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OT - Sort of, Birth of my daughter, request for advice, and vent session

midnyt's picture

Well she finally arrived 2 weeks ago, my obs admitted me to hospital on the 10th for gel insertion and if nothing happened was going to break my waters the next day, 4.30am on the 11th my waters broke, contractions started and 3 hours later my darling little girl was born.

So heres where the request for advice comes in, I dont care if you have bio kids or not, if you have advice that you think can help I wanna hear it! This is my 3rd child, I just assumed (silly I know) that i knew what i was in for, done this twice before, easy right? Yeah no! This child will not sleep like she is supposed to, and we have tried everything to get her to settle into a routine, even if she only slept for 2 hours instead of 4 i could cope with tat but she doesnt, she wants to feed constantly and will be awake for up to 6 or 8 hrs and then sleeps for the same when she's finally too exhausted to stay awake any longer, the longer she is awake for the more i lose where we are at with feeding, particularly since we are having to top her up with formula. Anyone have any advice on how to get her into a routine? I am so tired and find i am not able to spend the time with my boys or my SO that i thought I would.

Now the vent, FMiL finally came to visit and brought SS with her, 6 days after bubs was born, SS wasnt all that interested, i didnt think he would be even though SO and FMiL tried to convince me he was, I just wanted to say to both of them "do i look like an idiot?" anyway, FMiL gushed over "her granddaughter" etc, but havent heard from her since, my mum calls every day to check on us and comes once a week under the guise of "helping" love her to death but she creates more mess than she helps with LOL. I guess i was right, she isnt really interested, just made the right noises i guess!!


Pinki3663's picture

I have no children but a fellow employee just had a very fussy baby and the Gripe Water I recommended worked wonders. His wife can now sleep!

simifan's picture

Seconded - DS had reflux ... colic ease worked wonders for me and several others I recommended it to with fussy babies.

midnyt's picture

Thanks heaps to all of you, I will give the colic remedies a try and see how I go! Fingers crossed!!