She is stilllllll texting.....
I emailed this one to myself so I could copy and paste, Its a loooonnnng one.
Apparently she is trying to convince SO that she is Awesome now and he needs to get rid of me. And they were only married 12 years, not 20.
"It's almost 4 yrs later. Nothing's gotten any better... Things seem to continue to get worse. I layed off I backed off trying to let you two show that these kids mattered that these kids meant anything to you... And it continues on... Getting worse. At what point will you try something different are you just so use to the dysfunction that you don't want a normal happy life? Onebright will never be happy as long as our children are around. Period. Because she does not want them around they take ur attention away from her... That's clear by the drama she creates with and about them. I want nothing to do with her mental instability if anything I know this I was a shitty wife and a shitty person to you while we were together. But people do change. They do.. These two babies have shown me that. If I could change the past I would but I can't and all I can do is live for the present and future... Our kids don't deserve what you let her put them thru. I've threaten I've begged I've pleaded with you with the courts with anyone who would listen. I will continue to fight for these 5 girls because they are a part of me. A part of you of what we shared and called a life for 20 yr....our past wasnt great But to move forward knowing an learning from that past will make the future better. These girls will be fine with me and your parents raising them... I've never taken them from ur parents an wont... I will always allow them in their lives or I wouldn't have them pick them up everyday... To show I will always allow them to be a part but right now I know keeping them away from Onebright is the best for them an I will push for that. Damn it BF, I can't fix this but one thing I know is I love these kids I've always loved everyone one of these kids they are my heart an soul! I know I broke urs you've paid me back... Please please stop I know SD13 is a pain in the ass but damn it she's our kid! And even when she's being a pain I don't love her any less... Just like our divorce sometimes it's just time to let go of all of the lies the pain an move on.... This is my last plea with you to please stop this...... I shouldn't have to worry 4 yrs later Everytime you have them is he feeding them where are they is she going to snap n hurt one of them because BF didn't pay enough attention to her... Will they get in trouble for standing up for themselves or each other... I mean seriously...4 yrs later..... I leave you two alone.... I don't post anything about either of you.. I avoid at all cost any interaction with either of you because I don't need this drama I don't want this drama I want peace... But if your hurting an upsetting the kids I don't get that..... So stop! Please!
- onebright1's blog
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FYI - there's a name in your
FYI - there's a name in your post...
She's a fucking whackadoo. I love the "I don't need this drama, I want peace" bullshit. Who does she think she is kidding? She's CAUSING it all!
Dang it! I really tried to
Dang it! I really tried to get all those out grrr , hate when I do that.
Funniest thing you guys is,
Funniest thing you guys is, She is full of it. She does still post, She does still text daily, She NEVER has her kids, either we do or his parents do. Even her two new fatherless twins she leaves at her sisters all week and only has them on Sundays. Her fridge is the empty gross fridge, not ours. The skids are gross and unbathed and bring 3 trashbags of laundry for us to do on fridays. Read some of my other blogs, She is the epitomy of NUTBURGER, that is why I came up with it. Its just for her.........
She's definitely nutburger
She's definitely nutburger territory.
You know the saying I just fell in love with? It goes something like "Well aren't you a crazy lollipop dipped in psycho?"
I read it here somewhere. And I've always loved your tagline. Makes me want jello shots every time!
mmmmmmmmm jello shotssssss.
mmmmmmmmm jello shotssssss. Say that like Homer Simpsons says 'mmmmm donuts'

Your'e a bartender now,,,, hook us up girlfriend
LOL I WISH I were a
LOL I WISH I were a bartender! I still haven't gotten to go to the classes, nor have I bought the stuff I need to practice at home.
Sooooooo, now I just need to buckle down and doooooo it. Right? Would Love to get a job though!
I soooooo wish I lived near
I soooooo wish I lived near you. Ya know how nursing students practice on their friends? Well I would volunteer to be your practice dummy EVERY day!
Go For IT! get er done
We'd be in some serious
We'd be in some serious trouble if you did, bright1! But shit would we have a good time!
mmmmmmmmm jello shotssssss.
mmmmmmmmm jello shotssssss. Say that like Homer Simpsons says 'mmmmm donuts'

Your'e a bartender now,,,, hook us up girlfriend
Desperate much??? When BM's
Desperate much???
When BM's life isn't going well, she goes along this route. DH always worked hard and provided for his family. She remembers this and wants to recreate it. Too bad she didn't appreciate it when she had it. Lying, cheating and playing games lost her the best thing she ever had. She continues to mess up her personal life and drags the skids along with her.... 4 different men in the past year and a half. Twice in the past year she starts her walk down memory lane and tries to convince my DH that they need to be a family again. Ummmm....not going to happen, I think he told her NO THANK YOU!
Yeah , I know what you mean,
Yeah , I know what you mean, NBBMs on her 6th boyfriend in 3 years and has a new set of twins by one of them, but not the current one.
Thank God, BM had a
Thank God, BM had a hysterectomy, no more babies.
Oh and for the record, If you
Oh and for the record, If you saw these 5 sgirls, it is very obvious they are NOT underfed }:)
Five little piggies...oh
Five little piggies...oh wait, that ain't how the story goes, is it?
LOL Nitkup, No she has sent
LOL Nitkup, No she has sent longer ones. They come over on his phone as like an email and take up a buncha space in his phone to where he has to go back and delete other text just to receive it.
Cuckoo finger spinny motion
Cuckoo finger spinny motion around my ears.
That is all.
^^^That just made me so laugh
^^^That just made me so laugh out loud!
LOL I hope I didn't make you
LOL I hope I didn't make you choke. I mean, what else do you say? In this case I literally can't say anything.
LOL No, I'm good. I've also
LOL No, I'm good. I've also learned not to take a drink of anything while reading this website!
You really can't say anything when it comes to crazy THIS crazy...right? I just laugh, shake my head and try my best to thank my lucky stars that *I* don't have to deal with that kind of shit!
ahahahah That was funnnnnnny
ahahahah That was funnnnnnny
" Onebright will never be
" Onebright will never be happy as long as our children are around. Period"
Ooooohhh, how sweet. She's SO concerned about your happiness. :sick:
Well Lynn, See, she's been to
Well Lynn, See, she's been to so many different therapist that she can now read EVERYONES mind. She knows what DSO thinks and feels , I sometimes wonder what would happen if he actually lifted his 'no speaking/replying to BM ban' and just told her to her face straight up how he feels about me, about her, about how the skids are and to F off.
Yes Oldone, Shes a good
Yes Oldone, Shes a good caring Christian woman. Just ask her, She'll tell ya how wonderfully awesome she is
EVERY BM is wonderfully
EVERY BM is wonderfully awesome. Well, at least I know *I* am! LMFAO
Oh God, the holier than thou,
Oh God, the holier than thou, 'I'm all about the love', noble victim thing is so familiar. DH had pages of those from BM, despite the fact that she was an alcoholic who had cheated repeatedly on him. I know nothing about your back story but I can pretty much guarantee that the delusional attitude in her text will be brainwashing her children into thinking she actually is a victim nobly defending them against their fathers undesirable new partner. It's going to be pretty hard to make any headway with them with that going on in the background.
Bo, You are SPOT ON! Same BM
Bo, You are SPOT ON! Same BM here only a pill popper and serial cheater.