GF Kids Issues
Hi I’m a 32 year single male with no kids of my own. I have a Gf that I really love to death. She is a single mom of 3 kids. 1st child is a teenager in her last year in high school, 2nd is a young male that is 9 and the last child is 7 which is a girl. The mother is really amazing as well as the teenager with no problems in the beginning, however the 2 youngest seems to be the problem. Now let me said that I’m really trying not to sound selfish but just need some input on some things. 1st -my Gf seems to be really soft on her kids even the teenage which she is not a problem at all she is going to a division 1 college this fall for sports but the mother seems to favorite her out of the 3 which I understand she was the 1st for 10 years before the 2nd was born. My GF kids are by 3 different relationships that went south at some point. 2 out of the fathers are active, the middle child doesn’t know his father at all cause he left before he was born. The problem is that I seem to be losing love for her due to the two youngest. Like spending time with her. I try to be reasonable and understanding that she has 3 kids and she is doing all on her own. But I seem to get the last helping hand but I seem to be there when she needs me to be, not that she ask me for anything but I always offer and do for her and the kids. In the beginning it was fine and fun and now it like a battle to for me to be around her and her kids. The youngest is the worst at the age of 7 it would seem that she would be more settle and doing her own thing. She is always fighting all of us hitting, screaming, and just acting out all the time and will not sleep in her own bed always waking up really early and not going to sleep when told. The father comes and gets her every other weekend but I feel he is getting to enjoy his life with his GF while I have to suffer. The boy is not as bad just needs to focus more in school but all around a descend kid. The mother doesn’t whipped them but also is stricted on them but is seems not to work. Other issues is that the mother makes good money and in fact more than me almost by double with child support from 2 of the baby daddies, it was in the beginning we would take turn on paying for food or whatever we choose to do when we went out. Now it seems like every time we go somewhere I end up paying which I don’t mind it but at times I feel like I want to be spoiled abit. But when she gets paid she hurries and buys the oldest daughter whatever she needs/wants and not thinking about her bills and what needs to be done. Now she is getting jealous checking my phone and wanting me to be at her house more which I love spending time but when I come over all it is fighting, screaming with the kids trying to get them to mind. At this point I want to end it but feel like crap out because I can handle all that.
- mrinternational33's blog
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And what exactly are you
And what exactly are you getting out of this relationship? It sounds like a disaster for you to me. Run, run like the wind!!
OMFG RUN! And I mean it.
OMFG RUN! And I mean it. Get out of that.
Just wanted something
Just wanted something different than the club girl/bar girl. I lived a fast life, kinda wanted to things slow, that is one reason i liked her. she doesnt drink or smoke and doesnt go out, and I love kids to DEATH but now im feeling like it is not worth the headache...THe youngest sets the tone in her house causing the oldest not to come from her room because of all the choas and the middle child has nightwares.. she has been kicked out of daycare once and now in 1st grade kinda getting into trouble as well .. GF think this is cause due to her father having issue as a child. I try and Provide support, not advice, when i say something to her she seems to listen but dont do anything.
Too much baggage for a
Too much baggage for a childless man. get out now it will only get worse.
Part of loving a person that
Part of loving a person that you intend to spend your life with and have a family with... of any kind, even if your kids are of the k-9 persuation, part of a successful relationship is respecting their role as a parent. If they don't fulfull that role and they are living up to your standards of that role, then there will be nothing but problem. Even if these were YOUR Bio kids, if she is not being the mom that you can love and respect for her kids then I don't see much of a future here.
You are one of the lucky ones, since you are recognizing this early on in your relationship. You aren't stuck in a marriage. There are many women here that are in the same situation with their husbands, but didn't see it before they made the jump and got married.
I would seriously consider ending this now before it gets too hard.
Wow, this seems like a
Wow, this seems like a difficult sitation for you to be in.
Why not schedule time with her away from the kids and talk to her from your heart. I know guys aren't typically prone to laying out their feelings but I do think it would help to be honest here. Ask her to listen and not interupt until you are done. No finger pointing or else she will get defensive. Be selective with your words and be sincere. Hopefully the ligh bulb will come on and she'll understand where you are coming from and commit to making change.
I have tried this once .. now
I have tried this once .. now i'm going to end it... I have never had a women treat me this way kids or no kids..
RUN, oh my, RUN. Or you
RUN, oh my, RUN. Or you could be baby daddy #4! and then she'll make even more money with the CS she'll squeeze out of you!
Sorry, but if you are a man, wanting to settle, there are THOUSANDS, no MILLIONS, of women out there wanting to settle, who would love to find a guy with no kids or crazy ex.
PS - sorry, but any woman that has 3 kids, by 3 different fathers, is not telling you something...No woman in her right mind would end up with 3 kids by 3 different fathers...NONE.
it did tell me something at
it did tell me something at 1st, but figuring people do make mistakes, alot of mistakes. I wasnt so quick to judge her or her situation. I can say all three BD she was in a relationship with and not just a booty call it so happen she got caught up...
and are 100% right, there are
and are 100% right, there are plenty of women out there.. I look at my step father and step grandfather both of these men raise me to be the man i am.. now i think am not the men there were by leaving Just saying
No kidding. Uberskank has
No kidding. Uberskank has three kids/three dads. In court, the judge had 6 stacks of files, each about a foot and a half tall to keep track of all of the legal BS with each kid/dad combo.
How she continues to meet men and get dates is beyond me!
When I first started dating
When I first started dating after the break up of my Ex, I was open to women with or without kids. I didn't have any kids of my own. Not because I didn't want them just because I not the type of guys to just get women prego. And trying to keep things in perspective with this situation. normally if i was dating someone and it wasnt going right i could break up and that be it, but in this case it seems different. Any more suggestions
If she is not open to seeing
If she is not open to seeing what the issues are, and you are not willing to ignore it (disengage) and love her anyways (which would be a mighty big task) you have 2 options:
1. End the relationship
2. Suffer
I don't see any other option.
WOW!! so true! thanks for the
WOW!! so true! thanks for the feed back. Im new to the site so i normally dont dicuss my personl life with anyone but this has relieve alot of stress to able to vent. thanks to all that commented
We need to add a dating forum
We need to add a dating forum to this site... Something for all the CF single people worried about sticking it out "because there are no CF people (their) age". There ARE CF people out there.
ah, yes, although some of us
ah, yes, although some of us have now entered into the OTHER side...but it would be great for those who have not yet entered the OTHER side to see there is HOPE...get the heck out, there are plenty of men/women without for the hills!
We had a very long talk
We had a very long talk yesterday before we went to dinner. And she was crying her tears out about the things a said. She says she understood where i was coming from and that she never really had anybody that cared for her and her kids. I told her i do care about her a lot and that the world is different now days from 70, 80 and even some of the 90's. If the kids have no respect for the parents and if we don’t get them first then just imagine what this world will do to them. I was a good night for the both of us not to mention the Teenage went to dinner as well, which I don’t mind she is not a problem nor the middle child. The youngest went to her dads for the weekend. GF says that she didn’t want to lose me and that she knows that her 2 youngest are a hand full. I told her that I’m having been patience but that doesn’t mean that i will stay. I also told her that changes need to be make not just cause of me but just in general she will never have a good life if her kids stay that way, just imagine when they get older I don’t think anyone want to take care of grow Kids cause that can’t make it own their own because the parent didn’t tell them or disciplined them early on. My mom and grandparent didn’t do it they may have helped along the way.
Yes, end it and be done. It
Yes, end it and be done. It will never get better. Don't be like the rest of us and marry into this never ending nightmare.