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Ha ha! It's official! BM getting a divorce

SadStep77's picture

Well, usually I would feel bad taking pleasure in someone else's misery.... But not this time, no way. If anyone deserves a huge shit sandwich, it's BM.

Of course, it is all her new husband's fault. The BM and crazy, entitled SD had nothing to do with it (note sarcasm).

I just told FDH to beware a new PAS campaign on SS12 because she is going to want full custody and child support because she can't possibly take care of herself.

All these years she has talked shit about our relationship because we aren't married and "living in sin", and our relationship lasted longer than her failed marriage. Sigh.

Someone please tell me she will learn a lesson from all this and realize she has been an unhappy, horrible person to others and that she will totally change her ways. One can dream, right?


fedup13's picture

I thought that when skid's Mom conned a new man into marrying her that she would refocus her attentions onto him and leave DH alone. Not happening. All this has caused is for her to have a new source of funds to drain and use up on attorney's fees. She will never be happy. (She is a lesbian who wont come out of the closet and hides behind the shroud of hetero relationships to cover it up) So, since she is miserable on the inside, she will continue to make others miserable as well. She doesn't want skid or want to have to deal with him, but she wants full custody so she can feel like she stuck it to MIL, who is her bitter enemy since MIL is the mother figure to skid on DH's time, and so she can get CS. It is all an attempt at absolute power with her.

SadStep77's picture

OMG My FDH is convinced that BM is also a closet lesbian. Only, she will never come out because she is super religious and it just tortures her. Maybe if she could just be comfortable getting some muff, all our lives would be easier }:)

fedup13's picture

DH KNOWS his ex is. He caught her. She confessed to him, told him all kinds of sob stories about how frightened she has always been, how lonely it is, how she had known since Junior High, but she wanted desperately to be straight, that she thought if she had a child and a husband she could convince herself she was. She did this to try and illicit sympathy because she did not want him to tell on her. Her worst fear was that her family would find out. It was bullshit. She was a lying, sneaking, manipulative using bitch that wanted the cover a husband and family provided so she could continue to carry on with her girlfriends on the side. DH did not tell anyone at first, out of embarrassment. They divorced and she just told he family they didn't get along, true, very true, they never had a marriage to speak of, but that was not the reason alone. DH only married her because he knocked her up and once he realized what he was in for, he got the hell out. He has since told the truth, but none of her family believes him, because of course, mean old crazy DH is just trying to make her look bad, just trying to take her baby away from her, and her Mom and Dad buy it. She has married this new guy recently for the same exact reason, she wants to keep up that cover. She is a sick twisted bitch. Not because of her sexuality, but because of how she uses other people to cover it up and wreaks havoc on their lives because of her own cowardice.

sunbeam0901's picture

BM in my sitch is a closet lesbo, too. DH knows for a fact that she swings that direction. Makes no difference to me. I could care less which team she bats for. What pisses me off is she has taught SS8 that the word "gay" is a bad word and that he should NEVER say it and if he uses it, then he must spell the word out. Every. Single. Time. he uses the word gay its "blah blah blah is G-A-Y". No amount of explaining and lecturing on DH & I's part could change his perspective on this.

SS8 was taught that gay was a bad word so imagine his utter confusion and inner turmoil when he witnessed his mother lip locked with another woman?! He told my mom that he didn't want to hug his mom anymore because she kissed another woman so that means she's G-A-Y. Poor kid. The amount of pain she causes him is unreal.

fedup13's picture

Yeah, I don't care who she beds down with. I would not care if she were openly gay, at least she would be real. At least she would not be fake. At least she would not be so bitter and mean and miserable if she were being fulfilled and in a relationship that truly suits her. I cannot imagine living daily with such a betrayal of one's self. BUT, that does not give her the right to go around trying to destroy other people. Way back before I disengaged and before she tried to destroy my life and before DH told the truth openly about her, she asked DH if I knew. He told her yes, that I guessed it after the first time I met her and that he had told me all the details. Even knowing that I knew, she still tried to put on such an act with whatever man of the moment she had. She still tried to make me think she and DH were an actual couple. She still tried to make me think he had feelings for her and vice versa at one point. She did not want DH happy. She did not want him to be in a normal, functional, mutually committed relationship because that is what she wants more than anything and knows she will never have because she wont come out. She tried to mess with my mind. It did not work.

What your skid's BM did to he son is typical of these types of people. They project major homophobic ideologies and can sometimes be so cruel to their own kind. They go over the top to talk about how bad it is because they think if they are all, "ooh being gay is so bad, it is so wrong, etc." the attention is off of them. If she does those things in front of him after preaching to him that it is bad he will be so messed up.

Journey1982's picture

BLM...I wish my SO's ex-wife would realize its her and not everyone else, but I doubt she will ever recognize that. Not including my SO, she has been in 5 different relationships in 4.5 years. But according to BM every relationship failed because of the man. She never did anything wrong (sarcasm). She is nasty and vindictive. She is now on boyfriend #6. SO hopes this one marries her, but I believe once the "honeymoon phase" is over, boyfriend #6 will leave too.

SadStep77's picture

I know! That was the whole warning to FDH. Watch out!

He seems convinced that she will direct everything to her new ex-husband, but at the end of the day she loves to hate FDH. Kind of sick and twisted.

oldone's picture

BM met an ex addict (big time for years with hard stuff) at her ultra weird church where everyone sits around speaking in tongues. And married him after a few years. She told DH that he had been dying to marry her but somehow I doubt it.

She still got pissed when DH and I got together and has bad mouthed me to SS27 and the older one who is now deceased. stupid bitch.

fedup13's picture

That is the kind of church my MIL goes to. Gives me the heebie jeebies. Not for me at all. Of course she got mad at your DH and talked shit about you, what she does doesn't matter, he should never be happy again, or at least that is how skid's BM is. She doesn't want DH and never did, but by God how dare he move on and be happy when she is perpetually miserable!

MotherTrucker's picture

I doubt she will realize what she has done wrong. BM just got divorced from her DH too and it has made our lives a living hell. She cheated on my DH when they were together (never married) and her ExDH did the same to her. What goes around comes around. She blames DH for all of SD's problems. She says that SD's life got turned upside down when we married (4 years ago). Little did she know that her marriage wouldn't even last a whole year! Take that dumb, dumb! The saddest part is that she is now dragging a poor toddler through her divorce and she blames DH for her being a single parent to him too! The kids isn't even my DH's and she STILL says it is all his fault.