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Order to stop counseling visits!? WHAT?!

public1234's picture

So T-Minus count down 10 day's till the kids fly in to spend spring break with us.

The BM is now trying to file something with the courts where we live, "supposedly" signed by their counselor in her state. Stating that the "children finally opened up, and they feel interrogated by visiting counselors while with their father"

So she's trying to get an order signed that my fiancé their FATHER can't take them to a counselor. They were in counseling before this mess, and when we have them they see their normal counselor at least once. What judge would actually sign something like this? This is so ridiculous I don’t even have any more words for this!


Convulsive's picture

This is not a ridiculous request & will likely be approved barring something being amiss with the counselor the kids see with BM. I got one of these orders approved because my daughter's Father was shopping for a counselor to tell him what he wanted to hear. It helped that my daughter was going to continue with the counselor her Dad started with & told my daughter not to tell me about, after 3 months I bumped into the counselor, with my daughter, & agreed to take her also, with the understanding that I was never informed of him seeking counseling. So, the order is easy to get approved as 1 counselor is less likely to "confuse" children & allows for "continuity of care", key terms to courts.

misSTEP's picture

I don't see how this would be approved unless the father DOES have a history of "shopping" for counselors. But it sounds like it has been the same counselor the entire time and that the skids are used to seeing this counselor.

Wouldn't this be like taking away a father's rights to joint legal custody?? Parents can't take their own children to doctors, etc.?

public1234's picture

They have been with the same clinical physiologist for over 2 years. BM doesn't want them seeing him because he spoke against her in the last custody hearing. The court appointed him to evaluate her during that case, and he found her to be alienating the children from their father, and found her emotional abusing the kids. So she doesn't want them to see him and possible say something that she can't censor.

Convulsive's picture

There's got to be more to this & the kids seeing a different person during Spring Break is a little crazy. Continuity of care is the key