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Should I let her stay?

needingpeace's picture

SD has been a horror for years. 27 years old, living off her father and I, not working full time - waiting to "figure out her career". Is a rude, entitled, selfish person. Just mean. She does absolutely nothing to help around the house, doesn't pay rent, doesn't even say hello when she comes in the house, buys ice cream puts it in my freezer and tells my 12 year old daughter not to touch it. Has contributed not even a bag of milk to the household. My husband - her natural father, never says anything to her. He feels sorry for her for some reason. I think she's just a freeloader takin a ride on the gravy train. She posted on facebook her dislike for me because I had the nerve to vacuum on a Saturday morning at 8:30. She was trying to sleep and I had the audacity to wake her up. Imagine, the maid not cleaning for her at a time more suitable to her schedule!!!! As a result, I confronted her and told her she had until May 1 to get another address. Its now two weeks away and everyone is feeling sorry for her because she is still not working and has no money. I say, let her go live with her mother - who lives two minutes from us. But she wouldn't get the free ride there. I am feeling pressure to extend the deadline.

Am I being too harsh. Should I let her stay longer. But I feel like that would just be another instance in which what I say or want doesn't matter. Any advice?


Aeron's picture

If you extend the deadline now, she and her father will never believe that you are serious about her leaving. Come May 1st, change the freaking locks and put her stuff out if you have to.

She is an adult. She has had Years to get it together. That she has not, is not your problem. She has taken advantage of you long enough. Stick to it. Get her out.

twopines's picture

Everyone who feels sorry for her can offer her a place to live. 12:01am on May 1, I'd be redecorating her room.

Do no go back on your deadline!

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

do not feel sorry for her. She made her bed she can go lie in it somewhere else. She does not deserve your compassion and help. She is using you and doesn't even have the nerve to be grateful.

Totalybogus's picture

You would not be doing her any favors by letting her stay. You will just become one of her enablers. She is a grown woman. If she hasn't figured it out by now, she never will. Sometimes the best love is tough love.

oldone's picture

I have a 27 year old SS. We actually let him be homeless last year. Not sure how he handled it. Not my problem. But he did get a place to live and a job.