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Now? Really?

bogfrog's picture

:? After being married for almost 28 yrs., SD has decided to get back into our lives after a 25 yr. exclusion of me... all of a sudden she's back in 'our' lives with lots of love and caring and it's all been phoney. We had some issues locally with a couple businesses and I'd mentioned little bits on Facebook that she took upon herself to make hers - that is, that the comments were about her - and she proceeded to tell her sibs about it and then they unfriended us on Fb. Point here is that we've done nothing to merit this and she's been to visit 3 times in the past 3 yrs. but it was to gain ammo for just such a time as this...but husb. NOW sees what she's done and is willing to let them all go and be done with them....I can send the postcard when he passes. :jawdrop: This hurt is unbelievable and I don't know what to do to get tougher and steelier than how I already feel. Guess I just need some sympathy!! Thanks in advance...


bogfrog's picture

No, Catmom, she started the 'buddy-buddy' stuff about 4 yrs ago -she wanted to see her dad (we live 1500 mi. away) and so began to try and be nice so she and her husb. could come visit...I said OK right away for hub. sake after we'd agreed no people in our house o'nite...because it was his as well and there was no reason not to try and trust, right??? BTW, BM is deceased for 32 yrs....SD is 56...and house and $ is mine...trusted but not to their knowledge.

doll faced sm's picture

So then, your DH is in his 70s? 80s? Your SD is probably realising that her dad won't be around forever. I guess if you look at the positive side, at least she didn't wait until it was too late. But yeah, it's always upsetting when people take their friends and family for granted; I'm sure I'd be suspicious if I were in your shoes, too.

Anon2009's picture

Go on over to the Adult Stepchildren Issues are in good company.