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Some people surprise you, not in a cool way

myspoonistoobig's picture

Ranting earlier this morning to my Dad about how the child support services rep misquoted us our monthly child support fee, by about $300 in the wrong direction.

And I'm told how this is my fault for marrying a guy with a kid.

By my Dad, who has another kid with another woman he was with before my mother.

Fuck you Dad. You're so awesome.


Anne Boleyn's picture

I swear, our parents can be the worst people to talk about these issues to. All these divorced
parents.... I think they see things through the lens of how they wished they would've lived differently.
I'm sorry.

RedWingsFan's picture

Sounds like my mother, who has never met Stepdevil14, but said it was MY fault Dh and SD are estranged now and that I needed to be more sympathetic to her needs and coming from a broken home, she's bound to need extra attention and affection...when mom herself wanted to murder her boyfriend's son because he was a HORRIBLE DRAMA QUEEN and ATTENTION WHORE (hmmmm, so is stepdevil!)

myspoonistoobig's picture

Doesn't it just blow your mind sometimes? You just want to say "Are you listening when words come out of your mouth?"