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SD Ready to Apologize?

DENIP's picture

Happy New Year, everyone. 

Last night, DH and I attended a NYE service at our church. Before leaving, DH tells me that SD will be there and that he told her of she wants to sit with us, there are no hard feelings and she can. (<--- I'll get back to this part in a minute)

DH says SD says, "I know, I'm just trying to get the courage up." 

Now, understand, 1/6/2024 (see my previous posts) SD was told to leave to go back to live with her DM.  It was an ugly exit. SD was given ample opportunities to own her wrongs, apologize, and make good on them. All she did was deflect, blame, and defame all year long, which caused even further problem within his family. 

I explained to my husband when he mentioned about the "no hard feelings" that, that was not accurate, that I do have "hard feelings" and this needs to be handled with the understanding that there's been a debt of offense. Why? Because I know that for her growth as a young adult (she'll be 21 this month) she needs to feel the full weight of everything she has said and done. What happened was not small and insignificant. Time passed is not the same as a genuine apology and ownership. She caused harm and though I of course, have the capacity to forgive, it will take time and effort to restore the relationship, More so on her part. I'm not tripping to "punish" anyone, but there are consequences for actions, especially when you delay in making things right. This would have been easier on her to just own up immediately. 

I mentioned to DH I will not be the first to smile at her, say "hello" to her, or any of that. I'm approachable, but she needs to navigate the hard things. In life, no one is going to come to you first when you caused harm. You have to make that right. 

Do you think I am wrong in seeing it this way?



Survivingstephell's picture

No I don't.  My OSD and YSS attacked my DH years ago.  There has been no ownership of that attack or resolution to it.  DH came to terms with it yada yada yada.  I on the other hand had to handle all the drama that came out of the night.  I like everything you said justifying your stance, I agree with all of it.  These skids need to know there are consequences for not owning your bad behaviors and  learning how to make authentic amends.   I've always said there are certain life lessons a step parent can teach.  Indifference is where I'm at now.  This all happened 14 years ago.  The skids know what they did and I am  the only one to hold them responsible.   It's been so long now that I can't even imagine them being a part of my life.  That's fine.  Way too much  dysfunction to overcome or let back in.  Peace is priceless.  

DENIP's picture

As DH was out with SD today, I got to thinking here at home. If SD wants to truly makes things right, she could come to our home, after they were done spending time together, to have that conversation. 

DH told me she had to get ready for work or something like that, so not today. She also stated to him that she didn't know how to approach the conversation. I told DH,

 "By humility, genuine remorse, ownership of wrongs..." 

Like, how else would you approach it?! I extended the opportunity to her, so that should make it a little less awkward in terms of how and when. 

I'm not going to shame her, but we're going to have a very REAL conversation about what took place and how we arrived where we are, so that we can avoid this in the future. I WANT her to experience the awkwardness of what it is to know you covertly and overtly, unapologetically disrespected your father's wife and how none of it is ever "ok." 

I want to have is come to a place where she also feels comfortable expressing how she feels and perceives things so that we can get to the truth of a matter. 

I do not want a repeat of what was. If we're doing this, we're doing this head on. 

Rags's picture

Vs facts and reality.

I am a facts and reality guy. Feels are not cerebral analysis tools and perceptions are not reality.

Did you do this?  "Yes, but..."  Nope. It is yes or it is no.  It is not a yea but discussion. IMHO. Stick with the brain, facts, and reality over the fee fees and perceptions.  It makes life so much easier and the path to living well so much more clear.

I live in the real world of facts and reality and that is how I navigate relationships. Emotion is the joy and spice in life but it has no value in solving problems or making decisions.

Every day my soul filling love for my bride grows. It is a measurable thing. Can I demonstrate it, show it with discernible measurements, etc? Nope.  It is non the less an actual thing.  However, that does not help in navigating life together, making decisions, or deal effectively with the challenges of extended family relationships, parenting an adult child, etc......  

I commend your stance to deal with it head on. I could not give a flying rat's ass about her feels and perceptions.

Just my thoughts of course.

Take care of you.

Give rose

Trudie's picture

Survivingstephell, well stated. 

If I may ask, are the skids allowed in your home? What is DH's relationship with them?

Survivingstephell's picture

They are all adults now.  oSS is married, baby on the way , collage graduate, fully launched.  He has written everyone one off. 

OSD, the attacker is a college graduate, lives the high life in CO and is engaged.  She knows better than to come around me.  

YSS is a sad case of basement dwelling, legal and drug issues with mental illness issues.  He lives with BM.  26 now.  We've tried to encourage him but he's in denial about his issues.  BM's problem.  

YSD is a college graduate, steady BF, working on a teaching certificate.  She's had some mental issues, but the only one to have a relationship with us.  

BM was high conflict. Lots of games and PAS.  Drama didn't  really settled down until CO was finished.  The skids each suffered in their own way.  DH tried to instill his values but BM was more concerned about winning.  

Rags's picture

IMHO for the quality side to instill their values, they have to win at all costs.

The values have to be clear, and the comparison to the shallow and polluted sided of a SKid's gene pool has to be front, center, documented, and never endingly rubbed in the face of the toxic parent and sadly also in the faces of any kids they victimize.

We followed this strategy for the entire 16 years we lived under the CO that was ordered a few days after we married.  As a single teen mom DW had full physical and legal custody from birth.  Her intent was to be a family with her baby and the baby daddy.  His plan was to impregnate every underage womb in the Pac NW that he could get his statutory rapist gonads in contact with.  Things were seemingly fine until FIL saw the SpermIdiot mugging on yet another 16yo in town and sat my DW down and told her what he saw and to end it. DW kicked the SpermIdiot out that day and he was never allowed on my IL's property again.  This was a few months before SS turned 1yo.

At that point DW filed a paternity suit against the SpermIdiot. That CO officially documented full physical and legal custody for DW and set CS at $110/mo.  That CO had no visitation component.  There was no visitation.  At that point SpermGrandHag started her control freak crap.   Even as a teen my DW was far more than a match for SpermGrandHag.

DW left SpermLand with a 1yo on her hip to attend university at the end of the summer following her graduation from HS.  When she got pregnant at 16 the district attempted to get her to drop out of HS and go to pregnant girl GED classes. She refused and stayed in HS graduating with her class with honors.  SS was born a few weeks before her Sr. year just before she turned 17.

We met at University.  When the small town grapevine got back to SpermGrandHag that DW was dating someone she lost her Hag mind and went full control freak mode.  The Hag filed a custody suit by forging her idiot son's name on the court filing paperwork.  When DW was served with the suit she immediately noted that the signature was not the SPermIdiot's.   That resulted in the Hag's attorney firing them and them finding another bottom feeder attorney.  It took nearly a year for the case to make it to court. Their tactic was to postpone the hearing at the last minute after DW had flown back to SpermLand. This was part of the Hag's attempt to bury DW financially and force her to surrender custody. Bad move.  DW took out supplemental school loans and hired a SPermLand attorney.

SpermIdiot married a 16yo he was "dating" a couple of weeks before the court hearing tin an attempt o avoid having his statutory rape career highlighted.  Nearly a year after the Hag filed the initial fraudulent custody suit and after a very long day in court where many witnesses were on the stand recounting his gangbanger wannabe bullshit, his serial statutory rapist history, his notable arrest record, his character void life, etc, etc, etc...  the bottom 10%er of the legal profession idiot Harry Potter robed moron Judge slinging the wooden Fisher-Price toddler's hammer upheld full physical and legal custody for my DW, raised CS from $110/mo to $133/mo and established a long distance visitation schedule 5wks summer, 1wk winter, 1wk spring.   Late evening the day before the hearing the bottom feeder SpermClan lawyer called DW's attorney to offer to drop the custody hearing for joint custody. DW denied that offer and countered with 9wks of visitation. The clan then countered with 26wks of visitation Vs joint. Denied. 9wks.  They then offered 15wks. Denied. 9 wks.  

At the end of the hearing the Judge ripped the SpermIdiot apart for showing up in court in a goofy zoot suit with some goofy hair style with a head covered in dozens of puff ball clumps of hair all over his head.  After railing at the SpermIdiot the robed idiot then dropped the ultimate idiocy. "Any child would be blessed to have the love and support of this fine family."  I was beyond incensed at that point. After the toddler's hammer banged ending the hearing I stepped through the gate to be at my bride's side. The judge freaked and ordered me behind the rail. I pointed out that the case was closed and I could be with my bride.  The judge then ordered the baliff to  get me behind the rail.  

That was the first battle of our 16+ year commitment to protect SS from the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool.  Ultimately we were more committed to winning on SS's behalf than the Hag was commited to sucking DW and SS back into her sphere of control.  They lied to SS, we countered with the facts and introducing him to the truth in an age appropriate manner..  They manipulated, we countered with reality based discussion, more facts, call log and journal reviews, reviewing the CO with him, introducing him to the supplemental jurisdictional/county rules regarding custody/visitation/support, and the State regulations.  By the time SS was in his early to mid teens he was far more an expert on his CO and the whole situation than the SpermClan was. They made shit up, pulled bullshit out of their idiot asses, and we kept our side groudned in reality and the facts.  There was no indication that they had ever even read the CO or anything else. It was always some crybaby manipulative crap about how we were being unfair, how the Judge or lawyer that SpermGrandHag was the housecleaner for said we could not do whatever it was that pissed the Hag off at the time.  We made sure to have a pit bull attorney that would peel their skin off any time they deviated from the CO and any other governing rule, lied to SS, tried to manipulate SS, etc...

Eventually they ended their presence in SS's life by trying to guilt him into repaying them for the 17 years of CS after he turned 18. He responded to that when a firm no. They then shifted to begging him to direct deposit part of his pay every month into the Hag's account to help support his three younger half sibs by two other baby mamas. A more firm no.  Then SpermIdiot spawn #3 got arrested for a gun violation. That snapped SS into clarity that none of them had earned a place in his life. After the arrest of #3 he took emergency leave, flew to SpermLand and put the SpermIdiot against a wall by the throat with his feet flapping against the wall a foot off of the ground with the massage that if the SpermIdiot's gangbanger wannabe crap caused any of his younger sibs issues that SS would be back and the talk would go in a very different direction.  A few years later #3 was convicted of felony armed burglary and sentenced to a long prison sentence. It has been years since SS has had any contact with any of them.

One of the last interfaces was when SS told the SpermHag that he had asked me to adopt him and the adoption was final.  Shockingly the Hag told SS that she was glad that he had a good man as his father and she wished that his younger siblings had been raised the way SS was.

Win for SS. Win for us.  Though we resoundingly won over, and over, and over again during the 16 years under the CO and the first years of SS's adult life, none of us escaped unscathed. I have regrets that SS had to live any of that. He does have some issues as an adult with relationships.  Recently he started working with his therapist about his anger towards family.  No detail on which family members or what his anger is about.  He isn't ready to share any of the details with his mom and me.  In hind sight, I would do nothing different given the situations that we were dealing with at the time.

Make decisions with the information at hand at the time of the decision. Know the CO, etc.... and do what is necessary to care for and defend your family, marriage, and Skids. The SKids deserve to be the top responsibility for the quality side in their lives, have the protection of the quality side of their extended blended family against the toxic side.  There has to be zero tolerance for the toxic crap from the shit side and sadly no tolerance for crap from the SKids if they choose to follow the toxic side down the shit character toilet.  Hopefully a quality example with required standards of behavior and standards of performance will save these kids from being sucked into the toxicity and life long victimization by them. Whoever qualifies as them in a SKid's life. They are known when they are seen.

IMHO of course.

Trudie's picture

I appreciate your reply, Survivingstephell. I am curious, does YSD recieve backlash from the others becasuse she has a relationship with you? 

This whole step nonsense has been enlightening for me. I really had no idea.... What I have learned wtth my in-laws is that family sticks together and when I dared to call out and say "No" (gasp!) to dysfunction that I was no longer welcome. They live in their bubble and are not interested in resolution of issues, it is just sweep, sweep, sweep right under the rug. 

I understand that one has to meet people where they are at because I am not going to change decades old behaviors and values. I have learned to adjust how I invest (or don't invest in them) and not to let them bring me down...most of the time anyway, I'm a work in progress. They are not high conflict, they are 'behind the back' and that is not a game I will play. Winning for me means disengaging, being cordial, and remaining unbothered.

MorningMia's picture

No, you're not. After 5 years of bad behavior from SD (many years ago), two of which involved no contact (her decision at age 15), we attempted to improve things over a holiday, and her behavior was horrendous. My DH told her that she needed to apologize to me. She refused, cried, and said she hadn't done anything wrong. He asked her at least a few other times for an apology. No. So, I chose not to see her for 7 years. She did not step foot in our home. I've only seen her a handful of times since (she wanted to "reconcile," meaning failed cash grab for her wedding) and, after the last visit, I don't plan on seeing her again in this lifetime. This isn't out of spite. It is about peace. It's about never hearing a sincere apology and genuine willingness to go forward from this phony who caused so many problems. It's about consistently rude, awful behavior from someone who hates me. Nope. 

Trudie's picture

I don't plan on seeing her again in this lifetime. This isn't out of spite. It is about peace. It's about never hearing a sincere apology and genuine willingness to go forward from this phony who caused so many problems. It's about consistently rude, awful behavior from someone who hates me. Nope. 

I feel this in the depths of my soul.

Toaster's picture

The Skidmarks are currently out of DH’s and my life. Under the influence of their Mothership, they’ve repeatedly abused DH and used passive-aggressive mean girl tactics against me. The final straw was when YSD called CPS on DH for alleged abuse—a claim that was never proven.

If they ever come back, the best I can do is remain indifferent to them, and here’s why:

First, when toxic people wrong you, they often experience intense negative emotions like shame or guilt. To avoid these feelings, they shun you. You must understand and accept this.

If they’re forced to engage with you on some social level, they’ll avoid acknowledging their wrongdoing. Why? Because, unlike emotionally healthy individuals, they equate their wrong actions with their core identity. For them, admitting, I wronged Daddy-cakes and Evil Stepmother, becomes, I’m an evil person. That kind of bone-crushing shame is too much for them to bear, so they distance themselves instead.

A psychologically healthy person, by contrast, would think, I’m a good person who did something wrong. My actions don’t define me. I can change my behavior, make amends, and move forward. And, more importantly - they do! 

But unstable CODs often struggle with malignant shame. On top of that, they’re influenced by their cult-leader BM, who convinces them that their actions against their bio-father and me aren’t wrong at all. Instead, she frames these atrocities as acts of a “holy war.” Holy war as in its BM's holy war; as in, its the First Failed Family's Holy War! According to this twisted narrative, they haven’t done anything bad and, therefore, have no need to apologize. 

Because of these two reasons, any apology your SD offers might not be entirely sincere. At worst, it could backfire and blow up in your face. At best, it will serve as a temporary release for SD, allowing her to alleviate some of her own negative emotions.

But remember, venting is not the same as true remorse or genuine change. Without meaningful action to back up her words, an apology is just a fleeting gesture, not a true step toward reconciliation.

I can't tell you how important this is - If your skid mark has a toxic BM lurking in the background, then it’s most likely this skid believes that she didn’t do anything wrong, according to her cult leader, although she might feel shame for how she has treated you which making it hard to face you. The Skids will always be loyal to the memory of the First Failed Family and BM. When they abuse DH, who has moved on and re-partnered, and abused the evil SM, it's out of their loyalty to their First Failed Family - this is how they cope with their broken family. 

Second, Daddycakes—your DH—is deeply invested in the “Big Happy Family Fantasy,” and he’s trying to push that delusional agenda onto you. Think about it this way - he's trying to grab and embrace his First Failed Family and include his concubine (you, as the side piece) into the messy mix. It’s essential to understand what drives him and recognize that you need to look out for yourself because he won’t. He wants everyone to get along at all costs (usually at your expense), while you’re seeking peace and respect. These are two very different agendas.

If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t push for a big, heart-to-heart conversation with SD. Don’t expect a sincere apology—refer to what I wrote above for the reasons why. Instead, treat her like she’s a polite stranger, and think of the past as water under the bridge.

You’ve already learned everything you need to know about SD and where you stand with her. You understand her character, and now you can move forward with clarity: keep interactions straightforward and polite but maintain a stance of indifference.

Do not entertain the idea that you and SD can be “friends.” That ship has sailed. The best outcome you should strive for is cordial indifference. Anything beyond that is unnecessary and risks setting yourself up for disappointment.

DENIP's picture

A lot of what you've stated, especially in the first half of your comments, makes sense, especially with what I've been studying in the past year about it all. Essentially, I have to see her as a type of narcissist because of her immaturity and the inability to hold herself accountable. When she was here last year (actually 1/5 will be a year since she moved out), a week and a half after she moved out,  she was here with the assumption that were going to give her a "talkin' to," she'd say her peace, then she'd be allowed back in. But, she was very wrong. When she got up in a huff to leave, she said, "Am I a bad person or am I not?!" Slamming the door behind her (which she did to spite me because she was told to stop doing so on the night she left). So that "shame" you speak of and how she sees herself are spot on. 

I just said to DH to not say another word to her about having a conversation with me. If she is serious, it will happen. I also mentioned that I was not real confident that she had any real reflection and growth in a year, that my intentions in the conversation as opposed to hers would not be the same. What has happened is serious to me. I'm serious about the way people handle and treat me; what I will accept and not accept. I'm serious about being disrespected and disregarded. I don't treat people that way and so, I won't tolerate it.  This whole situation gives me so much anxiety. It's what I went through all year with it. It's so toxic and I don't want to be sick from it. It's almost like PTSD. I know DH loves his daughter - I get it. And I would never want to interfere with their relationship. 

The past year, I have felt like the "guilty one" at times, because we (SD) are estranged. His family has made me think that we handled things wrongly. There's no empathy for what we've experienced. They think we should have just let bygones by bygones and allowed her to stay with us. Not at 20 years old we weren't! We had her from 16-20. And we've had enough. No growth in that time frame from her. Lots of avoidance and minimizing. All the same habits we addressed at nauseum. She made it so that we had nowhere else to go with it. We knew if we wanted true peace in our home, she had to go back with BM. 

Never did I think I needed a therapist until this all happened. His family,  MIL, SIL, a cousin, aunt, all caused me harm, when it was DH that made the decision to make her leave. He didn't do it because of me, but because of HER! He was tired of her careless, horrible attitude about everything, being in our home. DH had to set them all straight, telling them SD chose her consequences. She was specifically warned. It's always easy to have an opinion when you're an outsider who can not sympathize with a situation. I'll never look at them the same again. Trust is ruined and I will always be suspicious of them. I'll see them in a couple of weeks and they will see how I interact with them. Not sure if they know I know about the lies they spread, but, I do! 

I want to get to a place where I can say, "Hello," when SD is in a mutual setting. But, the indifference is absolutely there. So much damage done. She doesn't even know that I know about the texts she spewed about me to DH. She would never want to be anywhere near me if she thought I knew, because they were THAT bad. 

I want peace in every area of my life and not bitterness, because bitterness only hurts me over and over. My expectations of her are not high at all. So far, I have not spoken to her when I've seen her. I act like she is not even there. I just can't talk to her. Things are not ok. That's why I corrected DH when he said that "there are no hard feelings." Ummm... from you maybe, but me on the other hand ...

Rags's picture

Snip the texts and send them to her with a short.... "FYI, I know who and what you are. When you admit it, we can look at moving forward. Until then, you have no place in my home and life. Your father also knows who and what you are which is why he kicked you out. Keep up your shit and these will got to the whole family."


Lather.... rinse.... repeat.

I would read the entire IL clan in on the texts as well with a print out added to the Holiday letter every year reminding them all of what SD has done and that until she owns up, she is done.

We have a smoking gun on my BIL1's Bovine Bride. She/they sent my now deceased FIL a scathing letter shredding him and telling him he would not be a grandfather to their then infant DD, he would have no place in their lives, his grand daughter would never know him, etc... THis stemmed from him being called to the hospital when his GD was born and then refusing to hold her. He came straight from the fields to the hospital nursery. He had been spreading manure slurry on feilds and did not want to expose the baby to what he had all over him.   The Bovine Bride tried to force him to hold the baby. He repeatedly declined.  BIL1 being a ball-less wonder let his wife play that crap.  FIL sent that letter to my DW asking her to keep it and to review it with that GK when she was grown and he was gone.  I have made sure that BIL1 and his Bovine Bride know that FIL sent their letter to FIL to my bride and it is securely filed for future reference as necessary.  Periodically either BIL1 or the Bovine Bride will drop a request to return it to them or that we destroy it. Nope. We did give them a copy of FIL's letter to DW and a copy of BIL1's and BB's letter to FIL just to prove that we had the original.  

These people have no place or standing in the lives of decent people and their noses must be repeatedly scubbed in the stench and stains that they make on the carpets of their own lives and the lives of others.

IMHO of course. The never fading threat of them and anyone and everyone they try to suck into their toxicity learning the facts has to stand and it has to be a credible looming consequence that is played when necessary.

IMHO of course.

These types love to play games but they hate it when others beat them at their own game.  At taht point they turn in to whining quivering victimes. It is the job of the viable adults present to make sure that they live their earned consequences and that no one else can join in their delusions without being met full in the face reality and facts.

Trudie's picture

I understand this! I, too, have seen the nasty texts from OSD. If they had come from one of my children, I would feel such shame. I think DH is so used to her abuse that he is immune to her ugliness. I, however, am not immune and would point it out every single time.I understand that "things are not ok" because I am in the same boat you are. Until she makes amends, things will remain the way they contact at all.

Trudie's picture

Toaster, well stated. Do you believe that many men push the “Big Happy Family Fantasy” out of guilt? Delusion? Both? Something else entirely?

I agree with cordial, I do this out of respect for my husband. Also, because it is who I am.



Toaster's picture

It’s a form of narcissistic magical thinking. I can only speak for my DH and how I see it, but here’s my take: The "Big Happy Family" fantasy is my DH’s way of rewriting reality to make it more palatable for himself. It’s his coping mechanism—a way to soften the edges of the harsh truths he doesn’t want to face.

Here are some examples:
My DH has many toxic people in his life—his mother, his ex-wife, and his spawn. But instead of seeing their behavior for what it is, he reframes it. His mother isn’t a toxic drama machine—oh no, DH says she just doesn’t know how to express herself. (His words, not mine.) His ex-wife isn’t neglecting their kids on purpose, or failing as a parent out of sheer indifference—DH tells himself she’s simply "misguided" in her parenting style. That was his narrative until her claws really came out, and she made it clear she was after his blood. After a grueling court battle, DH had no choice but to face reality.

Then there’s OSD. She wasn’t sexualized by her BM—no, BM just dressed her nicely. That’s all! (Never mind the inappropriate outfits and behavior.) As an adult, OSD has become a full-blown skank. And YSD? She’s not a cold-hearted piece of work who couldn’t care less if DH or I dropped dead. DH reframes her apathy as "emotional immaturity" and tells himself he just needs to ‘lecture’ some compassion into her, she would definitely ‘see the light,’ until YSD called the authorities on DH and he had to explain himself for three hours why he didn’t ‘abuse’ YSD.

His way of coping with his divorce is to retreat into a Pollyanna fantasy where BMs and SMs are best friends, and the skids are genius wonder kids. In DH’s idealized La-La-Land, life is good, everyone gets along, and no one causes drama. It’s a pleasant illusion that shields him from the messy, complicated reality he doesn’t want to face.

As the second wife, with no blood ties to anyone in this tangled mess, I’m the weakest piece on the StepHell chessboard—and I refuse to "go along to get along." Because of this, DH often tries to drag me into living out his fantasy of harmony and unity. That is, until reality inevitably bites him in the ass and reminds him that his dream world doesn’t exist.

In my opinion, its DH unhealthy way of trying to come to terms with the fallout of his divorce where his loyalty to his wife is pitted against the loyalty to the members of his first failed family cult.

Rags's picture

The SpermClan is the poster gene pool for this delusion.   When DW left the People's Republic of SpermLand to attend University out of state as a teen mom with a 14mo old on her hip SpermGrandHag was silent. Until, the small town grapevine picked up that DW was dating someone at school.  With that SpermGrandHag went immediately into circle the cult wagons and suck my then not yet DW back in to return she and SS to the vortex of shallow and polluted effluent that is the SpermClan gene pool cult.

Bad move on the Hag's part. She tried to engage her fringe Christian religious cult in that effort to no avail. She had lost credibility with them when she defended and supported her serial statutory rapist POS gang banger wannabe POS son.

DW went to war rather than tolerate her crap. Took out supplemental school loans, hired an attorney, and took the SpermGrandHag to task for trying to get custody of my then toddler not quite yet SS from his mom.  We went to court a few days after we married and a few days before SS-32's 2nd B-day.  Even the bottom 10%er of the legal profession Harry Potter robed moron slinging the Fisher-Price wooden toddlers hammer that sat for our hearing gutted them.  Though that judicial dipshit closed the hearing after ordering no change of custody with DW retaining full physical and legal custody, a nearly 30% increase in CS, and a token visitation schedule for the SpermClan in response to the Hag's attempt to steal my wife's kid by pronouncing "Any child would be blessed to have the love and support of this fine family."




Meanwhile 30+  years later and back at the ranch.  SS-32 is a man of honor, character, and performance in his life and a person of standing in his profession and community.  The SpermIdiot is a POS pot head underemployed gang banger wannabe hell bent on trying to date teens. He will be 54yo this month.  SS's three younger also out of wedlock SpermIdiot spawned half sibs include spawn #2 who is on the dole, #3 who is in prison, and #4  who is not far behind the inmate/felon/convict.  SpermIdiot still lives rent free in mommy and daddy's rental property rent free.

Blessedly our son escaped and #2 detests the POS SpermDonor though does drink the SpermGrandHags Kool-Aid.

DW and quality parenting - 1. SpermClan cult - 0. At least regarding my SKid.

Trudie's picture

I think you are spot on with these assessments. I think the scenarios are different, but the actions and motivation are the in different families, but same nonsense, avoidance, delusion, wishful thinking, etc.

If I may ask, how did you get such an enlightend and honest assessment of the situation? Therapy, research, etc? Or is it simply the fact that you are on the outside, looking in, and it is so much easier to spot the 'flaws' when not directly involved?

Toaster's picture

You wrote:

If I may ask, how did you get such an enlightened and honest assessment of the situation?

I walked into my StepHELL situation completely blindsided, and I’ll admit it—I was unprepared.

Desperate for help, I sought out a therapist who specialized in stepfamilies. After I spilled my heart about the chaos I was dealing with, the first thing she said was, “Did you know 70% of second marriages with stepkids end in divorce?”

Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn’t want to hear it. It scared me. On my way out, after telling her that therapy probably wasn’t for me, she handed me a recommendation: this site.

At first, I dismissed it. I told myself I didn’t need the information and filed it away. But as my issues with DH’s spawn escalated, I started Googling things like “personality disorders,” “shunning,” and “stepchildren hating their stepmother.” And guess what? This site popped up again and again.

Curiosity got the better of me. I started reading post after post. In fact, I practically binge-read them.

My career was in the scientific field, and one skill I excel at is pattern recognition. Over time, I began to notice a common thread running through the challenges that most stepfamilies face. At their core, these problems often stem from:

  • Personality disorders
  • Attachment issues (like loyalty binds)
  • Unhealthy ways of coping with divorce and its fallout
  • Codependency and malignant parenting
  • Lack of self-discipline
  • Family of origin trauma

When I looked at my own life, I realized how deeply these dynamics were impacting my stepfamily situation. More than that, they were retraumatizing me, stirring up unresolved issues from my own family of origin.

That realization brought me back to therapy. This time, I shifted the focus inward, working on healing my own family of origin trauma. StepHELL was reawakening wounds I didn’t even realize were still there, and I knew I had to address them to move forward.

It’s not that I was attracted to StepHELL—far from it. I hate that saying. If anyone suggests I was somehow drawn to this chaos and misery, I’d call them delusional and outright sadistic.

No, the reality is far different. It wasn’t attraction—it was vulnerability. I was like a person bleeding in the water, and the predators came circling. I love and accept DH for who he is—but to be honest, he has issues he refuses to address. As for the skids and the crazy BM, they’re just as non-reflective as he is.

In my experience, the person with the least amount of power and the most to lose is often the most self-reflective. Why? Because he must be. Self-reflection becomes a survival tool—a way to navigate the chaos and protect he in a situation where he is at the greatest disadvantage. We can only change ourselves; the only person we can truly control is ourselves. 

DENIP's picture

Toaster: I'm impressed with your growth and determination to understand yourself and others in the midst of all the chaos, trials, and trauma. Kudos to you! And thank you for pouring out the wisdom you've acquired to others here on this platform. You are appreciated!

I have done almost identically the same thing as you. 

I haven't seen a therapist, however, I passionately pursued (and continue to) knowledge and understanding of all involved with the primary focus on self. When I stepped back and said, "Ok, what am I being taught right now, according to the way I feel and am reacting in this trial?" Because I knew for sure, I did not want to spend another day wallowing in the anxiety, anger, pain, and frustration due to the actions of others. As you've stated: you can only change yourself. I want to be on "Team Healthy" not "Team Toxic." 

I began listening to YouTube videos of people like Dr. Les Carter and Kris Reece about toxic people/family dynamics; the who, what, how, and why of it all. I also read articles and free literature on this subject matter. These are CBT, psychologists/therapists, authors, with YEARS of experience, with a WEALTH of WISDOM. I bought Dr. Carter's book (he's written many), 

"Enough About You, Let's Talk About Me."

It is SO good and easy to read/understand. 

I also bought a book called,

"Our New World of Adult Bullies" by Bill Eddy

that gets more in depth about narcissism. 

As far as myself, I realized many things, especially when it comes to how I was raised, and trauma I occurred being bullied by my own older brother, SA from an older cousin when I was a child (he's a bully also), and a lot of other things. I have always been a peacemaker, really forgiving, desiring harmony in my life and relationships. But, I do know also that there's a fine line there where opportunists and bullies like to cross, and I don't put up with it. 

I digress, but, you see the journey has been similar to yours in that way. Truly, I believe it is very important to not allow ourselves to be in a victim mindset because then we learn nothing other than, "They did this to me." I believe in placing people where they belong in your life. Acquaintances are many, but my true friends are few. There's family by blood and family you choose. And I've got friends that are closer than a "brother."

To sum it all up, I was blindsided also in my situation. I didn't see what was coming and the aftermath had me just as confused. Knowing is half the battle. The other half is what you do with what you know. This will NEVER happen to me ever again, because now I know better and do better. It doesn't mean that skids/in-laws are any different, etc. It just means I am. I seek to be better not bitter. 

Thanks again for sharing/commenting! *good*



Rags's picture

I was not a guitter. She gave me the greatest gift immaginable my leaving. Though oddly when she told me she wanted a divorce she lost it when my response was short and direct. "Go file."  She broke down sobbing that I was not going to fight for her.  I told her I had been the only one fighting for us the entire marriage.  She moved out a month of so later.  My parents were visiting from overseas when she informed me she wanted a divorce. My parents knew sometghing was up immediately and asked me what was up when the three of us went to lunch the next day. I told them that we were divorcing.  My parents and my XILs had plans for dinner later that week. My parents told my XILs that we were divorcing. My XILs were shocked.  After my parents informed my XILs my XW lost her mind. She was ranting that it was not my parents place, why did I tell my parents, blah, blah, blah.  At that point I was pretty much numb and my give a shit was zero.

My dad left a few days later to return overseas, mom and I took a road trip to take mom's car to my brother two States over in order to get it away from my XW. As a bonding thing my mom had left her car for my XW to use as a Rags lady bonding thing.  XW and I had agreed to an uncontested single attorney divorce, we would split everything with each keeping what we brought to the marriage and keeping the wedding gifts that each side had given us.  I got all of the furniture and appliances except for the microwave that my XMIL gave us.  Interestingly, taht was stolen from XMIL's employer who she had been embezzling $Millions from over decades. XMIL eventually went to prison for embezzlement and the XIL clan was sued losing the suit and having to repay $Millions to the XMIL's employer. My XW was on the hook for several $hundred-thousand of the payback of XMILs embezzlement dollars.

It took me several years to go through the grief and recovery cycle from that divorce.

When DW and I married over 30 years ago and started our defense of SS's best interests  that extended for hte 16+ years of the CO and beyond he tension never really released until SS-32 had turned 10 and aged out from the CO and several more years as the SpermClan continued their toxic targetting of SS.  One day we woke up after experiencing the last battle. We did not know then that it was over.  After 2 decades of various levels of tension in addressing their manipulations and defending our son from them, I can only describe the end as a stressful decompression. I actually felt a level of regret for quite some time that the battle was finally over.

I considered ending my participation in online SParent communties.  At least for a while I probably kept participating due to the tension about the end.  Ultimately we won and we won resoundingly.  SS was protected and able to grow into a man of character, honor, and standing in his life, profession, and community.

For us it was no delusion. It was about confronting true and real threats to the wellbeing of a toddler, a young woman, and young marriage.  We did this by continually increasing our performance in life and keeping SS grounded in a strong family created by two good people focused on making a life and solid family together.

SpermGrandHag seemingly was hell bent on building and maintaing a facade of a strong family. In the end, even she collapsed and recognize that their side was all a facade.

As an engineer I  too am about data, paterns, and analysis. Though when it comes to our blended family life and experience I stop the analysis at the what level and really don't care about the why.  The behaviors are what causes damage. Why they do what they do I really couldn't care less about.  They behave or they meet instant and escalating abject misery.  I can't fix them or anyone else. What I can do is deliver consequences and escalate those consequences if they continue to perpetrate the behaviors requiring corrective consequences. THey stop, or they suffer.

I am about Keeping It Stupid Simple. KISS.

That makes it easier on me and everyone else by defining very clear standards of behavior and standards of performance. It even makes it easier on the toxic opposition. Over time they learn to stay under their slime covered rock at the bottom of their shallow and polluted gene pool or suffer. Their choice.

Trudie's picture

...Toaster, for sharing your story. So much of this resonates with me. Thank goodness for therapy.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Damn, Toaster. You've described a lot of what i've been through and seen. I know a lot of people on here have, too. Jesus, so much rings true. 

Toaster's picture

 You wrote:

The past year, I have felt like the "guilty one" at times, because we (SD) are estranged. His family has made me think that we handled things wrongly. There's no empathy for what we've experienced. They think we should have just let bygones by bygones and allowed her to stay with us. Not at 20 years old we weren't!

I can understand your ‘misplaced guilt’, but let’s face it—the reality is this: UNLESS you woke up on your wedding day, rolled over, and thought to yourself, “Today, I’m marrying an unsuspecting man with kids! Hurray! I get to torture and abuse them, and my ultimate goal is to estrange them from me and their father! [insert evil laugh here],” then you really have something to feel guilty about.

Oh yes, the out-laws! Remember what I said about the “One Big Happy Family Fantasy”? Your DH’s family likely follows the creed, “Blood is thicker than the ink on your DH’s marriage license.” How do I know this?

In my case, the Skidmarks would ghost MIL, but when they were in contact with MIL, they couldn’t help but be rude and passive-aggressive to her. And yet, MIL discounts their abuse and completely overlooks the suffering DH, and I endured at their hands. Why? For two reasons:

First, MIL thrives on forming a good Drama Triangle. She loves positioning herself as the “rescuer”—it gives her a sense of purpose in her delusional mind. Could some of your DH’s family members feel they need to ‘rescuer’ your skids? At the least, they want to ‘stay neutral’ because they want to maintain a ‘relationship or relationshit’ with the skids. The latter means they will sacrifice their dignity and self-respect to keep toxic people in their lives. In that case, nothing you can do about it.

Second, in-laws can hold onto the belief that blood family must stick together at all costs. And by “costs,” I mean at the expense of your dignity and your peace—especially since, in their elitist eyes, you’re just a non-blood-related member- Think blood members as VIP members and non-blood members are the riffraff. Again, nothing personal, its just business as usual.

The best thing to do? Don’t take it personally. But, definitely don’t invest in such people – only give as much as you get.

I know it sounds bad, but when the Skidmarks finally put Granny in her place—usually after she oversteps by trying to “parent” them, violating their cardinal rule that only the cult leader, their Mothership, can parent them—Granny ends up calling DH and me in tears, blubbering about how they’ve “mistreated” her. I just laugh.

And I refuse to fall into Granny’s Drama Triangle and “rescue” her from the so-called evil Skidmarks, especially since she was the one chasing them with her fists full of money. I do not respect this woman, at all.

One thing CODs often lack—especially the toxic ones—is accountability and respect for others. More often than not, they carry a strong sense of entitlement. By not enabling your Skids to live with you, you’re doing the most loving and responsible thing. Why? Because in the real world, if you treat people with disrespect, things don’t go well for you.

CODs are often pitied and pampered by family members who see them as poor little victims of divorce. But let’s be real: your SD’s employer isn’t going to coddle her when she’s late to work every single day just because she’s a “poor little victim” of her Mommy’s and Daddy’s divorce.

Your SD is not welcome in your home because of her behavior and attitude. CODs need to understand that their actions have consequences, and sometimes those consequences are permanent.

Best thing you can do is let that past be the past – But, learn from it. What did you learn? You learned about the character of you SD. You learned where you stand with her. Keep the lessons but let the experience go. Then act in your best interests.

If the in-laws are so gun-ho about SD having shelter with a blood relative’s, then they could host her.

MIL, the Skidmarks’ Granny, constantly told us we should take the Skidmarks back if they ever needed a place to flop. That is, until DH shut her up for good by revealing a hard truth. He told her he thought, for example, that YSD was very unstable—reminding her of the time YSD called CPS on him.

Then, he dropped the bomb: “Honestly, I’m afraid she might hurt us,” he admitted. “But if she ever really needed a place to stay, I’d send her to live with you, Granny.”

How do you think Granny reacted to that revelation?

Everyone’s an armchair Family Council expert—until they have to step into the trenches and deal with toxic, narcissistic CODs personally. Granny’s bravado crumbled fast when the reality hit her. She sounded downright terrified.

DENIP's picture

This was great! Thank you for taking the time to type all of that out for me. 

I always self-reflect, but what you said resonated with me: "Take the lesson but let the experience go." That's what I really need to do. 

Elea's picture

Thank-you so much Toaster for taking the time to write all of this out, explain your experience and share your wisdom. I am saving your post to refer back to for all time.

It is eery how similar all of our stories are and how so many COD follow the same script. It has been a big surprise to me. It has taken me a long time to understand it.

I was not like this with my own parent's divorce. I treat my SM with respect. I used my own eyes and ears to decide what I think for myself rather than just believing whatever I heard and blindly taking sides. I see my SM as a person separate from my Dad or from my parent's divorce.

My young adult SD's are seemingly intelligent, now college educated but they lack critical thinking skills, a sense of self, or the ability to use and make up their own minds.

They were the rudest teenagers I have ever encountered. They loudly announced to DH, right in front of me, "We don't know HER and we don't want to know her." Mercifully they finally went off to college.

SD's treated DH and I as if Covid originated in our home, rather than in a lab somewhere, all the while acting as if BM was immune. I am all for taking precautions but the insane hypocrisy is what got to me.

After Covid shunning was finally over we had a similar experience to what Toaster describes. OSD privately told DH (not me) that she has decided to "try." No apology for her rude, mean, and excluding behavior. A day or so later SD whined to DH that it seems that my biokids and I still seem to avoid her. She said, "Don't they know I am trying!?" She tried to flip the script on us and get us in trouble.

Confused by this odd behavior I came to Steptalk and posted about what was going on. Many step-talkers pointed out that she is lying. She isn't "trying" at all but rather being manipulative and trying out a new tactic to throw us under the bus while holding herself as the victim. Same old shit wrapped up in a new package.

I told DH that I don't need an apology, however, the only thing that will convince me that SD is really "trying" is a pattern of changed action and behavior over an extended period of time. Everything else is Bullcrap. DH didn't like it but it's hard to argue with something that is logical and reasonable.

I stopped trying to engage with SD's. I stopped "trying" at all. I am simply myself. SDiablas can "take it" or "leave it." I don't care how they feel about me.

I support DH in spending a lot of time alone with the SD's. There is nothing that has been more eye-opening for him than dealing with their horrific behavior without me there as a buffer or a scapegoat.

I disengaged and now, when they visit, I follow "medium chill" techniques. For my own mental health I meditate and remove myself from their presence as much as possible. Not to shun them but to honor and protect my own inner self. I started listening Eckhart Tolle as recommended by Morning Mia and have found his teachings to be very comforting and helpful in my own efforts towards healing myself.

I had a face off first with YSDiabla26 and then with OSDiabla28 when they invited themselves to stay with us, unannounced, for an extended period of time. (DH allows this) I told YSD "no" to her telling me what to do in my own house and I set a boundary that OSD is not to touch my stuff. Of course they now act as if I am the big, bad wolf. I am hopeful that now that I am the bad guy and we are clear that they are not the boss in our house that they will stop with the long, unexpected visits.

DH tried to tell family members a "sob story" about how "This is the 1st year that SD's haven't spent Christmas with us." (Not exactly true but it is true that they spent most holidays with us.) Dh was implying that mean, old Elea scared the diablas off.

I quickly corrected the record and said, "Yes, they spent all the holidays with us because BM DIDN'T WANT THEM!" BM told DH "You're on!" She said she needed "alone time" so that she could scribble in her diary, rub one out or go to the spa.

DH shut-up about the victim mentality pretty quickly once I blurted out the truth. I am done with the victim mindset and playing meat shield for the failed 1st family. DH may still hold delusions but I do not. I do hope to see growth in him this year. I know he will not trade me in for the diablas. They are a misery. I treat him better than he has ever been treated before.

The SD's finally returned to the clutches of BM for the holidays. With BM is where they belong. BM created the monsters, she should deal with the consequences of her own creation. SD's are a reflection of BM's true colors. If SD's really are smart, they will make a life of their own and leave BM behind. For now all 3 of them are in BM's home, most likely wallowing in misery and fighting like cats. SDiablas's are 26&28. Time to grow up!

I have an active goal of reducing and stopping repetative thinking about Sdiablas and BM. I have a goal of no longer being emotionally activated by them yet to remain mindful and forgiving of myself when I am still triggered. I hope they think about me a lot more than I think about them. My goal is to be ambivalent/indifferent. Short of leaving DH and what is otherwise a great marriage, that is the best way to reduce drama and have peace.

Life is too short for toxic step-sh*t.

Rags's picture

That a blended marriage can navigate what you and DH have navigated together is proof that standards and boundaries work to defend the gates of the marriage from the enemy. Regardless of who they enemy is purported to be.

We have an opposing relationship model with the ILs in our marriage. DW is far more likely than not my parent's favorite person.  They tease that I can visit any time as long as DW is with me.  They call her their daughter.  Then introduce her as their daughter and my wife. That gets some interesting looks and comments upon occassion.

My parents are dedicated to their boys. My brothers and I won the parent lottery for sure.  We are their children. My DW is their chosen daughter. My SIL (younger bro's wife) is their DIL.  They don't trust her and they do not care for the relationship that my brother and his DW have. Mom and dad are true equity life partners as are DW and me. My baby bro and his wife have a far more complex thing going. My brother has held that for his entire marriage his DW is more his child than his partner. Even now when he, mom and dad, and I are in a core family lunch that he has 4 kids and not 3.  She is not horrible, though she is completely self absorbed and is not a partner. She is a dependent.  Interestingly as their kids have progressed into adulthood they have shifted the strength of heir parent relationships to their dad. They know he is their advocate and their mentor.  They have also engaged with me and their aunt (My DW) as mentors and caring adult family.  

My incredible bride  has long held that my parents are the only real parents she has had and are her example as strong confident adults.  She loves her family. She does not respect them. That is very hard for her to deal with.   Long ago she tearfully commented that her family works so hard and struggles and my family doesn't.  I had to point out that quality of decision and quality of work makes a difference. Just working hard when it is the wrong work to be doing while chasing poor decisions returns less than successful results.  She only said that once.  She was already well down her personal path of university education, grad school, professional qualifications, and a burgeoning successful career.

My ILs are a mixed bag. Good people but sadly if there is an array of possible decisions with all but one being good, they will make the only one that is not good. Over, and over, and over again. This applies to my FIL, MIL, BIL1, BIL2 and SIL and their mates.  It is mind boggling how consistent this path is for them.

Unlike your MIL, they do not have quite that toxic of a model that they follow.  They are more the "if we never say it it never happened" model.  I refer to this multigenerational family trait as either "Ostrich Mode" (if they bury their heads in the sand all is well as long as they don't admit that someone is behind them kicking them in the ass.) Or The Emperor's New Clothes Syndrome.  As long as no one points out that the Emperor riding around on the regal steed in grand robes is actually butt neked and riding a donkey then all is wonderful.  

I am not one to play those games. I am the one who brings forward  solutions to reality rather than delusional methods to ignore it.

DW and I are living a wonderful life of adventure and a love for the ages.  That, is what we owe each other and our marriage.  

We just waved mom and dad off on their homeward journey after the 4 of us spent nearly 2 weeks over the holidays together.  We had a great time. Mom and dad repeatedly thanked us for sharing our home. These are the people who make their home our s and the rest of the family's and have for decades. 

I hope that 2025 is a wonderful year for your and DH.

Toaster's picture

 I refer to this multigenerational family trait as either "Ostritch Mode" (if they bury their heads in the sand all is well as long as they don't admit that someone is behind them kicking them in the ass.) Or The Emperor's New Clothes Syndrome.  As long as no one points out that the Emperor riding around on the regal steed in grand robes is actually butt neked and riding a donkey then all is wonderful.  



Trudie's picture

I see so much of our situation in what you write. DH's family blames me for the 'no contact' status with OSD. I realize they are in denial, so I am okay with my discomfort at being cast in the role of scapegoat. It says everything about them...really nothing about me, other than I choose to deal with issues in a healthy manner. Most don't opt for 'no contact' as a first line of defense, it happens when all other methods have been tried and have failed. It also happens to protect one's peace and to maintain safety. I will not apologize for that.

Everyone’s an armchair Family Council expert—until they have to step into the trenches and deal with toxic, narcissistic CODs personally. Granny’s bravado crumbled fast when the reality hit her. She sounded downright terrified.

Isn't that par for the course? Yet, most people are unwilling to step into the trenches and 'do the work'. I will always 'do the work' no matter how hard it in the light of the truth is that important to me.

DENIP's picture

So true! I think it is important to exercise wisdom in who we speak to and what we share. I failed in this area, and I take full responsibility for that. I should have known better.

I will not live an inauthentic life, even if it means opposition. 


Rags's picture

In the blended family world empathy and sympathy are often signs of weakness and are exploitable by the toxic opposition who are often void of decency.

Continually exposing ourselves to being targets because we are too empathetic, sympathetic, or nice to confront toxicity is stupid.

Right is right. Wrong is wrong. When they behave wrong, they need instant pain and consequence.  Not empathy, sympathy, nice., consideration, or care beyond the basics. They don't even get common decency when they are not decent.  Even when confrontation and application of consequence is counter to our usual positioning with others.

Harry's picture

Guess bio parents forgive easyer,  calling CPS on you is a big mistake.  Getting your name in frount of law inforcement would be hard to get over. A sorry just will not do it.  I agree.  
'Don't listen to the cheerleaders, MIL..SIL..AND INL.  There kids didn't call CPS on them.  ''''Bio Mother should get a life.''' She still feels rejected by DH and is trying to distroy SD relationship with her BF..  and DH relationship with you. 

A relationship, distroyed so much. Will take time to reastablish steps.  First you need to have ''''the talk'''. Get a real apology.   Then you trying to get over it.  
Knowing it will never be the same.  22yo don't sleep over EOWE .  More like a Applebees dinner once every few months. $25 gift cards for birthday ..Christmas. .holidays.  [ not sorry SD hers a few thousand $] And se how it goes from there.  If SD is still under BM influence it will come out quickly.  Good SH is see his DD outside the home. 

Rags's picture

Not wrong in this. Though you are wrong in forgiving and in not going full in their faces life shredding  confrontation. Daddy is coddling and weaseling instead of continually applying his daddy foot to his lying POS failed family spawn's ass, destroying his sister, and putting his mother in her place.

IMHO of course.

This is a hill to die on. Stand your ground, escalate the state of abject misery your DH lives until he grows a pair and makes it crystal clear to his spawn and his family that they have no place in his life until they crawl forward hat in hand to beg forgiveness with a sincere apology and forever change their shit behaviors.

Until then. Let the rot.

To do otherwise is to continually sacrifice yourself on the altar of SParental martyrdom to your failed man, father, and mate of a DH, his toxic spawn, and the mass delusion of your IL clan.

Trudie's picture

DENIP, you are absolutely not wrong for feeling this way! Agreed, with the "no hard feelings"...not okay! I take the same stance with apologies. If I wrong someone, it is up to me to make it right. I don't have to be told, prodded, or reminded. That is why I hold to the 'you can't unring the bell' theory; I would rather be measured and intentional with my communications. This means sometimes walking away and reconvening after taking a breath, thinking things through, and crafting a respectful response. 

I have a lot of love to give and it is given freely...until I have a reason not to. I agree with those who have said "when someone shows you who they are, believe them". Believe them, remember what they have done/are capable of, and act accordingly. One can still be gracious, cordial, and move on; however, when I am done, I am overdone.

DENIP's picture

Unfortunately, the "rot" the relationship and the extent of the harm has gone so far that I am not sure it can ever be fully repaired. I never spoke ill of SD, but only spoke the truth. I stated the facts. I've learned that when you stand for what is right, and enforce the appropriate boundaries, you're going to incur haters. 

When you call out wrong behaviors [especially of non-familial] your going to have their "flying monkeys" come for you. They are an extension of the offender.

I refuse to be a door mat and punching bag for anyone. I love peace and harmony but unfortunately, not everyone is a part of that space. They are in the outer courts, denied access to a place I hold sacred.

Now is the difficulty of having to look upon their faces and be in the same room as them knowing they stuck k**ves in your back and smiled in your face. The lack of eye contact says it all for me. I'm uncomfortable with them for the right reasons. They're uncomfortable with me for the wrong reasons. 

I never in my life envisioned myself in this place but here I am. 

Being selfless enough to have allowed my SD to live with us from 16-20, backfired in a big way. I initially did not want it at all but I pitied her because of abusive BM. I made DH and SD very happy, but I became miserable because of her antics. DH removes her, and the toxicity still lingers. It's just not ok. Things are still NOT ok and DH needs to understand this in a very SOBERING WAY. 

Trudie's picture

Everything you wrote resonates with me! I truly get it. I respect your stance and dedication to doing right, yet maintaining your dignity and self-respect.

"Stand up for what's right, even if it means standing alone." I live by this.

Trudie's picture all. I learn so much from all of you, I appreciate your candor.