
domsmommy2003's picture

Good morning,

I hope I am welcome to use this site. I don't have a step child but I do have one child and I am still with his father. We live with a roommate who has his kid every other weekend and some times everyday through out the week. So I feel as if I have a step child although I don't. He is 3 and I love the kid but he is a handful! I guess I will save my issues for another blog, haha. A friend told me about this site so I thought maybe it is somewhere I can as well come and vent! I was told some of you ladies can be hard on newbies so I hope you guys aren't too hard on me, as I am just trying new ways to vent without venting to the people I know!!


MotherTrucker's picture

Welcome Biggrin

young but wise's picture
