you want to talk to her honey?
And she got all sad and teary and said "mommy yells at me"
so I asked what does she yell about?
"because I was naughty when I fell."
And thats all I could get out of her, I didn't want to push the topic
It's just so upsetting because I've seen SD with BM and she is ROTTEN. She screams and kicks and hits, BM has called SO LATE at night because SD was crying for Daddy and would not go to sleep, which is INSANE if you saw how it is at our house. She picks out a bedtime story and goes RIGHT to sleep.
I just feel like something is going on over there but I don;t want to call CPS because she has done it so many times to us I don't want it to just look retaliatory so they don't take it seriously.
I just really need some advice, this poor little girl is obviously suffering at her mothers house and we have no way of knowing what is going on. Thoughts??
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Thats what I figured too
Thats what I figured too
It's just so sad
Not doubting you, just
Not doubting you, just saying...funny that YELLING is not abuse when it is a child, just like HITTING is not abuse when it is a child...but when it is a WOMAN, then it's abuse. The hipocrisy of this world amazes me.
It truly sucks when you know
It truly sucks when you know think something more is going on and you dont have actual proof for it. Frustrating.
I personally think you should
I personally think you should say something to the same case worker that you hopefully established communication with. They won't take it away but I really wouldn't worry about the retaliation angle either. The priority is the safety of this child. You don't have to come off as accusing BM but I would still make mention of it. We took a stab on the worker that BM called to investigate us. They found zero wrong with us but they found plenty wrong with BM, without us even having to tell them. Boy did that backfire on her lol.
Thats a good idea actually,
Thats a good idea actually, maybe I will have SO call her and just voice his concerns so it's on record.
This used to happen to us.
This used to happen to us. Although I do believe there was some type of other abuse, that we were never able to further investigate, I do think that kids at this age know what PEACE looks like. I think if she is having a good time at your place and then things are crazy at her mom's, ie. hitting, yelling, etc...they will do exactly this. No different than an adult who loves to spend some time with friends because at home things are crazy. Start keeping track of anything she says, does, might need it at some point. DO NOT allow BM to think that you are on to something, or she WILL turn it around. My STUPID DH made that mistake as he was furious that something was going on...BM of course, turned it around.
Yes, our BM tried to flip it
Yes, our BM tried to flip it on us too but luckily we got to the worker before hand & she patiently listened to what "we were afraid of" which was BM flipping it around. Either we were the lucky ones for getting such a gracious child services worker or they see what the child also sees. In my state there were so many lawsuits against the city/state agencies that they really did do their job fully investigating both sides.
Thank you everyone, I have
Thank you everyone, I have thought about video taping SD refusing the phone calls but I didn't know if it would be admissable in court, I'll have SO ask our lawyer.
Id be very curious as to what
Id be very curious as to what BM must be saying to SD during their phone calls that makes this little girl Not want to talk to her mom!! Something must be being said or she wouldnt act that way & refuse to talk to her mom!!! I think if I were your DH Id want to know!! So, either put the phone on speakerphone or 3 way the call so that you guys can hear it-- just remember to out your phone on mute so that BM doesnt hear you-- record for record!!!
Our BM used to get all pissy if the skids said they were....gasp...having a good time here!! Later she started bribing SS11 to be bad here with "gifts" he would receive from her!! The worse he was the bigger the reward!!! & yes! We have that on several videos!!! Its disgusting & vile behaviours! But. Karma has bit her square in the ass as none of the skids respect her & they wont mind her anymore-- then BM wants to call my DH & cry boo hoo hoo about it! Lol!! Go figure!! She got what shes taught them--- just the kids turned it on her now!! Gotta Love karma!!
My advice is to you guys to find out the "why" SD is acting this way!! Perhaps she gets into trouble for having a good time with you guys!! Sad but many BMs act like if their kids have fun at their Dads house then the kids are netraying them!! So- listen in- see if you can pinpoint 'why' SD doesnt wanna talk to BM! Then address it!
I am just catching up from
I am just catching up from weekend posts, so bear with me. Now before you go jumping to comclusions make sure this is what is REALLY happening. When SD was younger she used to cry and scream for her daddy when she was at BM's and he would have to calm her down over the phone. This was mostly because she was with DH a majority of the time because BM said "she had a life" and could not have her a lot of the time.
Now fast forward to SD being 7 years old ans BM becoming "supermom of the year", SD has been giving DH a hard time about coming to visit him. SD has told BM that she is scared of her dad and BM has accused him of being a nasty person and abusive towards SD. None of this is true. We have not changed our ways of parenting at ALL in all of these years and the only difference is that SD is more influenced by BM the older she gets.
All I am saying is that I have been on the other side of the abuse allegations and it isn't pretty. Especially when it isn't true.
I know that's why I don't
I know that's why I don't want to jump to that conclusion but SD is with BM the majority of them time, not us. And BM says things like "SD crys when she has to go to your house" but the reality is she CLEARLY does not want to speak or go back to BM when the time comes. It is probably just because BM ignores her and leaves her in the care of her boyfriend and her crackhead mom and is just a typical selfish self centered BM, it doesn't make it any less sad though.