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Shopping trip

just.his.wife's picture

Ok. I do not like Kelly.

At all.

I do however like her step mother.

Shopping trip started off ok. We (skid3 and I) picked up Kelly and her step mother, head to the mall.

Apparently Kelly's dad gave Kelly $50.00 to spend. Stepmom has her own $ from her own job. We spent about an hour wandering from store to store that the girls wanted to go to. Then holy hell, Kelly's step mom and I saw it at the same time... shoe sale... buy one get one FREE and it was ON!

For all of ten minutes before Kelly brought stepmom a pair of $75.00 sneakers she wanted (not on sale). Step mother asked her if she had the money for them "No but you do" and the kid handed them to her and wandered off.


Excuse me... what?!?!

Oh not my kid, not my family, not my business. Until step mom put away the pair of shoes she wanted so she could buy the little shit the shoes. The whole frigging morning was like that. Kid demanded and ordered her step mother to buy her stuff, never spent the $50 her dad gave her. Lunch time comes and we moms are in the food court eating and I asked her point blank why in the hell she was playing ATM to a child that grunts answers to her, doesn't look at her and all but ignores her existence unless she wants something.

Skid3, myself and step mom are hunting sales racks.... this kid is walking up to window displays and pointing saying "I want that."

After lunch step mom put her wallet away and did not buy anything else. When we dropped them off Kelly was fit to be tied because step mom ONLY spent about $200.00 on her. Hell if that was me she would have been lucky to get a $1 bottle of water!


imjustthemaid's picture

Ugh that used to be me when I first married DH and SD was 10. It got so bad that anytime she saw me with any money even a dollar she would demand it from me. I had to put her in her place. Now she gets nothing! At the time I worked so it was my money.

just.his.wife's picture

I did forget to mention: Skid3 had $20 her dad gave her and three gift certificates left over from christmas. Total of $80. That kid stretched her dollars and came home with an impressive stack of clothing!

As for Kelly and her step mom... I don't know how long they have been married. But step mom and I have a brunch date later in the week. If she needs it, she can borrow my spine with the kid!

just.his.wife's picture

I gave her the website. Up to her if she posts or not! I am kinda hoping she will read the website at least and see she is not alone!

just.his.wife's picture

I just hope she does not think the kids love/respect can be bought.

I think out next "field trip" may just be to the soup kitchen and Kelly can help Skid3 serve meals. I think a little humility might do that kid some good!

bi's picture

i would like to smack that sm! that is bullshit! no way in hell would i put up with that. sd tried many times, but instead of ordering me, she got all whiny about how she "only needed x more dollars to get this!" (imagine insanely whiny dragged out words and a look of total pathetic poor me all over her face). i never caved. i told her each time. you have x dollars and you are not getting a dollar more. no matter what she had, it was never enough. if she had had a grand, she would have wanted something for 1200. that is how she is. i can't even remember how many times she and bd went with me to go grocery shopping and i had to say (not to bd, because she didn't pull this shit, but to sd) "we are here to buy groceries. THAT IS IT. do not come to me wanting anything else, because i'm telling you right now, the answer is NO." 15 mins into the store, and she comes to me with her arms overflowing with shit she wanted me to buy because "it's only x dollars!" little bitch does not understand english or any other language that has the word NO in it.

the one time that stands out the most was when she was about 14. i bought bd a $15 gift for valenties day (i know, i know. a lot of you don't like the thought of getting kids gifts for v day, but it's something i've always done). well of course at that time, i still thought everything had to be fair, even though i knew it was bullshit. (these days, i do not give a shit!) so i got sd a $15 gift card, since nothing i buy is ever good enough. it was a sunday, she had to go home late that afternoon, and i had to get home to get to bed because i had to work that night. we were out getting groceries. she had that card clutched in her hand. asking over and over again for more money to go with it for this, that, and the other thing. fdh must have sensed how i felt, because he told her no, she has the card and that's it. (bd didn't get any more than 15 spent on her, so why should his asshole kid?). the kids seperated from us, we paid for our stuff, met up with them and left. i'm thinking she bought something. we go to subway for lunch, and i'm just wanting to get home and get to bed soon. she asks fdh to take her back to the store that we JUST F'G LEFT so she can spend her gift card. (insert steaming ear face here). i didn't say a word, as i would have exploded if i had opened my mouth at all. i was pissed like you would not believe. she had at least an hour in that store and didn't get anything because she was waiting for fdh to cave and give her more money. now she wants to go back?

in my mind i was thinking that if he took her back and kept me out that much later as well as rewarding her shitty behavior, i was going to choke the life out of him. lucky for him, he told her no. she had her chance, if she didn't spend it, that was her fault, and she would just have to bring it with her the next time she came. and that people, is typical 'everything is about me' behavior out of her that i dealt with every damn time she was around for years. she is now 20, and not a damn thing has changed. she's not mature and she still thinks everything is about her.

Shaman29's picture

I'll tell you what......if DH's kid had handed me a pair of $75 sneakers with the expectation that I'd buy them for her........she'd end up with a $75 sneaker enema. If you know what I mean.