I need more popcorn!
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Ours was relaxing as all we had to do was take some gifts to my mothers house and all the kids came there for gifts and lunch. Lunch was on SS26. So sweet.
SS26 and his GF got engaged in October. We were all there except for her mothers BF since him and the father do not get along. They have planned the wedding for March of 2026 and we are all in planning mode. They are both just down to earth so nothing fancy and they will not take a honeymoon until the following winter when work is basically shut down.
SS26 called us yesterday extremely upset. Seems his finaces mother and her boyfriend got engaged on the 26th. The boyfriend went to the same jeweler and had the SAME engagement ring made except the diamond was much bigger. He then started rubbing the fact that it was bigger in SS26 and fiances face. They told him they are either getting married first or very close to their wedding date. Both are vey unhappy but have no idea how to handle it. I told him that we will just continue on course and deal with whatever comes up since we have his back.
DH and I are both thinking this reads like a Dr. Phil show or something. OY
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time for them to elope. w/
time for them to elope. w/ you, your DH, her dad & a few close family members if need be. Just have them pick a date, get the license, pcik a date and have the clerk/whoever does them do it. then plan a nice cook out or bbq at your home in the spring to celebrate w/ loved one. Her mom's BF is not a loved one.
my story is no where near yours. mine's a tale of two brothers. Son 2 (younger son) got engaged. a couple months later son 1 got engaged. son 1's fisnaces family did the whole big thing. bells, whistles, country club wedding etc.
son 2 and his fiance called us one day and asked if the two of us, and my granddaughter who is son 1s child but that's a soap opera of its own, would care to join them for their wedding at city hall. we of course said yes please. it was a calm peaceful wedding, in the city hall atrium. We then went around the corner to a park and took photos there and in the city conservatory..
it was sweet, calm, just plain wonderful. They eliminated any drama. just a thought for your SS
Fiance's mother's boyfriend
Fiance's mother's boyfriend is displaying small d*ck energy. Do you really think he's the one behind this or did the Bio Mom push for this disgusting competition?
BM and her fiance sound like a toxic dung heap, so I'm sure that relationship will not be happy and probably won't last.
If SS26 and his fiance are smart, they will let BM and her fiance plan their wedding date, pay all the deposits, and then SS26 and his fiance can do a simpler wedding, Ninja style, BEFORE BM and her fiance do.
You have to go low information with these people. It would be nice to plan an "engagement" party for next year and have it be a surprise wedding!! LMAO
Oh yes. Dinky Winky syndrome is strong in this POS.
Time to gut him and elope as advised by several above. The size of the diamond and cost of the wedding has nothing to do with the quality and strength of the commitment.
My first marriage the wedding was the social event of the season. My XMIL had to have the dream for her daughter. My XMIL tried to get my parents to split the cost of ridiculous wedding. My parents agreed on the condition that my XILs write us a check for half of the cost of the wedding, mom and dad would write us a check for half of the cost and XW and I could do what we wanted with it. A wedding, or down payment for a house, invest, etc....
Oh hell no. My XIL was all offended by that. So, my parents went the traditional route and covered the rehearsal dinner, the flowers for the wedding, and the Tuxedos for the Grooms party.
My XILs dumped over $30K on the wedding in 1988. Which was a crap ton of money for a wedding at that time. From wedding to final divorce hearing that marriage cost $1000/mo. My XW moved out while knocked up by her geriatric fortune 500 executive sugar/baby daddy. She had been a serially adulterous cavern crotched skank whore the whole marriage and the entire engagement and while we dated. I did not know until she moved out leaving her diaries behind. It was all written there in detail in her hand writing. Every dalliance, etc.. I escaped that marriage without polluting my gene pool with that shit show of a family. My XMIL ended up a federal felon convict inmate after embezzling $Millions from the business she worked for over 30+ years. The entire family wa sued by the business owner who won a $Multi-Million settlement from my XIL family. My XW's owed $Hundreds-of-thousands of that award.
Just over 3 years after the divorce was final I met my stunning brilliant incredible bride of 30+ years. We married 8mos later nearly to the day of the 4th anniversary of my divorce.
My incredible bride and I eloped with the entire wedding including dress, flowers, ceremony at Love's Lake Tahoe wedding chapel costing us $500. The per month cost of our wedding is at $1.36 and dropping each month.
We have built a love for the ages and lived a life of adventure together. The diamond I bought XW was beautiful. She wore it for both of her subsequent weddings. She is now on at least her 3rd marriage with at least 3 all out of wedlock spawn by two different baby daddies. Her eldest and youngest of the 3 are both cheat babies conceived with a fuck buddy while cheating on a husband. Her husband and spawn count may be higher as this update is a dozen years old at this point.
For us, diamonds have a tendency to multiply and grow. For Christmas last week-ish I gave DW the 4th that I have given her. The first was a modest but exceptionally high quality 1/2ct stone with a plain band when we married. It wa modest and what I could reasonably afford when we married. That ring got crushed just before our 10th Christmas together so I got her a graded and certified 1ct round solitaire for that Christmas as well as a certified and graded channel set band. 10yrs and two successful professional careers had upped my bling budget. Her original was repaired and still is in the rotation for wearing. For our 20th I gave her a 1.2ct graded certified oval cut yellow diamond in a beautiful multi stone setting with small white stones. She wore that for our vow renewal on our 20th. 20yrs, burgeoning careers and expat living had upped my bling budget again.
10 days ago I gave her a graded certified exceptionally high quality 1.5ct emerald cut solitaire. Just because-ish. Our 30th was 5 mos before Christmas. She had commented a few times over the years that she liked emerald cut stones and I happened to find one for a killer deal while I was doing my usual "what am I going to get my bride for Christmas" safari for the holidays. These are things that celebrate us. They matter because of what they represent. Dinky Winky may be able to afford a bigger stone but he had to steal SS's design. What a POS Dinky Winky is.
Please wish your SS and his bride a life of adventure and love for the ages for me. Make sure they know that living and loving well is the best revenge and the Dinky Winky guy can never compete with that. Odds that Dinky Winky will still be married to SS's future MIL after a few years are slim and none. Besides, even if Dinky and MIL are still married SS and his Bride will have lives and careers that may very well result in the multiplying growing diamond collectio celebrating what they are living together.
BF and future MIL are both
BF and future MIL are both mental. It takes a 'special' kind of mother to knowingly accept a bigger, better version of her daughter's engagement ring AND horn in on the young couple's nuptial schedule.
I second them eloping and excluding Monster-In-Law and her asshat from all plans.
A thought... SS and fiancée might be able to exchange or upgrade her current ring for something different.
Don’t let MIL and her BF `
Up set everything. This is total disgusting behavior on MIL / her BF part. There were major problems here, Major problems for the rest of their life. SS and his GF Should have a wedding of their dreams hopefully it's only done once> Don't let a Selfish, Crazy MIL Ruin the day. Hopefully MIL wedding is first and they will be happy buying something expensive.
Dont. Or please..let.. FSD. have her dream wedding .
We are hoping that her mother
We are hoping that her mother and boyfriend do the eloping. SS26 has already secured the venue, paid the deposit, is hiring my nephew as the DJ, and we are currently setting up the hair and makeup to be done at my house since the venue is down the road. We just feel so bad for both of them.
Turn that into a celebration of them and enjoy the venue.
They elope and they bare Dinky Winky's and FMIL's asses. When those two defects marry becomes a me too moment and they are irrelevant after that.
DW and I eloped. We then did DW's dream wedding in her home town for our vow renewal on our 20th. Top caterers who won The Best Of awards that year. The venue, the caterer, the photographer, make-up artist, and hair stylist all won Best Of in their category a few months after our vow renewal. Most people renew on their 25th. I was concerned that my FIL would not live to our 25th so we chose to do it on our 20th so FIL could walk my bride down the isle. Our renewal venue was a Vineyard and Winery Chateaux in DW's home town. SS (then 21) officiated. SInce he was at our first wedding who better to officiate for our celebration of becoming both husband and bride but also a family? We married the week before he turned 2yo.
He asked me to adopt him about 10mos later. We made that happen.
Living well is the best revenge. I hope SS and his Bride live their best lives full frontal for FMIL and her Dinky WInky BF to suffer with. People like this are trash and as with any trash, you throw it away regardless of who they may be.
IMHO of course.