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really dude? really?!?

PeanutandSons's picture

SS is only a few weeks from turning 11. And he still believes in Santa and the tooth fairy.

Apparently he lost another tooth last week. He didn't mention it to me, either it happened on a day he got in trouble at school, or a rare day Dh picks them up from daycare. He come to me last night with a tooth in a baggie asking if I could see a cavity in the tooth, because he has had it under his pillow for two weeks and the tooth fairy hasn't come. I was speachless for a minutes, shocked that he had no clue. I almost said somethin g to him, but bs3 was right next to me.

How is he so clueless? I figured it out at age 6, this kid is 11. Sd9.5 also still believes. How can someone be that old and have such poor reasoning skills? How have they not figured it out yet? Esp after the tooth fairy not coming for two weeks, that didn't cause him to question her exisitance? How are they not teased mercilessly at school?


DaizyDuke's picture

aw, that makes me kind of sad.... that the kid has had his tooth under his pillow for 2 weeks, probably waking up every morning and checking and thinking that the tooth fairy (that he still believes in dumb or not) forgot about him. Sad

Jif46's picture

I think its great that he still believes. My SD10 still skeptical but she believes because BM tells her and keeps the magic alive. I even got her Elf on A Shelf this year...and again, VERY skeptical but her mom said you have to believe to receive! I think its good. She has 3 younger siblings too so the longer she believes the better I think. Her friends still believe she told me too...a couple of them say there isnt a santa but other than that I dont think its too old to believe. I feel sad for him too that the tooth fairy never came Sad I wouldnt say anything to him. This world is too full of disappointments and negativity. Let him hold on to this little piece of imaganition and magic Smile

Jsmom's picture

Why do you want to crush him with the truth? It comes soon enough. Also, why does no one in the household know that he still believes and lost a tooth. How crushing for him...

For god's sake, put a buck under the pillow and let this one go. Soon enough life will give him the truth...

Also, in my house, if the stepkids or BS17 or anything about Santa or Easter bunny, if they don't believe they don't receive. I like the fantasy.

DH told his the truth early on and I think that is part of the bigger problem with my stepkids and lack of compassion and just generally being fun kids...

PeanutandSons's picture

I didn't leave a dollar because I didn't know that he had lost a tooth. He never told me.

I did realize he still believed, but I am shocked that he still does. One would thinly that the tooth fairy not coming would have made him think it over a bit.

Anon2009's picture

Maybe they know deep down. I knew in my heart of hearts, and "figured it out" when I was about 7. But I still think it is fun. I still give my SDs presents from "santa" even though they are 15 and 17. Do they know they aren't from Santa? Yes, but it is still fun.

I don't see any harm in giving minors a gift or two from "Santa," ven if said minors know Santa really does not exist.

DaizyDuke's picture

I give my DH gifts from "Santa" and that was pre-BS.... I still believe! I also give gifts from the dog, cat, horse etc. lol

misSTEP's picture

I figured it out early too. I mean, pretty simple when "Santa" has the same handwriting as MOM!

But this is a case where I think the SM should butt out. If the bioparents don't want to clue them in, it sure as HECK isn't YOUR job to do it!

tweetybird74's picture

Funny you say that Anon2009. We still put gifts under the tree from Santa and my SS is 18, mind you we also put gifts under the tree from the yes the cats are real but everyone knows they don't actually go shopping.

If he stills believes then I see no harm in it.

tweetybird74's picture

Too funny, when I had a dog I got him gifts, I tried it with the cats but they lose interest and just want to roll around in the wrapping paper, or hide in the empty gift boxes.

dontcallmestepmom's picture

I am surprised he still believes, mainly because of the kids at school. Maybe he has not mentioned it to any one, because I am willing to bet, many of them at his age no longer believe.

He will find out soon. I think you were more shocked than anything, but I am glad he told you about the tooth.

I found out Santa was not real when I was in 2nd Grade. One of the other little girls came in and announced that "SANTA IS NOT REAL!" It caused a lot of tears, and many of the parents had a fit. They even had a meeting at the school-I do not know why, as the damage was done. I cannot believe I remember this from 30 years ago....

Unhappy's picture

I see nothing wrong with it and agree with many of the other posters. This is what makes the holidays fun and magical. My BD 8 still believes in Santa. She tests above average in all subjects in school and is already reading large chapter books. If she still belives at 11 I wouldn't be worried about her. Why not let them hold on to their childhood for as long as they can? They'll have plenty of time to grow into the real world which isn't very a very pleasant place sometimes.

BSgoinon's picture

SS9 seems to believe more now than he did in the past. He was playing with my phone the other day and asked Siri where Santa lives, she pulled up the North Pole. Siri doesn't lie you know.

My oldest just turned 11 and she doesn't believe anymore. But last night she was being a terd and asking me if I could show them real life images (google images) of Rudolph. I can't believe SS9 and DD9 didn't catch on, but she thought she was real funny.

I like to let them believe for as long as they want. And even DD11 won't actually say it outloud that she doesn't believe, because in our house, once you stop believing.... He stops coming!