First time posting..
Hello everyone. This is my first time posting so I'll try to explain my situation.
I found steptalk by googling about step children problems and I'm really happy to discover there's a community for step parents. I really am lost and in need of help.
So here's some background: I started dating my husband a few years ago, it wasn't serious in the beggining so he didn't tell his daughters immidiately. But we got serious with time, and I met his daughters after maybe a year or so. They were nice, cold but nice and I thought that could work out. Around that time, they got accepted for two years in school in another country so they went there. I really have no idea how they did that because I don' hear often about that happening but yeah. They lived with their aunt and uncle and their kids in that city. My husband let them do it because it seemed like an opportunity to get more independent, meet new people,and get used to the city because that's where they're going to college.
While they were there, we got engaged. He often talked on the phone with them,but when he told them he has news for them. When he said that he's engaged, they got pissed and hung up. They wouldn't talk to him for about a week,then they said that they will ''discuss this in private'' when they come home.
They did discuss it, but it seemed like he put them in their place and we got married. It was fine, though they haven't been much around the house so I didn't get a chance to see them often as it was the last year of primary school (lots of stuff to do at school +spending time with friends 'cause they're separating). They were 14 and 15 at the time.
But the trouble started when I got pregnant. Husband and I were happy and excited, but step daughters were NOT. They were livid.
I guess that my pregnancy showed them that I'm permanent, which they should have known since the wedding, but.. fine.
They were pissed, wouldn't talk to their father at all, and they kept refusing to come home - they stayed with their grandmother. My husband forced them to come home, but they insisted it's not their home anymore and they acted like aliens. No talking, no walking, just sitting on the couch and staring at the wall. They wouldn't get up unless to go to the bathroom and to go to sleep. It lasted for like 3 days,then he let them go back.
He told them many times that he loves them,he's there for them, that I'm not taking their place and neither is the baby, but they kept it going. He thought they'd come around, so he let it be.
After some time, he talked to them and they came back home.
But since then, my life has been terrible.
First of all, they ignore our baby. They do not acknowledge it AT ALL. No, I don't mean they don't play wth it. I mean they don't look at it, don't talk about it, if asked about the baby they just say something like "i don't know ask dad or steppystep" or "that's got nothing to do with us".
If we left them alone in the room with the baby - it could cry it's eyes out and they'd just keep doing whatever they are doing. However if there's a cousin's or aunt's baby, they're all over it and play with it untill the baby goes home.
If my husband needs help with something, they do it immidiately. But if it's related to the baby, they'd rather stab themselves in the eye than do something for our child.
They ignore me, too, except for an occasional rude sarcastic comment,but I can live with that. I just don't want my children to grow up in such an environment.
But also, sometimes the ignoring bothers me. I got a little sick a few days ago, nothing special, i was a bit tired too, and I got dizzy in the house, I almost fell - but they just passed by me as if I didn't exist. I almost fell but I managed to sit on the floor. They wouldn't even tell their father what happened,they pretened not to see me as usual.
Now I can tolerate it usually,but NOT when I or my baby are in danger. That's just horrible.
They also disrespect any rules of mine ,and find a way around husband's, or a loophole in them.
For example, if I said "Don't stay up past midnight", they'd just say "who are you to tell me that, leave me alone, go find something to do with yourself". If my husband said it ,they'd just lay in bed and play on their phones/laptops/watch tv/read books/talk.
So tehnically they were not UP , but not planning to go to sleep either.
They also often shove me around the house,and I've noticed that lately. It's not anything painful,but it's quite rude and disrespectful.
They also respond rudely and I really hate that.
My husband has tried to give them consequences,but if there is a consequence,they just get worse.
Say - they called me a name (this really happened)and he took away their phones. Then they'd give in their laptops, plug out the TV themselves, give all gadgets, and call me that same name every time they see me.
It happened a few times too. He keeps punishing them and they just get worse when he does it.
If he says no going out - they make the house a HELL , so I'd rather have them gtfo and leave us alone.
I just don't know what to do. I hate the stress and the fact that husband and I have started arguing often about this.
He does try to solve the problem, but it seems impossible. He's torn now,because he loves me, but he of course loves the children too and doesn't know what to do.
I'm afraid we'll divorce over these issues because he's letting them get away with more lately,buying them more stuff,just overall treating them better even though they're getting worse.
He's also started spending less time with our baby, because he keeps doing things THEY want when THEY want. He didn't do it before,but since they were horrible to him whenever he actually parented, he's giving in to their crap.
I don't want to lose him and I don't want my child to lose its father over them.
- steppystep's blog
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Sounds like my life years ago
Sounds like my life years ago .. Thank god she is in college and left STATE ... I a so sorry you are going through this , my sd lived with us same thing She use to sit on my couch for hours through the day ignore me I would stay out of her way and be in my room ... One day i said No more So i sat in the same room as her and carried on like she wasn't even there .. Well she moved into her room .. I hate to say this But she aged out and left .. it never got better We didn't let her control one thing Grad Party -- she moved out and really has never looked back at me ... But with you having a baby they are acting like real jerks / spoiled / If i was you i would call a marriage counselor Take hubby and then it's an outsider will speak their peace / And maybe hubby can see what's going on .. Not coming from you because , All i heard is why are you Jealous ? I wasn't Jealous it was his child with Ignorant behaviors and he was condoning them. Marriage Counselor / And you will feel better for yourself .. Good Luck
I agree .. with Old DART ..
I agree .. with Old DART ..
I agree with old dart, but I
I agree with old dart, but I don't think that is the big issue here. I suggest therapy all the way around, but doesn't sound like these girls will participate.
DH prob has some guilt going on, and it seems the punishments are not matching the behaviors. I think the punishment is way to light, considering what they are saying and doing to you. That's bullying. By any definition, you are being bullied and intimidated by 2 preteen girls, and they get their phone taken away? Not enough imo
They are not preteens. Ok it
They are not preteens.
Ok it probably isn't enough, what do you suggest?
I was a little confused on
I was a little confused on the ages. If they are grown, they need to grow up and get out. Stepaside had some great suggestions, but basically, anything that you think your husband will do. Some tough love, and definitely not rewarding them for acting like little jackasses. And if they consistently take everything to the next level, they are just being smartasses. If you take their phones, and they turn in all electronics, THEN DON'T GIVE THEM BACK. period. Oh, well figured you didn't want these because yoy wanted to be a Smartass about it. Sell them on eBay, and don't but them another. They can easily earn money, by doing chores, or being respectful. If they want to do all the stuff in the book, and take it over the top, then give them a new book, the next grade level, and let them finish it off too.
Their mother and father
Their mother and father divorced years ago, but their mother died after that.
They weren't close to her, because she was sick and avoided them to spare them the pain. They say that the mother was a lovely woman,though I have never met her.
Anyways- it's not uncommon here that kids go to the bigger cities in that neighbour country to high school or college or even the last grades of primary school - so they can get adjusted for college.
He didn't want to let them go in the beggining, but they insisted that they must go,they listed a million reasons as to why they should go and even made my husband talk to parents of kdis who done it before... So he ended up letting them go.
They wouldn't talk normally with them until he let them go.. I don't think they have a problem with that.
They hate me, they're not bad to everybody. They're actually pretty kind and sweet to other people, if not that then at least polite. They do not act this way to anyone but me. ANYONE. Even the neighbour they hate gets better treatmant than I do.
My husband may feel uncomfortable with the baby, but he used to spend time with baby and interact a lot, cuddle, bounce, play and talk.. Now he doesn't because as soon as he looks at the baby , step daughters pull him away.
We don't have a marriage counselor here, we have a psychologyst, a psychiatrist.
and a teenage counselor that does nothing but say " be a good child god bless you bye "
I'm definitely not leaving my baby alone with them.. I couldn't do it.
They don't really act bad towards their father, only me. They're only bad to him if he punishes them for something they did to me.
He talked to them but got nothing from it, he told them what he expects to change, they said they expect changes too and if they don't get them, he doesn't either.
Their change would be that I'm gone. but that didn't happen, so they didn't change either.
They don't ever shout, or cry, or even argue with their father. They make a statement and then stare at the wall.
We don't really have the "chore" type of thing over here,they sometimes get asked to do stuff and they do it.
They clean their rooms, and the kitchen if they used it. But they're usually in their rooms so that's where they do stuff.
They are now 15 and 16, our baby is just 1.
They leave for college when they're 19.
But the problem is - I'm afraid they're going to separate me and my husband,and create a problem for the baby.. because the more problems they cause, more attention they get from my husband..and the baby gets less.
He used to enjoy buying baby stuff with me, picking stuff, etc. but since they started demanding more things, he just gives me money and tell me to "get that " and goes to buy step daughters SHIT THEY DO NOT NEED.
It's really hard to give them consequences, because as I said - when it happens, they only get worse.
If their phones get taken away,they will hand in every gadget they have.
If they are banned from going out with friends, they won't go out of their rooms.
If they are told to do something extra for school as a punishment,they'll do every single assignment in the book,and then stare at us with one eyebrow lifted.
So when they accept the punishment like that, they keep doing the thing they were punished for, because there's nothing we could take away from them anymore.
A month ago, husband left in their room their clothes,beds, books and school supplies. They even gave in the books not related to school and that went for two weeks. Their behaviour got even worse during that time, since they had nothing they did and said whatever they wanted.
I really am resenting them because their behaviour is just terrible.
But how can I give them
But how can I give them corrections for naything?
And how can I remind them fo who is the adult?
I don't do anything for them,even when I cook they won't eat it,they don't even let me near their things let alone do their laundry..basically I don't do anything for them.
Except for cleaning the bathroom but it's a shared bathroom so I can't leave it up to them.
They are just rude. But try
They are just rude. But try not to let them get to you. If they know that you want to do things for them, then they know they are getting to you. When you cook, cook just barely enough for you and your hubby. Stop buying things that they can just grab and go. Like if you buy fruit pre cut, stop buying it precut. If they just grab cereal, instead of eating what you cook, stop buying cereal. If you are constantly trying to do for them, and keep that door open, they will just keep slamming it in your face. Maybe its time for you to start slamming it in their face.
And explain it to DH. He has to realize the game, and that you are hurt and sick of being bullied. If they want to act grown, let them. Stop going the extra mile for them.
I know your upset about them not acknowledging your baby, but thats ok. Start excluding them. Try a little reverse psychology. You may really want them at your babys party, for instance, but don't invite them. Don't include them. They want to isolate themselves, then fine, but they no longer get to choose it. You and your DH should.
Edited to add: IT'S YOUR HOME. Period. You have the right to tell anyone child , guest, adult, and even DH when they are being rude, disrespectful or otherwise. Just because they don't allow you to do for them, doesn't mean you can't tell them you are the adult. You have to demand respect. And your DH needs to back you up on that. If he doesn't, then that's where the problem truly lies. If he is not on board and disgusted with their behavior, then the fights are only going to get worse. If my SO is ok with me being bullied by ANYONE, then we have significant problems. He should be willing to do what it takes to stop this nonsense. You have a right to feel comfortable in your own home. And yes, so should they, but they are the ones making it uncomfortable for everyone.
I know I am the adult and I
I know I am the adult and I have the right to demand respect but even if I DO demand it and present myself as an adult, I don't think it'd bring anything to me.
They'd ignore me.
Even if my husband didn't jump in, I'm not sure what can I do about them
"They were 14 and 15 at the
"They were 14 and 15 at the time." ****And earlier in the post OP states "I started dating my husband a few years ago"
I would suggest that from reading this these are adult step children, and if they are the answer becomes very simple. Either they go or you do and DH has a choice to make.
I have a SD that for the first time shouldered me a few weeks ago in an attempt to intimidate me and show that she was running my house.
I have since went crazy loco in her face and told her if she wants to go Mono Mono women to women and she thinks she is up for it to bring it on, but that if she made contact with me ever again physically, It was no holds barred. I was gonna knock her on her ever loving ass.
*************after reading OP response these time lines are really really off. They date for some time prior to her meeting the girls, they were 14/15. They are now only 15/16. And we already have a new baby in the mix? Last I checked it took 10 months to have a baby.
Sounds like these kids have been thrown into a situation they are not equipped to handle in a very short span of time. Does that excuse their behavior? Absolulty not, but does it change the landscape of the responses to this post...
Huge red flag!!!!
I have tolerated the same actions by my SD17 off and on for 8 years, I compromised and bowed down for th sake of my DH. But my drawing point is 18 years old. I will not compromise my life for an 18 year old who is a legal adult. And you shouldnt either.
Do not let them physically abuse you ever, and if their adults they need to get out!
They were 14 and 15 when I
They were 14 and 15 when I got married and I was already pregnant then.
The baby is soon to be 1 and they are 15 and 16.
When we started dating they were younger.
Yes, very stubborn I would
Yes, very stubborn
I would like them to be respectful and civil to me. And to respect rules their father gives them.
I'd also like if they could at least acknowledge our child but.. I know that it can't be forced.
They disengaged already - they ignore me completely unless they have a chance to say something rude or to push me when they walk past me.
No, we can't do that. My husband wants his children in his life,and kicking them out of the house is not a step to that.
And if he, as the custodial parent, left them with no place to live......well...that'd cause issues and what kind of a father would he be anyways. :?
Does your DH understand that
Does your DH understand that his almost adult-age children are bullying you and are physically abusing you? Because shoving is abusive and they behave like bullies. When are they going to start shoving the baby around? My SD (12 years old at the time) used to shove my baby bio twins and knock them down or into the corner of a wall when she though nobody was watching. She tried to set fires in their rooms and tried to drown my son. Physical agression is serious. As is bullying (look up Relational Aggression). It needs to be dealt with severely so the kid understands that people can't behave that way and that they won't get away with it. If DH understands the girls are ganging up on you and being abusive/agressive, what does he plan to do about it? This is all about your DH and his inconsistant parenting. It is not your job to parent these girls, it is his. You and baby have a right to live in a home that is non-abusive or hostile. And you have a right to expect him to control his children.
These girls are plenty old enough to experience the consequences of their actions. Nobody is doing them any favors by allowing this behavior. They are too old for this. Discuss the physical abuse with DH and ask him to come up with a plan of consequences for their behavior. If they can't behave and he can't control them, or he punishes them, then caves and gives them their own ways, then what? He can't forbid you to defend yourself against these vipers. Do you need to call the police next time they shove you? Does he understand that you've had enough and are prepared to do that? Maybe a little police visit is what they need to wake them up?
In the meantime, detach from them completely. Have nothing to do with them, do nothing for them and don't allow them around the baby. Act like they are ghosts. Stare through them and ignore them when they speak. Any conversation you have with them should be you telling them to go see/ask their Dad. Your baby will grow up seeing his half-sisters as the unpleasant people he avoids. They probably won't want to acknowledge him, they are too dysfunctional. Pretty soon, he won't want to acknowledge them either. Their loss. They won't be close-too much of an age difference. In the meantime, they need to respect the rules of the house and leave you alone. You have some years to go before they are out. Too bad they have to act like vipers, but very common. And when they are out, I'd make sure they were out forever.
To me, it smells like someone has egged them on or coached their behavior. Is there other family that is passive-agressively encouraging this behavior? Maybe someone PAS'd them against you while they were living away from your home?
I can tell you that if my SD had ever pushed me, nobody could have saved her from the beatdown I would have given her. Fortunately she must have understood that on some level because she didn't try it again and stopped messing with the twins when my Mother caught her pushing them around and threatened to beat her senseless if she ever tried it again.
Yes he does. We discussed the
Yes he does.
We discussed the rules and punishments yesterday, told them to step daughters this morning. They already broke almost all of them.
Calling the police wouldn't help at all. I know as a fact they wouldn't do anything to them for sure, and they know it too. They're not afraid of the police, and they have no reason to be. Our police is completely useless and doesn't punish almost anyone.
I am deatached already, I don''t do anything for them and they don't even want to be around the baby. They act like I'm a ghost so yeah I do the same thing. Except for the occasional comment or shove. I don't have any conversation with them already, and it's their choice.
When they are out, I'm pretty sure they're out forever. That's what they WANT, and that's what they will get. No doubt.
There is no other family that is like them, or that is bothered by me or the baby. Everyone's nice and helpful. The family where they lived is lovely.
I don't think they're PAS'd.
I can't beat any of them up. I most definitely can't beat her senseless.
So I can't threaten them, let alone TRY to do that.
But thank you. So much
Punished them
Punished them
You've been given lots and
You've been given lots and lots of great suggestions. I have one for the shoving it's what my own SM did to us kids (mostly me as a teen it wasn't personal I just knew I could push her around and was a horrible teen)After several times of elbowing her out of my way or shouldering past her she'd had enough. I pushed and she stepped right in my way, I really pushed and she stepped right forward making me step back staring me down, I went to do it again and she said, "don't you dare child I'm the adult, you are the child, not my child but a child in MY home and you will not disrespect my space, push me again, lay your shoulder into me again it's battery, threaten me it's assault I will call the police and we will let you sit in jail, I will do this every time because you don't have the RIGHT to treat me or anyone with physical violence and touching me in a threatening manner is just that so knock it off or go to jail."
I never did that again. I'd say that's about when she disengaged. Mind you as she was giving her speech I'd turned around to go back to my room and she stepped in front of my door so I couldn't without again shoving her, it would of ment cops if I had and I knew it. I never ment her harm I just hated everything as a teen and she was an easy target till she stopped taking it.
I was such an awful step kid.
Next time they shoulder you,
Next time they shoulder you, call the police and press charges for assault.
Unfortunately I'm sure that
Unfortunately I'm sure that would bring me nothing
I think the trick with all
I think the trick with all kids is finding the one thing that will get to them. They don't care about the punishments? They don't think that there is anything YOU or your DH can do once they are already punished? PEEESH. There's always something. They are at an age where friends, popularity, what other people think of you, and looks matter. Here are some suggestions as to what I would do.
1.) You ask for their phones and they bring you all of their devices.
- One week additional grounding from all electronics for each item they
bring to you, i.e. laptop, ipad, and stereo. That's three weeks grounded
from not only their phone but the other items as well.
2.) They want to disrestpect you and shove you around.
- Strip all of the clothing out of their rooms other then socks and
underwear. Replace taken items with the most horrible school uniforms that
you can find. For every shove, sign of disrespect, or snoty comment it's a
week wearing the uniforms. If that doesn't work then you can always go to
school with them in your PJs.
3.) No more money being spent on them for things that they don't need. Those things are a previlage and not a right and as we all know previlages are earned. If they want things then they need to start acting their ages and treat you with respect.
4.) They want to get physical with you.
- Fine, then call the police. I have flat out told DH that if either of his
kids lay a hand on me when they get older I will call the police and I
will press charges and he knows that I mean it.
5.) You ask them to do extra home work as a punishment and they do everything in the book.
- Have ten more books sitting there ready to be completed. Don't let them
see them. When they complete the first book and look up at you with the
raised eyebrow you can calmly smile back and go and grab another book for
them to prove their point with and then another and another.
- And lots and lots of sentences. We're talking hours worth.
6.) They want to ignore you like you're not their.
- Have you DH do the same to them. I know that some people on this post see
that as not being that bad but to me it's out right disrespect to not
acknowledge someone in your own home.
You see, what they are doing is a game and they are winning but I can assure you that it stops being fun when it turns on you. You and your DH will need to be consistent. Your DH will need to be on board with you. If they get worse then the punishments keep coming. They need to be reminded of the fact that there is always something that can be taken away. ALWAYS. (An expample would be taking their doors off of their bedrooms. Oh they will freak out and lash out but don't give in. Everytime they lash out or get worse it's another week without their doors. Let them act like they don't care but know that they do. They woundn't react that way if they didn't. Once they see that their behavior isn't working they'll either stop or try something else.) Your DH can't falter on this or else they will win and the behavior will continue. They will see that all they have to do when they are being punished is act out and they will get out of their punishment. You and your DH are going to have to be creative with these two. Think about the punishments before you dish them out. Think about how they will react and think about how you will handle the reaction and be prepared to take away something else. Won't they be driving pretty soon? Don't they need an adult to help get them a license? Isn't that a previlage and not a right? You see, there's always something. They are still children and are dependent on adults for survial. It seems that they need to be reminded of that.
Sit down with your DH and talk to him. You need to set your boundaries of what you think is acceptable behavior in your home and what you will not tolerate and relay that to him. You guys both need to be on the same page here if anything is going to change. They may never love, like, or respect you but they can learn where your boundaries are at and that if they cross it they will get their a$$es handed back to them.
I agree it's like a game with
I agree it's like a game with them. So sad, really. My ss14 was like this as well. His main goal in life was to defy me and show me that I could not tell him what to do. So, yeah, I made life pretty damn difficult for him. He ended up moving out. Which was great.
You do have power and control in that household whether you realize it or not. Sit and think and make a list of all that you control. The thermostat? What groceries are bought? The cable tv lineup? The internet? I've done things such as put a lock code on the tv so it locks at certain hours, I have turned our router off, I've refused to buy groceries, do laundry. I certainly refuse to give rides, cook meals for skid, or clean up after him in anyway. I also refused to let him overtake areas of the house. If he sat in the living room all sprawled out watching tv-I'd simply go and turn it off. Sorry, I feel like peace and quiet. What can he do about it? No a damn thing.
As far as the shoving thing. I would so call the police every single time this happens. Even if the police choose to do nothing about it-likely it will get a reaction from your dh. Which, he needs to react. He is trying to ignore the issues.
As far as them ignoring you, I'd be happy about that one. I'd be happy the want nothing to do with the baby. I would take the baby and do lots of fun stuff, buy her lots of fun things, have some lady friends over, your extended family over. Take back your home. You have been far too nice. It's time to stop!
Whatever their reasons for
Whatever their reasons for behaving this way, it is totally unacceptable. They are abusing you in your own home - shoving you around, pushing you, calling you horrible names? If your parter treated you like that it would be called domestic violence, and it's no different coming from them. They're more than old enough to know right from wrong and should at the very least be showing respect for you and your home. It's quite possible that they have found it hard to deal with their mother's death and feel that their father has simply gone and found a replacement for her - you. They may have felt pushed aside, excluded in favour of a new wife and baby, and that would certainly cause this level of resentment. They could have unresolved grief over losing their mother and if they were never helped to cope with their grief at the time that could be causing emotional problems for them. However, whatever the reason for their behaviour and however sad their story is, that's still no excuse for treating you like this. You haven't mistreated them and you shouldn't ever have to put up with this kind of crap. You're right to be worried about your baby growing up in such an unpleasant atmosphere too, as its not setting a good example of family values and showing kindness and respect for other people, not to mention the baby seeing his/her mother being pushed around and called names.
I think the answer lies with your husband. He is allowing his daughters to abuse his wife under her own roof and he needs to get a hell of a lot tougher to put a stop to it. He may feel guilty and stuck in the middle between his wife and his kids, but he is the parent and needs to teach them that abusing his wife will no longer be tolerated. How he does this is a difficult one - it appears that taking their privileges away hasn't worked so he needs to find another way. It sounds like the counsellor they're seeing is a waste of time, and I would seriously find someone else who has experience of dealing with grief as well as teenage behaviour/family problems. I think you said you were in contact with a psychiatrist and psychologist, and if so what advice/support have they offered? Have they given any insight into what's behind this vindictive behaviour, and is it worth having another session with them, maybe on your own, to talk honestly and in detail about what's really going on?
This situation is not going to change unless some drastic action is taken. You have a few years left before they leave for college, and that's long enough to cause irreversible damage to your marriage, your self esteem, your wellbeing and that of your baby. Tolerating it until they eventually leave is not an option if you want to preserve your marriage and your sanity, and you need to have a long, honest talk with your husband, tell him exactly how it makes you feel and tell him things have got to change. Try not to sound as though youre blaming him, as that will just make him defensive, and the last thing you need is the "you hate my kids" speech as that would just give him an excuse to let it continue. Offer to work with him and support him in finding ways to deal with it, suggest going with him and/or the skids to family counselling. If he thinks you want to work with him and you're worried about the skids wellbeing he might be more likely to take some action. Which ever way you approach it, you're going to have to be very firm, impress upon him that this cannot continue and stick to your guns, as it sounds like it's been going on for far too long and you know you deserve better. If all else fails, tell him you will move out and take your baby with you so you can live in separate homes till the brats leave. At least then you and your baby would be protected from these monsters and you could maintain your marriage until such a time you could live together again. Drastic I know, but I had to do it because my teenage bd could not bear to live under the same roof as my dh's 3 much younger, noisy, messy kids who had serious behaviour probems. Shes grown up and got her own place now so dh moved back in with his 3 older, much better behaved boys, so everything worked out eventually.
Thank you so much! I'm afraid
Thank you so much!
I'm afraid I can't use any of your suggestions but the first one and sixt..Though I'm not sure if the sixt one would bother them much.