He F#*&ing Paid her - Small Rant
Cant believe how angry I am right now, and i found this out yesterday and I am still so fucking angry.
So, I found out yesterday that he paid BM directly into her account for school fees. $450. That makes $600 in total (see previous blog for background), $150 paid to the school and $450 directly into her account. THE TOTAL PAYABLE TO THE SCHOOL WAS $850!!
I am so angry right now I want to have a tantrum and start smashing shit up.
My mum, god love her, calms me down as best she can, 33 weeks into a high risk pregnancy, this stress is not good......her way to calm me down?? She tells me to remember some old AA (? not sure if its AA or not, i could be making that up) saying......
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Screw that shit, I am not a violent person but I would dearly love to stab the 3 of them (BM SO and FMiL) in the eye with a ballpoint pen right now.
God help me on the 24th when FMiL graces us with her presence.........
- midnyt's blog
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WTH is wrong with him? Why in
WTH is wrong with him? Why in the world does he want to volunteer MORE money than he has to? Does he have too much? I would be livid!
I disagree sue. If they
I disagree sue. If they couldn't afford it or and agreed he wouldn't then went behind her back and did it then yes it is a big deal.
Op you need talk to your dh and get things squared away between you too.
Screw that shit, I am not a
Screw that shit, I am not a violent person but I would dearly love to stab the 3 of them (BM SO and FMiL) in the eye with a ballpoint pen right now.
This part made me laugh. Not that it's a funny situation but I've felt that way before.
There's nothing that you can do about it now so just calm down. What you need to do when you are ready and clam is sit your DH down and talk to him about. Try to see if both you guys can come to a comparmise in regards to BM money. That's really the only option that you have. Hopefully he will be more then willing to understand where you are coming from and work with you on it.
I just went through something similar with DH. BM got LAIDOFF from her job recently, more like fired, and DH was worried about SS's all day kindergarten tuition which BM is supposed to cover half of. I told DH that if she can't afford it we were going to have to pull him out and put him in daycare again because I don't want to pay BM's half because she's an idiot. DH disagreed with this because he feels that SS gets more out of being in kidergarten then in Pre-school/daycare. As I agree with DH, I just hate having to bail BM out. She's always getting bailed out. Mommy and daddy will pay her mortgage for her because she got fired for steal from a job. They paid her bills, she lived off of the state for six months because all the jobs she could find were beneath her. She gets out of paying the kids doctors and dental bills. How I don't know. DH thinks she's blowing the doctors. I think she has some sorry story where she's the victim that she feeds them. It just p!sses me off that WE have to bail her out. We'll see what happens. She has been able to make her half up until this month. She has to ask her parents for the money to cover it.
And if we end up having to pay her half she is not required to pay us back because it's not work related daycare. I told DH that if that's the case and we end up having to foot the bill for all of SS's tuition costs every month for the rest of the school year that she can't use it on her weeks. Who knows if that will fly with DH. I just don't want to help her at all after all of the crap that she has pulled.
Fuck that shit! That would
Fuck that shit! That would burn my ass to high heaven! If my BF EVER gave BM a red cent more than the CO amount he HAS to pay by law I would go ape shit on his ass...that famous saying that "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" would REALLY come into play if that ever happened! I will not put up with that ever! BM made her bed and she can fucking lie in it!
^^^^^^^This!^^^^^^^ Steptalke
Steptalkers this is not the time to be winding up the OP and making her feel more angry and stressed. And hey maybe he did it because he doesn't want to focus on money wrangling with his ex right now, he wants to focus on the OP who is going to have his baby very soon.. Sometimes they don't do the right thing, but they do it with good intentions.
I would just very CALMLY cuss
I would just very CALMLY cuss him out lol! when the time is right
just a verbal kick in the ass but apparently too late to get that particular money back -
imo it was very wrong of BM to rip him in violation of legal agreement and he should not just accept whatever she says and just do what BM says in any way but -
just let it go, but do deliver the ass kick very calmly-! so he at minimum gets the idea, is my thinking. Nip it-!