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Deadbolt the doors, bolt everything down, put alarms on everything. SIL is visiting!

Rags's picture

I am only partially joking.  She will be her just after New Years.  She is staying for 4 days.  She started the "I miss you" campaign with my DW about 2mos ago.  Conceptually I am not against it. In reality, it will undoubtedly be an emotional shit show for my bride and a big part of that will be the anxiety that anything and everything will have to be secured or it will disappear.

I will likely get them a room on the Strip for her visit just to keep her the hell out of our home and away from most of the temptation.  I will advise DW to not take any of her expensive stuff.  If any of it disappeared she would be devastated and I would be looking for a nice place to dispose of my SIL's body where the critters would get a tasty meal.  Hey, why not recycle?

I hope the holiday season for the STalker-verse is one of merriment, joy, love, and minimal drama.  Mine will be... .until after the New Year celebrations.



JRI's picture

Well, you know where to come and complain afterwards.  Lol.

Rags's picture


I am not complaining. I'm merely sharing and forecasting.



ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Does your DW get along with sister? You read my fresh hell experience - this does not sound like a great opportunity for your DW. I wonder if it's a lifetime of punishment and whether it's all worth it. 4 days on the strip with my sister would not be fun for me-I'd be full of anxiety, waiting for the next shoe to drop (accusations) and dealing with a witch hunt. Why does she want to do this??? 

Rags's picture

My DW knows exactly what and who her 11yrs younger sister is.  She has zero trust in her sister. DW either keeps her purse on her person or locks it in the trunk of the rental car when we are in Spermland visiting with my ILs.  SIL has not been to our home since leaving when she ran back to small life in her small town after her first year of University where DW and I kept her under our thumb to attend class and do University level work.

She does have some durable though IMHO unnecessary guilt about having SS when she was a teen then leaving for University out of State abandoning her then pre-teen sister.  My ILs definitely failed to step up and parent my SIL effectively though no less unsuccessfully than they did my BIL1 and BIL2 between DW and SIL.  While unlike my SIL, my BILs are not thieving slime ball rip off artists like their younger sister. DW's three  younger sibs all struggle which breaks DW's heart.   

Sadly, DW does seemingly have a never ending series of chances for her sister to redeem herself which has about a zero probability likelihood of ever happening. Even if she does manage to not steal something or do the passive aggressive not quite begging thing on an individual visit.  I have 100% confidence that before long she will invariably do what she has regularly done for decades.  A challenge for me is that DW seems to think that not having anything stolen by her little sister for many years is an improvement.  I have to remind her that hiding her purse, wallet, jewelry and keeping it locked up and away from her sister is not a behavioral success delivered by my SIL.  It is smart mitigation of the risk that SIL is.

I truly hope my DW is not disappointed by her sister during SIL's pending visit.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Well stated and wise know the pattern, she knows the pattern and that means there is no suprises. You've done your homework - you understand and can read your SIL based on her past patterns of behavior.  I hope for your and your DW's sake, the trip goes smoothly. Keep us posted.