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So unbelievably mad right now.

c-mom's picture

So, mil is a psychoticly jealous woman. She wanted to sell us her moms house three houses down and I asked to see it. She got snooty asking why I needed to see it because dh has seen it and he would be buying it. I just said I wanted to be thinking about how to make it work since it us a two bedroom and we have sd14 and ss10. She informed me that she already decided in turning the utility room into the extra room. I told dh and he told her he wanted me to see it. She has since made the snide remarks about me needing to see it. Today, I come in and he says he decided against the house because of all of the drama up there. Then he texts her "we" decided against the house. I tell him no tell her you decided. I had nothing to do with that decision. He said no it is we. Everything is we. I tell him no. I started it if thus decision on purpose. Then the phone rings and he says "No, she did not say she didn't want it. WE made the decision." This is news to me. I had no input in any of it and now once again his mom is portraying me as the woman who its keeping her from her son and grandkids and he is once again enabling her and painting that scene.


fedup13's picture

Classic DH deflection move...I sympathize. My DH is a master at this and my MIL is a terror. The LAST thing you want to do is move near her. I live near mine due to she keeps skid when DH works since I am disengaged, but if it weren't for that, no way.

bi's picture

fdh does things like that, too. he doesn't say "we", he just lets them believe i am behind everything. sd no doubt thinks he doens't see her kid because of me. actually, it's because we live 25 mins away and he works 3rd shift. but he won't tell her that. he'll let her think i'm behind it. i don't care if he sees his gk. i won't join him, but i'm certainly not stopping him. when they find out that i'm having a baby in 11 weeks (whether they see me and figure out i'm pregnant, or are told after the baby is born) he will let his family believe i was 100% behind keeping this a secret. actually, he is with me on that for many reasons, but he wont tell them that. it's easier to let them think i forbade him to say a word. (shows how much they think of him to believe that i control his every move). it's like that with everything. whatever they are happy believing, he is happy to not correct them. pisses me off to no end. and i told him a couple weeks ago that i feel ok enough at this point that if he wants to tell his parents about the baby, he can. he didn't do it. but that will be my fault, too.

c-mom's picture

I can see why you don't get it. My phone changed so many words, how could anybody get it? LOL I told my husband when he approached me about the subject that I would have absolutely nothing to do with the decision of whether to buy the house because I knew he wouldn't and he would push it off on me. I had absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DECISION. HE decided not to buy the house because he was reminded of his mom's bulls**t (who would be three houses down) and his ex-mil's bulls**t (who would be a mile down the road the other direction) and he didn't want them to be able to just pop in anytime they wanted. Then he text her four minutes after she text me about meeting her at the house to see it and said WE decided so as to make her believe ONCE AGAIN that I am controlling him. This is not a united front. It is a cop out. If it had been anybody else, he would have said he is not interested. But he knew his mom would automatically lay blame on me so he said that WE made a decision that I purposely kept myself 100 miles from.

c-mom's picture

He wouldn't have been able to justify it otherwise he may have. I had NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING to do with the decision. And once again, he set her up to tell everybody that I'm some crazy jealous wife who doesn't want him to see his family. And now that she is doing this, he won't stop it. He says, "It's not true and we know that so let her tell people what she wants. She's only making herself look like an idiot." Well, no, she isn't looking like an idiot because nobody but me is disputing her lies!

kathc's picture

Isn't it funny how we try getting them to say "WE" instead of blaming us by saying "SHE" then they go and use "we" TO blame us?!? Totally inappropriate of him to have done that.

c-mom's picture

Sorry for the jumbled mess of a post everyone. My stupid smart phone and its auto-correct. LOL I can't believe any of you understood that.