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If SD19 is pregnant, I'm going to kill somebody

Elizabeth's picture

Maybe Dh for not pulling his head out of his ass.

SD19 went away for the weekend with boyfriend 26 and DH knew about it (he was talking to her about it on the phone). This man has six (now confirmed) kids with I believe three women. He keeps tweeting about how all SD19 does now is sleep. And other people are tweeting about how one day they'll tell their friends about how they used to know a guy who had dozens of kids. So my guess is he's about to up the count from six to seven.

This is total bulls&*t.


oldone's picture

If someone wants to destroy their life there's not much you can do about it. Since she is of age this should be her problem. Just try to have as little to do with her and the child as possible. (f there is a child)

There are countless stupid girls like her out there. I was pretty stupid in my youth too but at least knew to use BC. We all have to learn to live with consequences of our stupidity.

I just refuse to be responsible for anyone else's stupid mistakes.

If she is pg absolutely refuse to hear anything about it or be involved at all in her woes. No she does not need "family to support her". She needs a 2x4 upside the head.

bi's picture

does that mean i haven't actually earned a front seat in hell for not tripping over myself to "help" sd20 and her baby like she insisted i owed it to her to do? well yay me! to think i can be uninvolved and NOT be the most evil bitch who ever existed!

boots415's picture

Why does SD feel you owe it to her? We found out recently that SD17 is pregnant, but she doesn't live w/ us and doesn't want anything to do w/ us.

bi's picture

^^^^this. and she has attempted more than once to shame and guilt trip me for not "helping" her, whatever the hell that means. spend money on her? be her labor and delivery coach? she claims she needed my help breastfeeding. she hadn't had him yet. so what was i supposed to do? i have no idea. she says i'm hurting her dad's health to shut her out. i told her i was hurting MY health to let her in, and that taking care of my kids and myself was my number on priority, so bye bye bitch!