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10 year old skid tells me I am breaking the rules in my home!!!! the F!!!!

love_my_shichi's picture

I was standing in the kitchen heating up a lean cuisine and set my little shi chi dog on our island counter for a second while I grabbed something and youngest skid walks in the room and says in a very snotty voice...."xyz dog is not supposed to be on the counter'. I almost flew off the handle in a rage. WHO THE HELL IS A TEN YEAR OLD THINK HE IS TELLING ME WHAT THE RULES ARE I'M MY FREAKING HOUSE!!! IF I WANT TO SET MY DOG ON THE COUNTER I WILL!!!!


love_my_shichi's picture

The little brat lives with his mom and visits us Friday and Saturday nights. It is not his place to tell me....AN ADULT....what the frigging rules are. Yet another example of these skids entitled and selfish ways. WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?

StickAFork's picture

No kidding!!
and for the kids care about hygiene. Not all kids are pigs. Wink

love_my_shichi's picture

If my daughter EVER tried to tell my SO something like that he would absolutely freak out. I want to punch that little douche bag.

StickAFork's picture

Eww. You put your dog on the counter?? Sorry, I'm with the kid here. I ADORE my furbabies, but some things are just NASTY.

BTW, is it a rule that the animals don't go on the counters?

MoominMama's picture

This is not really about the hygiene issue. OP is posting about the skid mouthing off and not knowing his place. 

love_my_shichi's picture

It's a seven pound shi chi that never goes outside and I guarantee is cleaner then this boy.

fedup13's picture

Here we freaking go again, jeeze Louise, the topic is not what "rule" he says she broke, the topic is that this kid thinks he has the right to tell the adult what to do in her own home. And I know one response to this will be, "well, how do they expect him to follow their rules and instructions if they don't follow the rules themselves" No. Sorry, he is the child, she is the adult, he should not be telling her what to do I don't care what it was that he thought she did wrong. Would I put a dog on my counters? No, but again, that is not the point, and even if it was that is what Clorox is for. Big damn deal. OP, I totally agree with you. These kids think they can run all over you, tell you what to do, because their Dad's let them, at least that is what the root cause is in my home.

love_my_shichi's picture

Yes, this is what I mean. This KID.....thinks that he can TELL ME THE RULES....LIKE HE IS MY EQUAL? EXCUSE ME? I am an adult...if I want to have a dog party on the kitchen table I can....

fedup13's picture

That is the problem, in a lot of these households, their is no hierarchy of power. Kids are not equal to adults in terms of power. We do not and should not answer to them, it should be the other way around. I'll be damned if a spoiled rotten, rude, destructive, defiant, smart assed turd that gets away with whatever he wants would tell me what to do in my house. I deal with this, or at least I used to before I disengaged. Skid used to watch me like a hawk and would yell, "I am telling my Daddy on you" when he never even had a reason. Like I would get a bowl out of the cabinet, my bowl mind you, pretty sure I paid for them, and he would get all snotty and say, "you can't have that, that is not yours, that is my Daddy's and I am gonna tell. I would change the tv channel, same story, "you can't do that, that is my Daddy's and I am gonna tell." Tell away you little half wit, like I give a shit.

MoominMama's picture

Agree about the hierarchy thing. The natural order is all messed up. BM here openly spouted about 'everyone in the family is equal' and wondered why they were so badly behaved with SS doing exactly what he wanted and SD with her smart mouth and entitlement. 

StickAFork's picture

Apparently being an "adult" excuses ALL bad behavior, right????
OP appears to have broken a "house rule" and seems to think she's above it. What she did was DIS.GUST.ING.

fedup13's picture

Yep. I have a cat. It is impossible to keep her off of things. Cats march to the beat of their own drum and do as they please. I never start preparing a meal without wiping down my counter tops, and I use clean cutting boards for everything anyway. I would wipe my counters down whether I had animals or not. I like to start with a totally pristine kitchen before I mess it all up I cannot cook without making a huge mess.

fedup13's picture

I read an article recently about how cell phones are one of the dirtiest things we can lay our hands on. They ran tests on random phones and found all kinds of things on them.

fedup13's picture

I agree. I thought it was a tad bit ridiculous. If they disagree with her doing that, ok, but she wasn't asking for their opinions or advice on that. She was venting about a snot nosed spoiled brat trying to tell her what to do. These people started going on about "house rules" and how she broke the "house rule" and he was just calling her out on it. She never said anything about a "house rule" she just said he came in and told her the dog is not supposed to be up there. He did not have the authority to tell her that. He is a child. He has no authority over an adult especially in her own home. That is what is wrong with a lot of these kids, they are allowed to walk all over the adults and feel like they run the show. It should not be that way.

love_my_shichi's picture

The dog is much cleaner then the boy by far. He is groomed every other week and is a house dog.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

Wink Well I wouldn't get too worked up over it. Kid just was mimicking parenting and announcing rules. To set a good example I would say, thank you for reminding me, I forgot. This is modeling respectful - following the rules type behaviour. JHMO.

Doesnteatcrow's picture

I have been in a "boot" for a broken ankle since Dec. and my BS almost 3 said " mommy you aren't allowed to wear your shoes to bed" and I didn't flip. He is correct in most cases except here is medical necessity. I think you are making a federal case out of just an observation.

When I read this post orginally, I was not only concerned about the sanitary factor, but also for the safety of the dog. What if he fell off or tried to jump off?

love_my_shichi's picture

The safety of the dog is something I should have thought of. It was like such a brief moment really. But thanks for that. If something happened to the dog I would be upset.

fedup13's picture

Me too Dog person, on the liking the dog more than the people. Like you said, I have watched Dh put raw food on the counter and not clean it up properly, and I think that is a much bigger issue than a tiny little dogs feet touching it for a minute. Especially when the dog is an inside dog and probably touches outdoor ground a few times a day and has cleaner feet than food that gets prepared there. People are making a huge deal out of a minor incident. But, like I said, this is not even the real issue of the post, the kid overstepping his bounds is and the OP has every right to vent here about it no matter how small of an ordeal it seems to others. It is these small issues that rise up again and again and again, that lead us to our breaking point and cause us to seek out sites like this is the first place.

love_my_shichi's picture

Yes! This dog is loved more then the annoying know it all child who thinks he needs to tell me what to do.

Anon2009's picture

I know you may disagree with this but why are you still with this guy? You're not married to him. What does he do to parent his kids? It seems that if anything, being in this situation has brought you more stress and resentment. That's not supposed to happen when you are in a romantic relationship with someone. Granted, partners get mad at each other. That happens. But this goes way beyond that.

You have a daughter of your own. No kid likes seeing their parent so stressed out, angry and resentful. This atmosphere, and living in it, is affecting her too. This relationship is not a good one to model for her. And I do not say that in a mean way. Look at so many of the posters here who wish their parents had broken up because their home environments were so miserable.

I think the best thing you can do for you and your daughter is to leave this guy.

love_my_shichi's picture

You are absolutely right. And if I was in a position to do that, I would. Thanks for being honest.

bi's picture

i just love how people ignore the point of the post to get their fix of being on a high horse. (eye roll)

so what did you say to the little brat, OP?

StickAFork's picture

OP is reacting like SS told her to take the dog off or else she'd be grounded or something. :? He simply said the dog isn't supposed to be there, which sounds like that's the case.

It rather cracks me up that the adults don't believe in rules when it applies to them, but a skids had better NOT ignore one!!! Such a double standard. And adults are supposed to be adults...who model behavior for the kids.

StickAFork's picture

See, that makes sense to me. Not sure why it's so confusing...

Last I checked, dogs still $hit outside. Biggrin

oldone's picture

I don't want pets on my counters but you can put anything you want on YOUR counters. That's the point here.

It is YOUR decision - no one else's. Especially not some snot nosed brat.

I'd have told the brat to STFU.

love_my_shichi's picture

I a mean voice, "I am an adult and I will put anything I want on this counter".

And its just like everyone said. NUMBER ONE: THIS DOG IS CLEANER AND LOVED MORE THEN THAT FREAKING KID....but its not like I frequently put my dog on the counters. It's an island... That has a sink and a plant and holds papers the kitchen....its not really where we cook and prepare food. We don't USE IT AS A CHOPPING BLOCK FOR GODS SAKE!

love_my_shichi's picture

You make it sound so easy. Like there's NO FEELINGS. he's a person and I am too. He isn't just some attorney we have been through HELL and back together. It's a long long story. I am having a hard time giving up what I want because I hate the kids. It's not so fair really. Its not as cut and dry as you make it sound. At all...

love_my_shichi's picture

His professional career is irrelevant, I have two degrees myself and have dated wealthier men with no kids. You are getting it all wrong I think.

Shaman29's picture

I going to read between the lines here and say it sounds like he makes snotty comments to you, no matter what you do. I get the impression the skids follow you around and tattle whenever you "break a rule". You're probably feeling like this isn't your house at all.

I'm sure it wasn't the comment, but the straw that broke the camels' back.

I have a vague memory of your situation, but if I recall you're not in a financial position to leave the house. I think it would do you a world of good, despite your feelings for your SO, to start saving your money and get your own place. You weren't on here for a while and I thought maybe that you moved on.

The situation isn't going to improve, as your SO is doing nothing about the way his kids treat people. If I were you I would probably leave as soon as possible. No man is worth the misery these skids bring into your life.

Rags's picture

Though definately lippy, I have to say that I side with the Skid on this one. Gross. :sick: Pets do not belong on counter tops. As a long time parrot owner I cringe when I see this type of thing. Dogs, cats, birds all walk where they do their business. That fact should pretty much decide the dog on the counter top issue.

The lippy kid issue is something else entirely and should als be addressed. A kid should not speak to a paretn in any manner other than with respect.

IMHO of course.