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Is DH setting me up for failure?

c-mom's picture

Recently I posted in General Discussion about skids being too young to listen according to DH? We told SS10 for four days straight to bring one of his three bikes up by the house because we have a neighborhood thief. This is an ongoing issue with SS. He had his bike sitting inside the gate by the road. One the fourth day of telling him to get it and put it up by the house, he moved it outside the gate next to the road and put a for sale sign on it. I came home and saw this and decided to take it across the road and throw it in the ditch (it is too deep to see from the yard and our kids aren't allowed to leave our yard. I told DH when I came in that the next day I was taking the bike to Catholic Social Services and donating it and that I was going to let SS think it was stolen to teach him a lesson about listening. DH told me I couldn't do that and that I "am getting a little carried away with this listening thing". Yesterday SS noticed his bike was missing and told DH that he was looking for it because he knows that we hid it (because of how many times we have hidden it and let him think it was stolen and then give it back). At this point it was still across the road in the ditch and SS's comment made DH realize that it would be a good lesson for him to learn if he thought it were actually stolen so he told me to go ahead and take it to CSS. I did, and DH called me right after I did it and I TOLD HIM I did it. That was yesterday. Today, we are all in the car leaving and DH pulls all the way across the road so you can see down in the ditch, looks down there, and asks right in front of SS "Did you do something with that?" I have asked him repeatedly that when he wants to talk to me about something that he doesn't want the kids involved in to quit talking in code right in front of them because that only makes them curious and then they sit there and try to figure out what we are talking about. Many times they figure it out, and a lot of times they think they figure it out and go around saying we were talking about something that we were not even talking about in the first place. Well, back to today. DH has been pretty much compliant with my wish for him to quit talking to me in front of the kids, unless it is something that has to do with the kids and normally it is something I did that I don't want the kids knowing about. It seems as though he does this on purpose, especially today. He could not have been any more obvious on this one. A monkey or my four year old nephew could figure out what he was talking about and I am dead set in believing that is exactly what he wants. I told him I am getting a job and moving out. Of course, he thinks I won't because I have been saying this for the last couple months. What he doesn't realize is that the only reason I am still here is because I can't find a job. I wish I had never left my government job for him and his invalid children.


c-mom's picture

SD13 still has to be told to WIPE when she uses the restroom! Yeah, she is mentally disabled. She has some intellectual disabilities but she is about at the level of a six year old and I don't have to tell my four year old nephew to wipe when he uses the restroom. But what I'm asking about is would this be taken by anybody else as DH trying to let SS know that I am the one who took the bike? Is he trying to turn his son against me more than he already does by not making them do as I tell them? Is he making me out to be the bad guy more than he already does by making me be the disciplinarian because he is too lazy to be?

c-mom's picture

I've tried to disengage and I need to try harder. You know what happened when I disengaged? The skids were free to be the little heathens and drive me up a wall all they want because DH does NOT parent them. And I went crazy until I decided the lesser of the two miserable options was me being the bad guy and the kids having to act like somebody. I just need to leave. Let them be pigs together.

StickAFork's picture

Yes, you're being set up. You should never have decided to "teach SS a lesson." That is his father's job. Plain and simple.
If DH wanted the bike donated, HE should have dropped it off.
If DH wanted the bike in a ditch, HE should have put it there.

You are setting yourself up to be the bitch to your SS, and your DH is allowing that to happen.
Let him parent his "deaf" child. You stay out of it. For your own sake.

ManagingMom's picture

You and your husband have a credibility problem. You can't expect the kid to take you seriously when you play games like this...just as you can't expect your husband to take you seriously when you threaten to leave but don't. Tell your stepson to put his bike where it belongs because that's where it belongs, not because it will be "stolen", hidden so that he will think it was stolen and then returned. Good grief.

StickAFork's picture

Thanks for mentioning this. I forgot in my comment...
OP said the kid wanted to know where it was hidden, because they apparently "hide" it frequently to teach him a lesson.
You're right, though. It's nothing but a game, and the parents have lost credibility.

IF it REALLY bothers DH, then he should just get rid of the thing. If not, leave it be.

c-mom's picture

Now that I mentioned him doing this, he says that I have had an attitude problem ever since his credit report came in. I showed him that his credit report is better than he thinks because his negative debts are listed under what does not affect his credit score. It just so happens that the day his credit report came in was a day that I was fed up with the kids. I have told him now twice my attitude was due to his kids not listening and him not making them but he has told me I can leave because I am punishing him for having bad credit. I knew he had bad credit when I decided to date him. I knew he had bad credit when I decided to give up my job to move closer to him. I knew he had bad credit when I agreed not to get a job when he asked me if I could be home for his kids for a while after his ex signed them off at UPS. I knew he had bad credit when I married him. But now, because he is done with me, I am a gold digging b*tch who started a fight with him to get him to leave me because I saw his credit report? WOW. He only said that because he knows that I DO NOT let men support me but I have let him support me and that has hurt my pride. I have told him about how I broke up with a guy for making me look like a gold digger. I guess he wants me to leave so I can be the bad guy in that too. And a gold digging one at that.

boogeymom's picture

Overall, I'm mostly just mystified he thinks 10 is too young to know how to listen. Does anyone but me think the bar has been so severely lowered for kids these days that the future actally looks like a fairly scary place? I know, I know, I sound like a curmudgeony old lady who sits on the porch telling kids to get off my lawn. Wink

c-mom's picture

The way people parent today is setting our society up for doom in the very near future. And I bet you get parents yelling at you for not accepting the homework when they ought to be assigning their children a punishment for not getting it done in a timely fashion... or you know, making them get it done. I'm glad you and the poster above are with me on this subject. At least I know I am not alone. I believe rules are made for a reason, rules are a good thing, and rules should be enforced. It is called guidance and the guidance children are getting today can't be good for this world.