Stepmom from hell (tales of BM’s family)
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to everyone who is celebrating tonight! I hope everyone had peaceful and enjoyable day.
Things have been pleasant here. Over the past week, both my SDs have spent quite a bit of time at my house and going to various holiday events with us. I think I must have some residual holiday trauma from years past when they or BM did something to ruin holidays, because even though it's been years since that's happened, I do always feel like my subconscious is halfway expecting something crazy to go down. Thankfully it didn't and we all enjoyed ourselves.
One thing did come up that was really amusing to me; this morning OSD told me they were delaying going to BM's house until they were sure that her aunt and her family had left. Now, this aunt and BM lived together for years until BM remarried. And aunt actively participated in BM's PAS campaign. So needless to say, I'm not a fan, though I've never said as much to my SDs because they've always adored her.
Well, aunt, in her late 40s now, married for the first time within the past few years, and her husband has three kids. I asked OSD why they were avoiding aunt, and she said, "she is literally a stepmom from hell and none of us can stand to be around and see how she treats those kids." According to OSD, she yells at the kids all the time, forces them to call her parents "grandma and grandpa", and complains right to their faces about having a 50/50 schedule because it's too much for her.
It's possible that the kids are terrible and aunt is just fed up. But I was laughing (on the inside) because aunt always had sooooo many opinions about how I step-parented. Once she even testified in court that she believed I never wanted my SDs around because *one* time when I was home alone (with an infant, by the way) and super sick, I asked for them to stay with BM on our week. And yet here she is flat out telling her stepkids that she only wants them to come over every other weekend.
Anyway, OSD told me that YSD snapped at aunt on Christmas Eve for being too hard on the kids and she said, "my stepmom would never speak to me like that." That may be the nicest thing YSD has ever said about me lol. The only thing better than this would have been if BM ended up with step kids and husband who had a nightmare of an ex. But I'll take this little does of karma, gladly.
- Felicity0224's blog
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Your YSD holding you up as a model, priceless! I love it!
Just goes to show that nobody
Just goes to show that nobody can predict how tough stepparenting can be unless they have lived it. I remember having the delusion that it would be one big happy family, the kids would be my bonus kids, i would get along with the ex, the in-laws would grow to love me....all that rot. Because I have always been able to get along with anyone. Step-reality hit me like a Mack truck. Sounds like it's hitting this b too.
Got to love when we see just
Got to love when we see just a little bit of Poetic Justice being played out ! Got to love it when some of these smug folks who think they would have the SM thing all figured out more than you do and think they are oh so superior before they get a reality check. Getting hit with the old Karma bus too.
It is so easy for these people to act like some kind of authority over something unless they have to deal with any fall out once they find themselves in the same circumstances.
I am still waiting to see if I ever find out if SD30 is to get hit with hers, since the sanctimonious SP rot has been dealt to me by her as of late. She has taken on her BF's kids as "her stepkids" even though she has no legal claim to have that title. That doesnt matter nor did it stop her from trying to shove in my face how awesome of a SM she is anyway, how much better she is at it than I am. Just trying to use that as a tool, and a low blow , to criticize me and try to make me feel like a guilty POS. because she loves those kids "as her own".
Sure, JAN. She acts like she hasnt made me aware that she cant always handle or enjoy HER own bio kids at times, so its just more Rot being thrown from her direction. That girl sits on a throne of lies and horse shit. I bet you she would not be so smug if they were all living together, which they arent ( so she doesnt have to deal with them regularly) , or if any of her "bonus " kids gave her even a quarter of the grief and stress that I have had to endure because of her. Chances are, her "happy family" is just another one of her delusions and isnt exaclty as rosey as she makes it out to be, so she is just bluffing.
Thats why , and I am normally not vindictive unless provoked, I hope and pray that she is struggling with a hard dose of Reality just like I had to at her hands.
The other thing too thats kind of that this so called testimony of her Love and sunshine Brady Bunch like family was stated in the same convo as her demanding that she wants a family, as if telling me I owe her that. Wait a minute. If things are going so great in her corner, then why should there even be such a desperate need for me to provide that for her? Make that make sense. Its also tells me that perhaps there is some trouble brewing in Paradise for SD...I mean why else?