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notagain2012's picture

Well, I am actually relieved. It sounds horrible, but I think I am.

I want to thank all u steptalkers, and this site for putting up with me, and showing me my future. I think that seeing the posts on here, and hearing the stories of heartache and problems after drama after pain and frustration...I was able to really see it.

I thought it was just me. I thought that if I did all the right things that my life would go smoothly. I thought that my SS was a nightmare, and had the tendency to want to blame BM. I realized, that its not just her, that my SO was a dipshit and a horrible parent. It took awhile, but I started noticing things happening...that would be a constant problem. That things that were happening now, would probably not go away. I tried, I really did. But I evaluated the entire situation and figured out that I was not happy, and did not like the way it was. I also figured out that waiting it out, and hoping he would parent, and hoping things would improve, was just plain stupid. If I didn't like it not, I found myself having a really hard time convincing myself it could ever improve. I wanted too...boy I I thought I could. But I couldn't. I found that I am depressed and exhausted. Defeated. They win. The BM wins, the kid wins, and SO wins. I'm out. I'm out of patience, and try, and empty. My sex drive is gone, my energy is sapped, and I had permanent bags , black bags under my eyes. They just would not go away.

I used to love him. A lot. I could feel it in my bones kind of thing. So in tune etc. I'm definietely not going to dwell on that much bevasue its gone. I feel nothing anymore. Empty, defeated, exhausted.

All of the kid drama aside, we definitely had other relationship issues. I'm convinced he's a compulsive liar and a Narcissist. Omit, lie about stupid crap. Like buying an expresso machine. Whatever. So sick of him. And then argues with me saying he doesn't hide stuff, when he told me he purposely didn't tell me. Wth?

I seriously evaluated any future with him, and it just did not look good. It will take me a while to get passed it, and understand how I got into this, when all the red flags were there...etc.

It's been 4days. We haven't really spoken, and I have started letting go. I will be sad, and I will miss him sometimes, but I just don't feel devastated. I havent cried, I'm guessing I will at some point. Maybe when it really hits. Dunno. The first two days were sort of mopey, and glum, but I felt sort of lost and in limbo, basically breaking the habit of testing him etc. I get plenty of alone time anyway, so its not like I feel lonely yet. I don't know. I'm sure its coming.

I actually feel relieved. I slept better last night than I have in a long time, and my bags are already improving.

I prob won't be on here much anymore, since I no longer have to stress about a kid that doesn't belong to me, wiping snot on my things. And a SO who doesn't do anything about it.

Again, thank you guys, and I wish u the best. I may browse every now and then so don't count me out! But its going to be awhile before I try dating again, and I'm pretty confident, he won't have kids. Smile


notagain2012's picture

I'm so sorry Lynn.... If there is anything I can offer up, its just that sometimes we have to do what's best for us.... I'm here if ya need me...

oldone's picture

Actually you are a big WINNER. You are going to go on and have a great life.

I've loved an asshole before. Life is so much better when you do not have a toxic partner.

Grieve over what could have been IF he's not been a narcissistic liar. But unfortunately he is.

notagain2012's picture

Your exactly right. We get caught up in that crap, which I did the last time we broke up. Nothing really changed, and I kicked my own ass everyday for "romanticizing" what could be, if he weren't a crazy lying manipulative lazy douchebag. Smile

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture


You've escaped stepfamily Hell!

I wish you nothing but happiness in the future.

Redsonya's picture

So proud and happy for you! You knew you weren't happy and acted on it. It took me a couple days of being really angry before I hit sad and crying on Monday, then anxious as hell on Tuesday, and finally, at peace today. When you hit the crying stage, make a ruthless list of all the stuff you won't miss about SO, his kid, his family, BM and the whole life with him. Then burn it (in my case at least, I was very tempted to mail it to him - but that would be bad karma, lol). It's so freeing!

notagain2012's picture

I talked to a friend of mine last night and we discussed the list. I may make one, but I prob don't need to. I have a actual journal that I have had for years, and starting from our first date, its pretty obvious I ignored many red flags. I started reading some of my posts from 2010, and couldn't even get through the first few, but it was just ridiculous.

Maybe I need to make an abbreviated version! Thanks so much for you guys support...

The tears haven't hit yet, and I'm not sure they will. I'm going to stop looking for them!

AngeLily's picture

Big hugs to you! It's not an easy choice to make and only you can make it. Good luck on all things to come and may it all be filled with happiness.