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If you were to hang up a plaque in your home about stepparenting, what would it say?

Onefootout's picture

SO has a ton of signs and plaques about cars, airplanes and his service in the Army in his mancave and in his office.

Maybe this is weird, IDK, I want to get a sign or plaque that says something like "Beware of Evil Stepmother." And the next time SO does the stepmom beatdown I want to bring it out and display it. Kind of my own little protest.

A lot of you have clever sayings at the end of your posts, which I love, and I think they would make great fridge magnets or little plaques.

So I'm asking for some suggestions for clever sayings to put on a plaque related to stepparenting. (SO says I can't call myself stepparent because I'm not involved enough and I won't parent his kid).

The funnier and more sarcastic the better. I don't know if I'll actually do this, I just need a good laugh.


oneoffour's picture

I CHOOSE to love your child... or not. Get over it.

Remember who will be taking care of you in your declining years. Payback can be a bitch!

godess-clueless's picture

I used to have a difficult time expressing to people [especially dh] my reason for feeling slighted. TOO much hurt and emotion made it hard to express a principal being broken. Few people listen past 10 words.

After a lot of thought I started typing out short sayings that covered different situations. Some are framed.

The idea came to me when I found a picture of England's Queen and a short saying referring to children learning to stand on their own feet, learning to kick butt, because the parents will someday not be around to do for them. I framed it.

Another was--- " When you give to others the things that do not belong to you, It is stealing." That seems to be a problem many step situations.

Another was--- " Don't make commitments or promises you are not in a position to fulfill. You may end up feeling very humiliated and embarrassed.

Onefootout's picture

You hit he nail on the head. Yep I was wondering if I was the only one who wanted to sum up my feelings on a bumper sticker or a fridge magnet. I agree, I find it so hard express my feelings in a way that doesn't start another world war. Thank you.

Onefootout's picture

Thanks everyone for all your comments so far. If anyone else thinks of something, please post!

bi's picture

i'm changing the words on another plaque i've seen to make it fit.

"Once in a while right in the middle of an ordinary life, love brings you a nightmare."