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Disrespectful SD/No Accountability Husband

jar76's picture

My husband and I are a same sex couple.  We have been together for 3 years.  My husband was previously in two heterosexual marriage, the first producing 2 children.  My husband's first wife suffers severe mental health issues and so my husband raised his kids on his own, with very little involvement from the mother.  He has a daughter who is 25 and a son that is 23.  My husband suffers from rheumtoid arthritis and major back issues, so he is disabled and doesn't work outstide the home.  His receives a small social security disability payment each month and is on medicare.

First, I'll start with my stepson.  He is incredibly irresponsible!  When my husband and I first moved in together, his son lived with us.  During this time, our home was under a major remodel so we all three were sharing a bathroom.  His son was continually using my personal care products - he would use my towel, my razor, the beard trimmer (and not to trim his beard!).  You know, sharing things that you don't want to share with other people.  I brought this up to my husband and he acknowledged that, yep, thats what its like to live with the son - he just kind of takes over everything (my husbands words).  He did address this with his son, but the problem continued.  Eventually my husband got a shower cady (the kind college students use in their dorm) so I could carry my stuff back and forth from the bathroom so the son wouldn't use it.

Eventually the son moved out and in with his girlfriend out of town.  This arrangement only lasted a few months and before long the son was back living in our basement, this time with is girlfriend.  As you can imagine, that didn't go well.  The son can't hold a job, since I've known him (3 years) he has had at least 15 different jobs and been fired from at least half of them and walked out on bad terms at the others.  Eventually the son and girlfriend get their own place and things with that were tolerable.  This past November the stepson and his girlfriend broke up and he ends up back in our basement.  At this point he has no job, and doesn't have the most basic things.  We had to provide him with the most basic things; deoderant, toothbrush, soap, etc.  After about a month of living with us, the stepson still doesn't have a job.  I come home at lunch and my husband and stepson are both just sitting there, doing nothing.  The stepson is eating all of our food (husband: well he has to eat).  I ask my repeatedly to have a talk with his son, tell him he has to get a job, etc.  He says he does, but nothing happens.  Eventually he asks me to have a talk with the son, because he won't listen to his dad.  We have a "come to Jesus" discussion and within about a week he had a job.  However, at this point he has a new girlfriend, who also lives at home with her mom.  The girlfriend is suddenly at our house every night.  We sit stepson down and tell him she can only spend the night twice a week and that they can't play house in our basement.  

My stepdaughter!  OMG I don't even know where to start.  She has my husband wrapped around her little finger.  She lives about 3 1/2 hours from us, so luckily she isn't close enought to just pop over anytime.  We do make frequent trips to visit her (about every 6-8 weeks) for long weekends.  She has been very rude and disrespectful to me from the very beginning.  She very much wants everyone to do what she wants, but won't do what other people want.  Last month when we visited, my husband and I needed to go to Ikea to pick up a few things.  She went with us and brought her toddler.  From the beginning she said we could only stay at Ikea for an hour and rushed us through the store the whole time.  Another occasion we went to visit, and she told us we needed to bring our swimsuits.  We said we didn't want to go to the pool, the heat really gets to me and my husband is on medication that he's not supposed to be in the sun.  She said "well don't you want to spend time with your granddaughter?" - very manipulative, if we don't do what she wants to do, then it means we don't want to spend time with the granddaughter.  She tells us what we're doing, she doesn't ask.  I could go on and on with stories about her disrespect and rudeness.  

I've talked to my husband out these situations more times than I can count.  At first I didn't want him to necessarily confront his daughter, but was looking for support in how to do with it.  Every single time he would jump to her defense.  "She's never said anything bad about you, I don't know why you have to attack her", "She's never been anything but welcoming", things like that. I will admit that I finally started getting pretty hateful and said some things that I shouldn't have said, but that was after months of listening to how great his daughter was. Finally things came to a head and I felt like I made progress.  He was going to send his daughter a text calling our these bad behaviors and tell her something had to change.  For several days he worked on the text her was going to send her.  He bounced ideas off of me and worked to word things appopriately.  A few days ago I finally asked if he ever sent the message - and he said he did, that she didn't really respond (which she actually did, but bits and pieces of the response would come up as we talked about it).  I asked why he didn't tell me that he finally sent the message - well there wasn't anything to tell.  Finally yesterday we had a blow up and he's saying that we all need to sit down and talk (I agree) and that we haven't heard her side of things, that everyone needs to talk about how we're making each other feel.  I asked if he could tell me something that I've said or done to his daughter that have been rude, or disrespectful and he can't tell me anything - so I'm the problem because I expect his daughter to treat me with respect.  I need help!  What do I do - I could type pages and pages of examples.

Harry's picture

This is DH problem, he can't parent his kids.  And it seems like it's not going to change, you told him, he must see it,   
'You must put your foot down , get SS out of your home, what will be difficult, since he doesn't have a job. What neans no $. 
SD is tolerable , if she onlys pulls her controlling crap every so offen.

Seperate your money. Make DH pay 2/3 % of the bills . It's one thing to support your SO, but not his familyn

jar76's picture

So the next day after we told SS that his girlfriend could only spend the night twice a week he moved out - so that part of the problem is resolved for now.  Although we weren't happy with how it went down.  My husband had told him that he can't move back home again.

The SD has been the source of more issues than the SS.  SS is very irresponsible and lacks common sense, he's at least polite and respectful.  SD is used to being the boss and my husband thinks the sun rises and sets on her!  It her way or the highway.  When I complain to my husband about her, he tells me that he thinks she has been so welcoming to me and never has anythign bad to say about me, he doesn't understand how I can think she's being disrespectful.  Yeah!!  Because I've not treated her bad, I've not given her reason to complain about me - instead she is credited for being the better person.

SD recently had a destination wedding - he new in-laws paid for everything!  She asked me if I would pay for the wedding dress, which I agreed to do.  She also asked me to give a speech at the rehersal dinner and I walked SD's toddler daughter down the aisle.  I thought all of this was very thoughtful - except I was never asked to give the speech.  My husband gave his father of the bride speech and I was hurt when he's thanking his daughter, her new husband, the new in-laws, etc.  No mention of me, that I bought her a $3200 dress, that I paid to get him to the wedding (which he would have never been able to do on his own with his income).  Now I know that the day wasn't about me, but if you're going to be thanking people - I guess I was surprised that I wasn't on the list of people he felt should be publicly acknowledged.  

I guess it just feels like when it comes to his kids, the loyalty is always with them.  Even when they are in the wrong.

ESMOD's picture

Welcome to the site.  Steplife isn't for the weak.. lol.

So, Stepson.. sounds like boundaries have been placed and he bounced.. good.. your SO sounds like he has been fairly permissive with his son.. it shows.

For the SD.. Nothing you have given here seems like examples of disrespect to you unfortunately from what I see.  She sounds a bit spoiled and self absorbed.. and not very aware or inclined to see other people's pov.. that's symptomatic of someone young who doesn't have the experience and emotional maturity to realize better.

As far as the wedding.  She asked you to pay for some things. it sounds like you are in a good/better financial position than her dad.. so she directed her requests to you... which was rather mercenary.. (not necessarily disrespectful.. but clueless entitled seems to fit the bill). I hope that she did thank you for your contribututions.

But.. you probably were not really someone I would have expected to give a speech at her wedding.. I have known my YSD since she was 5.. and .. I did not give a speech at her wedding.. and I love her dearly and vice versa and have spent thousands on her over her life. (too many llol). on her and her older sister. I would not have expected that.. those honors tend to be parents.. best friends but not parent's spouses..

The person who should have been grateful for you paying for the trip to her wedding?  YOUR HUSBAND.  You did him the favor and paid his way.. very generous of you.. but his daughter did not necessarily owe you speaking rights for that.   

It might have been nice for HIM to thank you, but then again.. maybe he was trying to focus it all on his daughter.. and maybe some part of him would have been embarassed to have people know you were paying his way?  Egos are fragile things.. and I certainlly hope he has been appropriately thankful to you for all you have done.. for him.. for his kids.. but paying in his place.. well the kids will see it still as dad treating them.. so it's him that needs to make you feel appreciated.

If I were you, I would tighten my purse strings and be a bit more disenaged with his kids.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

You've been paying for your degree in step dynamics; now it's time to accept and put those lessons to good use.

These skids are adults - sub par, bottom feeding ones at that. Well, as an adult, you get to choose with whom you associate and have ZERO obligation to subsidize anyone else. Cutting off your DH's relatives costs you nothing, because you mean nothing to them. You're merely a resource to be tapped. So, be the bad witch. Cut off the money and kick out the trash. Trust me, your adult skids will find someone else to use.

  As for your DH, he's a weak non parent willing to use YOU as a meat shield. He WANTS you to do what he can't/won't. So, tell him you've tried with his kids, but feel used and are done with them; that it's affecting your marriage and NOT helping his son. Take back your home and your peace

CLove's picture

you keep paying and praying ... that things will change and they will appreciate you. This will not happen, no how no way.

You have a husband problem. He lacks spine with his kiddos.

Keep finances separate

MorningMia's picture

Welcome. There is a lot of support here. Your story/situation is very common. I'm just glad that SD lives 3+ hours away from you and that SS is out of the  house. The shaving situation was .... oh my! 

Rags's picture

First, welcome. I hope that you find this to be a good place to vent, contribute, and to pick up some useful perspective from others ho are living the adventure of the blended family dream.

ExJulieMcCoy got it dead on balls accurate when she pointed out that your DH uses you as his meat shield with his toxic failed family spawn.  Time for SS to GTF out and man up.  It is also time for SD to be given the zero tolerance clarity model for her manipulative bullshit.

Even more importantly it is time for both of you to spine up, put a hand between your legs and grab a big ole handful of man sack, put SD firmly in her place, and light the burning platform that gets SKidult SS to launch.  You and your DH seem to be more about coddling and pandering to these toxic SKidults than living your best lives together.

"That won't work  for us. We will be doing XYZ then LMNOP if you wish to join us. If you want GrandDaughter to spend time with G-Paw then feel free to join us"

"Your last day in our home will be XX/YY/NOW!  Have our basement cleaned, your stuff packed, and be out by EOD that day.  This is not your hidey hole to avoid adulthood."

I get that there is a GSkid in play by SD.  That does not give her a get out of jail free card for crap disrespectful unreasonable behavior towards her father or her step father/fathers husband.  Nope.


Continuing to sniff after SKidult SD and her spawn and tolerating SS to pollute your home, marriage, and lives with his noxious presence is denying you and your DH the opportunity to live your best lives.

IMHO your DH needs the message that it is his duty to himself, to you, and to your marriage to man up and discipline his Kidult spawn.  If he doesn't, make sure he knows that  you will and he nor his kids will like it when you have to address the issues.  

My DW and I went through this stage with our son (my former SS-32 who I raised as my own from age 2.  He asked me to adopt him when he was 22yo).  He was in his late teens at that point.  I gave my DW the message I advised above. If she did not like how I parented and disciplined, she could step up and get it done before I had to. Or, she could bite her tongue, and have my back until we could discuss it in private.

Since your DH's kids are adults, it is an entirely different playing field.  The onus remains on him to man up and keep them in their place and behaving reasonably and respectfully towards you and him.  However, they get no more consideration or quarter for shit behavior than would any other toxic adult.


At this stage of life, the two of you should not be supporting  or coddling failed family Kidults.  SS and SD need to feel real life and not have you and your DH chasing them around with a checkbook and a tear towel when their fee fees get hurt by the cruel mean world.

Living well is what we each owe ourselves and what we owe our life partner.  Living your best lives is also the best revenge against the succubus or incubus demon spawn who would suck the joy out of your lives. Focus on living a life of adventure and building a love for the ages together. Enjoy living that incredible revenge.

All IMHO and experience of course.

Take care of you.



Harry's picture

Most likely SS also has mental issues too.  [. The gift that keepe on giving ]. You must get your SOBto put his foott down.  I know you don't want your kid homeless livinng on the street.  But he must also understand what this is doing to his marriage. Couples can not have another adult living with them. There's only one king and queen. 
'SS must be told one, he must get a job what can't be that hard today.  He must be forced to saved his money.  You and SO will pay for the security and first month. Rent.  [. Money well spent] SS Must move out in. Three months