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ALL I can say is..WOW!!!

the wicked witch's picture

As I was cleaning today in my closet, I came across 2 different letters. Im not sure when they were written..could be up to a year old, but they will give you perspective into just what my life feels like at any moment!! One was written by my SS13. I have raised him since he was 3 when he could not even feed himself and still had diapers..THREE!!!!! He has severe ADD and reactive detatchment disorder. He struggles in school socially and academically despite rigorous modifications and meds. I am very well aware that every time he goes to his moms (about every 3rd weekend) he "spins" his stories of abuse and neglect against me. We also have 3 BS 9, 7, and 6 in home, and he even did this at school once to get the attention. He had a bruise on his arm from playing outside in his tree house. I'm tired of these games. Of coarse, the CPS came, saw and dropped, but I am TIRED of this crap!!

Here is the letter that I just found from him to his dad. I'm gonna write it word for word, just so you see how he is!! HOWEVER..the writing is not by him..It was written by his mom and then he signed it!! I don't know when this was written and my husband says he doesnt even recall the letter. Guess he wasn't too worried because he isn't the one who would be arrested if this were true..I don't know what to do

Dear Dad;
I want to stay with Mom. I do not want to go home unless (the evil stepmother) gone!!! REALLY..three!!!
She Abuses me!!! She is meaner when you are not there!!! She scares me!! She hits me, kicks me with a rubber boot,
trips me, slapped me, use to pull my ears, she spanks me, yells at me, pushes me, tells me its my fault you and her are
fighting, says mean things to me about my mom. I'm tired of being hurt by her!! Its bad and I cant take it anymore
Love """""

Next letter is from my SD 17 who I have also raised for 10 years. She is very rude and disrespectful to me and my husband generally buries his head in the sand when it comes to her. The example she is setting for BS 9, 7, and 6 is terrible!!

Here goes..

Dear """""
Im am moving to ++++++ to live with my mom for the summer.I might have to get a job. (THE WICKED WITCH) has been trying to have me get a job for a while, but I didnt want to. I might have to resort to one if I live with my mom since she doesnt have a job or $$ and her unemployment is running out. I might even have to resort to McDonalds..Bleh!! At least I don't have to see (THE WICKERD WITCH) face every waking moment of my freaken existence, Sheesh..she's so annoying. She is the easiest person to automatically hate. She wasn't always like this, but somethiing happened to her. Now she is a control freak!!
I end there, but she goes on and get the picture!!!

She is now 18 and NOT working. She had a job for about 6 months in Twin Falls but she quit that job and moved in with her boyfriend who is 22 and on the sex offender registry for haviong sex with a 14 year old. She is not going to church...go figure and I let her dad initiate any conversations with her becasue I get nothing but venom!!! Geesh..I didnt see that coming!!


mimi719's picture

I'm so sorry for you to have found those. I guess I assume one of my SS's thinks these things. I know he does, but it still has to hurt to see it. I agree with oldone - it's garbage - burn them. I hope you have something wonderful happen soon to offset that.