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Stop making excuses for your husband just because he’s a man!

amber3902's picture

Okay, at the risk of getting flamed, I’m just going to say it. Why is it when someone comes on here and complains about their step kids and someone suggests to them that their husband is the problem, the OP gets all upset, lashes out at the poster, and accuses them of being rude and judgmental?

Granted, there are some times where it is the step kid’s fault, or the BM’s, but many times the problem is that the dad does not get control of his kids.

It’s okay to complain about what brats the step kids are, what a terrible mother BM is, but the second someone says something about dear, perfect husband, the claws come out.

And then the OP makes all kinds of excuses for her husband, “he’s pretty clueless when it comes to parenting” or “women are just better at this sort of thing”. So because he has a d$ck he is incapable of parenting his kids?

Or the all too classic “he is busy working to provide a roof over our heads” – so I guess being a man makes him incapable of doing more than one thing at a time – like work and parent his kids? Even though women do it all the time?

Really, I think we do a disservice to men when we say that because of their gender they are incapable of getting their kids under control. No one is born a parent, women have to figure out how to be a parent, so why can’t men?

Stop making excuses for your husband just because he’s a man!


amber3902's picture

Wow, so my blog DID post! Yay! Was having a hard time getting it to post.

"I see people wanting dad to pay every last dime he has" - people can want dad to pay for everything, but it's up to DAD to grow a spine and say no.

SA - yes, the dynamics in blended families are complex, and often there is more than one factor that contributes to the problem. I just wish people would stop turning a blind eye to the dad and hold him accountable, when appropriate, instead of lashing out at posters who state that the husband is the problem!