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OT - Eff Off Friday/Forn Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Happy Friday, STalkers! It's a breezy 53° here and I have the windows open to enjoy the fresh air. Aaaahhh... Short work day for me since I had to work late last night (oh happy joy...). Who is ready to start the weekend? *yahoo*

Eff off to:

  • Cancer. I lost 2 friends - both a mere 60yo - to that craptastic *&×#@/*%!!! disease. Another friend had a double mastectomy. Effing cancer. *dash1*
  • King Pita. Other people are talking. You're yammering on and on, constantly interrupting, and don't know diddly about this. Shut.the EFF.Up. We would be blessed if you'd get laryngitis for one effing day. Gaaaaaaaahhhhhhh...
  • Gabby (not her real name). Just because you're friends with some of my friends does not mean you're entitled to know my business. If one more person tells me you're hounding them for info about me, you're going to have a problem. Those you pestered called immediately to let me know and that they told her she needed to contact me if she wanted info. "I don't think Aniki will take my calls." Well, you're veeeeery close to getting one from me. Eff off. Then keep effing off. Eff off until you come to a gate with a sign saying "You Can't Eff Off Past Here" Climb over that gate, dream the impossible dream, and keep effng off forever.


Forn Friday

Forn is a cross between 'food' and 'p0rn'.

Fall has me eating a lot of pears. While I enjoy biting into a fresh pear and catching the juice before that deliciousness runs down my chin or hand, I also cook with them. A salad isn't really cooking, but pears are a tasty addition. My favorite combo is spring mix, fresh pear chunks, prosciutto, bleu or gorgonzola cheese, chopped candied walnuts, and a drizzle of balsamic reduction. Nom nom nom... With temps in the 50s and lower, I like to bake with them. I converted my grandma's recipe for omenakakku (apple cake) to a pear version that DH luuuuuuuvvvvs 100x better! Baked pears can be sweet (craisin-walnut-cinnamon-butter-honey) or savory (craisin-walnut-bleu/gorgonzola-fresh thyme-honey). My mouth is watering... Today, I made Pear Cardamom muffins. Yummy! I've also used a soft pear to make a cocktail with bourbon, lemon juice, honey, and cinnamon. *drinks*

What's your favorite way to eat pears?


Wishing you a happy, healthy,and stress-free weekend!


Evil4's picture

OMG! I have a thing for cardamom. Those muffins sound amazing!

We have a pear tree on our cul de sac yet I'm the only person interested in them. 

I will often just bake them standing up  in a cake pan in a mixture of cranberry and orange juice with cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon. No sugar needed. There are some local cranberry bogs in my area so I can get either red or golden cranberries and either one works.

I make pear cranberry bread with orange zest. The batter can be made into muffins or used in the waffle iron. It makes a great Christmas breakfast.

I freeze pear chunks. They are great for smoothies and add sweetness and a nice flavour without overpowering the smoothies like banana does.

Pear added to my oats with spices like cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg make a very yummy healthy breakfast. I love it. I'm going to try cardamom next time. 

I have a tea/cooker appliance. I put pear chunks in to make black or rooibos tea. Very nice tea, especially on a stormy day. 

My f off is to the mice infesting my workplace. I'm tired of sitting at my desk working away and seeing mice dart in and out of my office. We have live traps that allows for mice to be released somewhere else. Everyday we find the traps disabled. Well, we found the culprit. F off to the self proclaimed advocate for mice. And not only that, but she brings in fresh fruit for them and leaves the fruit all over the building to make sure the mice are being fed. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Sister Evil!!! I have a thing for cardamom, too! I even add some (ground) to my hot coffee. My DH is not a fan, but we have his and her coffee makers. His isn't strong enough for me. *dirol*

I never thought about pear cranberry bread! I make banana nut, banana cranberry, banana blueberry, strawberry, cranberry orange, and apple breads but never thought about a pear bread until now. Thank you for the inspirations!!!

Gads, tell the culprit to take those effing mice home with her. Ish.

Winterglow's picture

OK, for Gabby, here's what you do. You go into her office, plant your feet shoulder-width apart and ask her "OK, what do you want to know?" Make it slightly menacing. I guarantee she will cringe and shrivel. Tell her if she wants to know something that your door is always open and that you don't like people going behind your back. Then leave. Few people can stand up to this.

I'm into autumnal food at the moment. I made a "pot au feu" at lunchtime and there are several litres of beef stock left over that will be part of a noodle soup tonight (served with grated cheese - probably emmenthal - to sprinkle on top and let melt) and a beef and barley soup maybe on Sunday. I haven't decided what to do with the leftover beef yet, maybe a cottage pie ... 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Gabby and I don't work together. She's a nosy beeyotch who is friends with friends and friends-of-my-friends. Rest assured, I have zero problem looking more than slightly menacing with my stalking like a big cat walk, unsmiling face or slight smirk, and the "you're an insect pinned to my specimen board" stare. To date, no one has been able to stand up to that. There's a small possibility we'll be at the same venue in a couple of months. This former Girl Scout will be prepared. *diablo*

Pot au feu. Mmmmmmmmm... I'll pick up a nice Burgundy. Unless you'd prefer a Beaujolais... 

One of the local grocery stores makes a Porketta every Tuesday. We finally tried some and it was wonderful! DH asked me to try my hand at making it. Serving options: over mashed potatoes or rutabaga, over rice, open faced sandwiches, savory tacos, omelets, over mac & cheese, on top of potato or bean soup... Cooking is so much fun!

Winterglow's picture

Love your attitude!

I got myself a reputation many years ago without even trying. I used to wonder why all the interns slunk past me, back to the wall, unable to make eye contact until I heard one of the IT guys tell an intern to not touch the stuff on the printer with "that belongs to WinterGlow" accompanied with a knowing look implying fear (Gawd, you should have seen his reaction when he turned round and saw me!).

Ok, you're going to have to tell me more about porketta Smile What is it and how is it made? 

JRI's picture

We finally got some rain here, its been very dry.  Temps are fall-like and the leaves are turning.

DH87 saw his oncologist today for his 3-month visit.  It's always nerve-wracking anticipating these visits but his treatment is working and I'm thankful.  He's lost 5 lb since July but the dr isnt worried yet. I'm grocery shopping and cooking like crazy and he eats a lot.  The Dr said, "Just dont skip any meals" and I said, " HE DOESNT!"  The only one gaining weight around here is me.  Lol.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

We had a very dry spell and the fire danger level was Red (extreme). The high, gusty winds due to the hurricane were cause for concern and it was a YUGE relief when we finally got rain!

Glad to hear your DH's treatment is working!

Rags's picture

Eff0ff to misunderstandings.  DW and I had a baffling tension yesterday.  We always discuss each other's day when she gets home from work.  She always asks what the most interesting thing I read was.  We went to dinner last night.  At dinner she was sharing her great day. She had her 1:1 with her boss.  My bride is a definate rockstar in her profession.  Lots of good stuff, she is highly regarded at all levels of her firm, and her partner progression was reiterated with additional information of her having support from the top level of firm executive leadership.  Then... we got to me.  I shared that I had seen an article that addressed the primarly source of cheat partners and that they nearly always are sourced via friendships, family, or coworkers.  We had a great dinner.  Nothing super deep. Some additional talk about a telephone interview I had yesterday. Riteration that we definately do not want to go the bicoastal marriage route and that a travel assignment would be the most we would want with our absolute preference being me working locally.  The challenge is that for what I do there is very little market here.  If I go to work here the odds are I will be working for less than half of my usual compensation levels.  I am not ready to doom the end of my career to income levels less than what I was at more than 20yrs ago.  I commented that working here would kill my career and all I would be working for would be next to nothing in comparison to my usual income.  She replied that being the only income is very stressful for her.  So I responded that I would see what might be out there that keeps me in contact with my hostoric industry or I would shift to travel consulting gigs to avoid crashing my career.  It was obvious that she was tense at that point.

We stopped to buy some lightbulbs on the way home. The ones I bought were way too bright.  She commented that 150W replacements were too bright. I thought I had bought 120W replacements.  She got irritated when I made that comment.  A bit leter she commented "You got something on the floor!"  I asked "What is it?"  She angrily informed me that I had questioned her twice and I needed to trust her when she told me what rating was on the lightbulbs and that there was something on the floor. I commented, I did not question if there was somethign on the floor, I asked what is on the floor.  

It was a very long brooding evening from my Bride.

This AM she was still in quiet brooding mode. I asked what was wrong and that she needed to talk to me.  So, she mentioned the cheating conversation at dinner, went on about how she has no time to cheat, that she had brought before that she does not like it when I question her when she tells me something, and I had done it twice last evening.  I recognized that I had thought I had bought 120W replacements.  I then told her I did not question that there was something on the LG rug, that I had asked what it was and did not understand how that was me questioning her telling me there was something there.  So, we talked, it seemed to be okay when she left for work.  While she was getting ready I got a call from a company I have been in discussion with. They want to fly me out next week to Louisana for plant tours and several interviews. This one is interesting as it is in Ops management rather than in equipment engineering, maintenance and reliability.   I normally would not waste their time or mine since it will require relocation and put us in basically a bicoastal marriage situation. But, I am considering going just to get some traction.

F0rn:  My bride is on an eggs kick so I will do something appropriately eggy for dinner tonight.

We always seem to hit a rough patch when we have had a long run of incredibleness in our marriage.  Often because I shove my head up my own butt. I'm not feeling that this time.  This one is different.

So, we will see how the weekend goes.

MorningMia's picture

Obviously, as you know, your bride is stressed out. My DH no longer works, but he brings in a very comfortable retirement income. Still, there are times I feel frustrated when I feel like he isn't pulling his weight (for example, a day when I might work an 8-hour day out of the house then have to stop at the grocery store on my way home, then cook. . .these are mostly days he doesn't feel well, but my frustration is still there). 

Sounds like your DW needs a spa day as a surprise gift. And never bring up working people cheating with coworkers. lol. I can understand how she wondered what you might be getting at with that comment! 

Hope things are better today and that she enjoyed the egg dish (what did you make?) 

Remote work options?! 

Rags's picture

Im looking at remote, gig assignments, per diem assignments with week end flights home, and I have a fly out next week for interviews and plant tours though I have no intention of taking a job in a different State unless it is obscene money and I can affort to bank big bucks, cover living expenses there, and fly home every weekend.

We have no intention of being away from each other unless absolutely necessary. It is DW's turn to the be primary career focus. She is kicking ass in her career.  I'm just the arm candy.  But, I have been very highly compensated in my career and struggle with walking my income back too much just to not  be bored.  We hit our retirement asset goals last year though that target was set for a retirement in 5-7 years.  So, what to do, what to do.

Spa break for DW is a great idea.

I do the shopping, cooking and kitchen clean up. Though I do have plenty of time and should step up my game on the rest of the housework.  Just to reduce her stress, and mine.  

Fortuantely the tension from the other day went the way it usually goes. We talk, have a day of fairly quiet recovery time, and we are back to our usual close banter.

Thank goodness.

MorningMia's picture

Eff off (said in the kindest way

A client of mine (an organization) had an executive director who was there for 20+ years and was not performing. It appears she had done a good job for a number of years and then got too comfortable and refused to change with the times, learn new things, use new technology, and so on. I feel like I'm working with a 1990s-era organization.

I am under the impression the ED was pushed out--possibly told that they were giving her the option to resign vs. get fired. So, she quit very angrily and somewhat inappropriately shared her anger, which didn't match the story she told.
I can have some compassion for her, but, for God's sake, she's not letting go. She is still in contact with board members "on her side" and others in the organization--not like keeping up to have lunch and a good time, but stirring the angry pot. She has also emailed me a few times, making suggestions re: how some work should be done.  And I'm hearing that she is daily texting and messaging the employees there.

YOU ARE GONE. YOU LEFT. YOU WERE ANGRY WHEN YOU LEFT. GO! SHOO! Just stop it! Enjoy life, angry lady! 

PEARS:  I have to find the recipe but one holiday season, I made pears with melted brie and figs--and I think almonds were involved (the whole shebang went in the oven). I spent some moments in heaven back then!