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BM why are you so bat shit crazy?

theoutsider's picture

DH has custody,..y SD stated home sick from school, DH let her know. BM wanted to play super mom and take her to the doctor (again)... So DH let her pick her up...

Then I get this text message from BM:

Don't you ever tell MY children (not yours) that they are not allowed to call ME, THEIR MOTHER, when they are sick! Or under any other circumstance!
And just so that we are clear, I DIDN'T ASK! SD told me as soon as we left the farm. So go ahead and bring that to DH lawyer!

I responded:

I have no idea what you are talking about. I have never told any of the kids not to call you. Their phone is always sitting out on a counter, they call when they want to. If you have anything else to say, talk to DH.

This is not the first time she has exploded at me for nothing,...
Next time anything comes from her my response will be complete disengagement:
"from now on this number is for emergencies involving the kids only. I don't want to block your number for the sake of the kids, but I will not hesitate if you continue to harass me."


fedup13's picture

What a loon...If she does it again, I would text her and tell her to never contact me again, period, if it were me, I'd change the number.

Lalena75's picture

I'll bet that didn't come from crazy bm betting sd made it up to BM for attention my own kids tried stuff like that right after the divorce but were quickly shut down as their dad and I always cbecked what the real story was. However most BM's would believe a lying kid over a step no matter how dumb the lie is.

theoutsider's picture

Wherever it came from, BM completely ignored the fact that I go to work at 7:30am,... Even IF I had told her no (which I didn't),... Why couldn't SD have called all day long after I left???

PeanutandSons's picture

My guess would questions SD on why she didn't call her. SD panics and throws you under the bus. Sm wouldn't let me call you mommy. I wanted to.

Then bm flies off the handle believing every word rather than entertain the ides that her daughter didn't want to talk to her, and was perfectly content at dads house.

I doubt bm would have just pulled this out of thin air. Dad needs to have a serious talk with SD when he sees her next about shit stirring.

theoutsider's picture

And just when I thought it was over,... I got another call from a restricted number today,... Argh. I guess I need to call verizon tomorrow and find out what I can do about it.