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They accepted to come over

vikki0's picture

So since yesterday, when BM got SDs to go out with me and her, SDs have been responding to texts and BF arranged that they come visit us this evening. They were not rude,they were actually too polite for a conversation with their fatehr - too proper, like never before, also terribly cold and not interested at all. But I suppose it's better than ignoring.
I'm waiting to see how the visit turns out. :O


pixiedust10's picture

Good luck, maybe they were spoken to about their behavior, or they are picking up on BM and you being able to go out together?

kathc's picture

Better than being vicious brats like lots of the SDs on here. I'll bet their mother gave them a good talking to and now they know that you and their mom get along so you will be letting her know if they're awful. Honey, even if they just stay at "chilly polite" forever, that's WAY better than what most deal with. Call it a victory! Most BMs are whack jobs who make sure their kids are as nasty to us as possible.